Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1639: People's Palace!

Chapter 1639 The Imperial Palace!

The storytelling old man looked dignified, urged Yuanshen, and waved his hands in front of him, suddenly throwing out his robe sleeves and screaming, "The sleeve is in the sky!"


The God Emperor's finger failed to rest on the storytelling old man, but seemed to be trapped in a world, boundless and boundless!

In this sleeve, there is a supernatural power.

It's just a sleeve of a robe, but it's in itself!

This peerless magical power is not strong, but it can tolerate everything, and everyone in this mysterious palace can be accommodated in this little robe sleeve.

In this side of the sky, the fingers of the Emperor Emperor issued endless light, galloping constantly!


The Emperor of God gave a cold hum, and suddenly a terrifying force permeated this finger, as if turned into a huge spear, with a sharp edge, to penetrate everything and judge everything!

The storytelling old man changed slightly.

Stab it!

The storyteller's robe sleeve was instantly fragmented!

This side of Qiankun was also broken by the fingers of the Emperor God, and the horrifying force hit the storytelling old man, directly smashing his body into a blood mist!

The power of the two sides is too different!

Even this peerless supernatural power can't resist a finger of the emperor!

It is also a peerless supernatural power. The emperor who realizes the six peerless supernatural powers is released, and the natural power is several times stronger.

Su Zimo can see clearly.

The storytelling old man did not die.

Just at the moment of the Emperor's finger, the sleeves of his sleeves were opened, and the old storyteller noticed the danger in advance, and the first step was to get out of the way to avoid the killing of this finger!

The primitive **** of storytelling, floating in mid-air, looking at the blood mist in front of him, was unable to condense the flesh.

Not that he didn't want to.

It was the power of his primordial spirit that was almost exhausted, and he could not even regenerate his blood!

This scene makes people sad.

The dignified emperor's emperor will actually fall to this step.


Many royals whispered around.

Everyone can feel the weakness of the storytelling old man, his primordial spirit, and the breath of life passing by quickly.

Even if the Emperor of Heaven does not have to take a second shot, the storyteller will soon die.


Lin Xuanji grabbed the first half step and sighed sadly.

Although he is usually the same as the storytelling old man, he has deep feelings.

He never called the old storyteller ‘Master’, but at this moment, the two words buried deep in his heart blurted out.


Many monks looked sad and fell to the ground.

Everyone can see that the storytelling old man knows that he must die, and he must stand up to protect the final dignity of the human race!

"Ha ha."

The Emperor God mocked, and said disdainfully, "Even I can't resist a finger, and dare to jump out and die!"

"I'll send you the last trip!"

The deity of the **** flicked lightly at his fingertips, and a divine light hit the old storyteller!


At this moment, a thunderbolt fell from the sky, directly hitting this divine light, shattering this divine light!

Everyone moved!

You have to know that even a divine light popped up by the Emperor of the Gods is enough to destroy most of the emperors. How can it be easily defeated.

Who can crush the power of the Emperor?

Everyone looked up subconsciously.

I saw a thunder and lightning thunder over the mysterious palace, a large cloud covered, forming a huge vortex, constantly rotating, emitting a terrifying coercion!

In this sea of ​​clouds and vortexes, a huge ocean of thunder and lightning formed.

The thunder was billowing and the light was shining!

An ancient palace descends slowly in the sea of ​​clouds and vortexes, appearing above the mysterious palace, with oppressive fury, like a god!

People's palace is now!

In the eyes of many practitioners, endless enthusiasm arises, almost to cheer!

What does the imperial palace appear at this time?

Is the emperor's emperor coming to heaven?

The imperial palace descends, letting many practitioners rekindle hope!

The major fierce powerhouses were all pale and frightened.

The mere shadow of the emperor just made them inexplicable, let alone the palace of the emperor!

However, the major fierce emperors present, such as the Hades, the Emperor Jinwu, the Emperor of the Heavens, and others, looked calm and looked up at this ancient palace with increasing momentum!

Even if the imperial palace descends, they cannot be suppressed!

"Is it the emperor's arrival?"

The red hair ghost was startled.

The Emperor Chen Long shook his head and said, "The Emperor of the Ancient Peoples has already ascended to the upper realm. It is impossible to reverse the plane and run up to the continent of the lower realm."

"What do you mean?"

The red hair ghost frowned slightly.

"In this universe, I do n’t know how many worlds, such as the continent, are one of them."

Chen Longhuang explained: "These worlds, on the same plane, have similar powers. If they can survive the calamity, they will rise to a higher plane of power, which is what we call the upper bound. . "

"There is a terrible law of heaven and earth between the upper and lower bounds. The monks in the lower bounds want to ascend, they need to survive, they must die."

"And the fairy of the upper world, it is impossible to run to the lower world!"

"Before the people in the upper world come to heaven, they will be destroyed by the laws of heaven and earth in the middle!"

The red hairy nodded.

If the people in the upper world can casually run to the lower world, I am afraid that the billions of worlds in this world have long since become a mess!

Su Zimo's expression moved and he stopped talking.

Only he knew that what Chen Longhuang said was not absolute!

At least, Butterfly Moon has been to Heaven!

By means of Butterfly Moon, it is definitely the existence of the upper bound!

Su Zimo asked: "Why can that man's palace pass through the Upper Realm?"

Emperor Chen Long shook his head and said, "The Emperor's Hall has never risen to the upper bounds. This is the last card that the emperor emperor stays in Tianhuang!"

Su Zimo felt a shock in his heart, and vaguely guessed something.

Chen Longhuang continued: "In fact, the major fierce tribes have long restored the peak of the ancient times, but they have not taken any action because of the deterrence of the imperial palace!"

"The Emperor's Palace has appeared seven times. The legacy of the Emperor is left behind. It is only an appearance. The real purpose is to deter the major fiends!"

"The owner of the Emperor's Palace is the emperor of all ages, but the person in charge of the Emperor's Palace is another person, called the guardian of the palace."

"It's him!"

In Su Zimo's mind, the mysterious old man in the palace of the emperor emerged.

Emperor Chenlong said: "The guardians of the palace continue to inherit, and the guardians of every generation are almost the most powerful emperors of your people!"

"Then why in this world do the major gangsters dare to take action?"

Su Zimo asked again.

"Because, the guardians of this life are as old as me."

Emperor Chenlong said: "The guardian of the temple 40,000 years ago, he once fancyed a monk who wanted to train him as the next heir to the adult palace. He even passed on the mirror of the emperor to this person."

"Unfortunately, this person fell 40,000 years ago, and the guardians of the temple could not find a suitable successor."

"If the person did not die 40,000 years ago, the person must have grown into a new guardian of the temple over the past few years. The emperor and others have some fears and may not dare to act lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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