Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1633: the truth

Chapter 1633: The Truth


The Emperor God smiled disdainfully, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he chuckled: "A junior who is less than one thousand years old, knows what is the ancient war? I think you are a devil!

The words did not fall, the eyes of the Emperor God suddenly burst out two bright lights.

The power of Hitomi is too fast, it's almost instantaneous!

Although Su Zimo stepped into the Mahayana realm and possessed the pupils of Youying, he could never stop the pupil of the God of Heaven.

In this pupil technique, the supernatural power hidden in it can even obliterate the old dragon of Xuanji Palace directly!


But just before the power of this pupil technique was about to hit Su Zimo, two flare burst out suddenly in the oblique stab, hitting these two **** lights!


A loud noise!

Emperor Chen Long shot, and pupil burst broke out to resist the **** pupil's pupil.

Chen Longhuang looked at his body, seemingly thin and dry, but stopped in front of Su Zimo, but resisted the power of the two pupils' collision!

"Heavenly Emperor, you are too impatient."

The Emperor Chen Long guarded Su Zimo behind him, and said lightly, "He hasn't said anything yet.

The monks present, especially many emperors, lived such a long life, and their eyelashes were empty.

Even if the Emperor Chen Long didn't say it, the Emperor Wu Huang and others could see that the behavior of the Emperor God was indeed abnormal.

The Emperor of God quickly calmed down, and said coldly, "This desolate army has killed so many people of my six hordes, he should have died!"

"is it."

Emperor Chen Long looked at the Emperor Wu Wu and others, and said, "I think it might be better to listen to him, what do you think?"

The blood emperor said: "This desolate martial art was killed by my six fierce clan, and I will kill it! In this case, there is no need to rush. I'll see what he can say."


The Emperor God sneered: "A milky little cub is nothing but gibberish and a word of mouth, what can he say! This old thing is to protect him and delay time!"

"Blood Emperor, have you forgotten that your bloodvine clan has died so many people, both young masters have been killed by this town?"

The Emperor of God said coldly: "This kind of deep hatred, you have to listen to what he said!"

Blood Emperor's face was slightly heavy.

This incident really caused the blood rattan clan to suffer a great deal of shock and lost all face.

The Emperor Jinwu also said aggressively: "Yes, why listen to his nonsense! I wait for the emperor, do you want to listen to a little babble talking here?"

"Heavenly emperor, what are you afraid of?"

Chen Longhuang smiled and asked.

"What am I afraid of!"

The emperor's face changed slightly, and he said loudly, "I realize the four superb magical powers. Even if the emperor of the ancient ages comes, I can fight one!"

The pretty emperor, the emperor emperor and so on stood by and watched indifferently.

Although the emperor looked fearless, he was already guilty.

The Witch King suddenly spoke and said, "You don't have to be in a hurry to kill this son. You might as well listen to him. If he dares to talk nonsense, I will be the first one to swallow his soul!"

Among the six emperors, what the Witch Witch said was very heavy, and the God Emperor snorted, and it was hard to refute.

The Emperor Chen Long looked at Su Zimo and nodded slightly, motioning him to continue.

Su Zimoyang said: "Presumably all the emperors know that in the ancient times, there were originally only eight fierce tribes, but no protoss."

"And the Protoss appeared not long before the Battle of the Ancients broke out!"

Hearing this, the Emperor God laughed and said, "Why, you wouldn't mean to say that the ancient war was caused by my protoss?"

"This is a fact."

Su Zimo said.


The words didn't end, and a laugh came from the six gangsters.

"This is what you call the truth?"

The look of the Underworld Witch also gradually cooled down.

Fengsha Luosha Emperor shook his head and said, "Desolate, desolate, just rely on your little tricks, and also want to stir up our six fierce kins?"

"You are us, are you alive for so many years?"

"You are indeed alive."

Su Zimo said relentlessly: "To this day, you don't even know how your ancestors died, and you still laugh heartlessly here!"

The laughter came to an abrupt end.

People of all races hear scalp!

Who are these people present?

On the continent, the top king!

Su Zimo dare to say such words to these emperors!

"Desolate, I think you are really tired!"

Blood Emperor Han said: "I don't want to hear anything from you, I will kill you now!"

Su Zimo ignored the threat of the Blood Emperor and continued: "Have you ever wondered why the weapons of the Protoss are different from all the magic weapons on the continent?"

"Why are the ancestors of the Protoss wearing storage rings instead of storage bags?"

"Why can't all the other mysteries in the Protoss be practiced?"

"Why all the characters of the Protoss are completely different from those on the continent."

Every question comes out, the killing in the eyes of the Emperor God is one more point!

Hades and others also frowned slightly, thoughtfully.

In the end, Su Zimo asked again, "Have you ever thought that since the continent was originally the eight fierce tribe, where did the protoss come from?"

The creatures of all races present were bewildered and many fierce races were lost in thought.

The Emperor God's eyes were gloomy, and he said coldly, "What is wrong with our protoss who have their own words and their own skills?"

Not only the protoss, but the major fierce tribes present all have their own words.

This does not seem to prove anything.

"what do you want to say?"

The Witch Wong asked in a deep voice.

Su Zimo fingered the emperor and slowly said, "The protoss is an alien civilization, and it comes from the continent of gods juxtaposed with the heavenly continent!"

"The War of the Ancients was the war between the three major taboos caused by the Protoss, which caused chaos in the heavens, so that God's continent invaded, occupied the heavens, and ruled the races!

With these words, the huge mysterious palace suddenly fell into a deadly silence!

The truth that Su Zimo uttered was too horrifying. It completely exceeded the imagination and cognition of the living beings of all ethnic groups, and it was difficult to accept it for a while.

The Witch King and others were silent, and no emotional fluctuations could be seen on their faces.

This truth completely subverted their perception!

Su Zimo's words could not convince them.


The Emperor of God even smiled, clapped his palms, and slightly proclaimed: "It's wonderful! It's a bit of an underestimation to say you're talking nonsense. You should be considered a lotus flower."

"Such a ridiculous truth, letting you tell it, is quite different, and I can't help but admire it."

Heavenly Emperor said: "If I say, this ancient war should be the plot of your human race! Because after the ancient war, it is the human race that governs the wasteland continent, not our protoss!"

Hearing here, all living beings nodded secretly.

"It was precisely because of the war in the ancient times that the nine fierce kins suffered great vitality, so that the people could rise up.

"It's the human race to say the ultimate benefit."

There was a sound of discussion around.

The third one is a bit late, good night everyone

(End of this chapter)

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