Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1638: Three boxing

Chapter 1638: Three Fists

"The age of Emperors of All Ages is over!"

The Fengsha Luosha Emperor snorted coldly and said, "From ancient times to the present, your tribe has just emerged as a human emperor. What do you compare with my fierce tribe?

In the eyes of these fierce races, the human race has always been those ants in the Archean period.

When these ants were in charge of the desolate continent for so many years, the hearts of the major fierce tribes had long been a fire, how could they easily give way.

Chen Longhuang said slowly: "In this life, the rise of the major fierce tribes is a general trend, no one can stop it, why should you be aggressive?"

The Witch King shook his head and said, "We have made a concession and promised you that the dragon races can coexist with all races and avoid wars. It is these races who have to take inches."

"If we are really aggressive, which family of this mysterious palace can live!"

"You guys, sell me a thin noodle."

Chen Longhuang sighed and said, "I really don't want to spend the rest of my life, and when I see the heavens and souls spreading charcoal, the flames of war are all around."

The Witch Wong groaned a little and said, "Okay! In that case, the Terrans must agree to give up all their territories! All practitioners will roll me to Penglai Island and never allow them to take half a step in the sky!"


An exclamation came from the crowd.

Although the Hades of the Witch had left a living path for the Terrans, they all drove all Terran practitioners to Penglai Island.

Although Penglai Island is very large, it is simply impossible to accommodate all the practitioners in Tianhuang.

What's more, there are hundreds of millions of Li people on this continent, and the world lives!

The human civilization of civilization has indeed been preserved, but what can we do in this world?

The pretty emperor frowned slightly and asked, "What about the hundreds of millions of mortals scattered all over the continent?"

"These ants will naturally become slaves of all races and become our blood."

The blood emperor licked his lips, a little excited.


Su Zimo didn't even think about it, flatly refused!

"Don't rush to refuse."

The Emperor Witch smiled and said, "I can give you these sectarian forces a second option, and submit to our fierce tribe. Naturally, I can save my life and I don't have to run to Penglai Island."

"Yes, the Protoss will go to Penglai Island in the future."

Emperor Jinwu looked at the Emperor of God, and suddenly said, "Brother of God, do you have any opinions about the gods?"


The Emperor God nodded.

The Protoss is now a target of public criticism, and he can give up a step.

What's more, on Penglai Island, the Protoss can start killing!

Penglai Island can't hold so many practitioners, but the Protoss is more than enough.

There was a stir in the crowd.

How many people of the human race can survive if they have driven all the protoss and humans to Penglai Island?

This arrangement of the King Wuhuo Emperor is extremely poisonous!

Chen Longhuang sighed, "You are pushing the human race to a dead end."

"Don't say that."

The emperor Jinwu Huo smiled slightly: "In the beginning, the emperor of the ancient people didn't let us fierce tribes, too, this is just causality."

The Emperor Witch also smiled and said, "Chen Longhuang, this time, don't say we didn't give the human race a chance. There are two ways, either to surrender or to roll to Penglai Island, and the human race can choose it!"

This arrangement was not only poisonous, but also left the problem to Emperor Chen Long.

If the Emperor Chenlong is indifferent, when the Protoss descends on Penglai Island, it will inevitably kill the human race.

But if he wages a war against the protoss now, he will fight for the Emperor of the Heavens, the Emperor of the Nether Witches, etc.

Chen Longhuang cannot advance or retreat!

At this moment, Chen Longhuang seemed to be much older.

There was also a turmoil in the crowd.

Some sectarian forces have a tendency to surrender.

This is not to blame them.

Even super sects such as Tianyijiao and Dishajiao have chosen to submit, what can they do?

Did he really run to Penglai Island and be killed by the Protoss town?

At least now surrender to the five fierce tribe, everyone can survive.

"Chen Longhuang, give it up."

The Emperor Witch laughed and said, "The people's race hasn't even dared to show up, so why insist on it?"

The Emperor of God suddenly sneered and said, "Well, whoever of the tribal emperors dared to show up, as long as they can pick me up three punches, I can guarantee that on Penglai Island, I will not kill the town!

Halfway through, no one responded.

Many monks looked sad, and bowed their heads.

The emperor laughed and said, "Who dares to appear in a battle!"

Still no one showed up.


There was a sound of laughter among the major fiends.

The Emperor of God looked at Su Zimo defiantly, and sneered: "Desolation, the emperor of your human race is a group of cowardly people, as timid as mice!"

"I will be on Penglai Island, waiting for you!"

The emperor's heart hated Su Zimo so much that he naturally humiliated the people and showed no mercy.

"Heavenly emperor, I'll take you three punches!"

At this moment, there was a sound of old drinking in the depths of Xuanji Palace.

The six monks opened the hall and walked slowly, everyone exuding a strong breath!

This is the coercion of the King!

Human Emperor!

The person headed is the storyteller of Xuanji Palace!

The five emperors next to them looked at their robes and costumes, respectively, the Snow Valley, the Zixiao School, the Overlord Palace, the Su Nu Zong, and the King Kong Temple!

Six human race kings come!

Su Zimo suddenly frowned.

He noticed that the breath of the six human race emperors was not stable and seemed to consume a lot.

The old storyteller headed was already gray-haired, with a dull face. Although he was standing upright, he was almost exhausted!

Lin Xuanji was beside Su Zimo, holding his fists and clenching his lips, looking sad.

"What happened to the storyteller?"

Su Zimo couldn't help asking.

Lin Xuanji shook his head without speaking.

"Ha ha."

The Emperor God looked at the six storytellers and the old man, with a smile, and sarcastically said, "Why, isn't that magical list easy to control?"

The emperor's magical power list has disappeared into the sky and returned to the ancient battlefield.

The storytelling old man stood up and said in a deep voice: "Tianjin, I tell you, even in this life, the luck of the human race is declining, but they are not all greedy for life!"

"Just your bone, I can press a finger!"

The emperor sneered.

"Storyteller, let me."

The King of King Kong Temple sank.

"No, it's over, just try your best."

The storytelling old man smiled arrogantly, saying, "People who do not die, even if they die today, our human dignity cannot be trampled by an alien!"

"come on!"

The storytelling old man stepped forward.

"court death!"

There was a anger in the emperor's heart, and he could not bear it anymore. He stretched out a finger and pressed it hard towards the storytelling old man!

The light is shining and the void is trembling!

(End of this chapter)

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