Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1640: Coexistence

Chapter 1640: Buddha and Demon Coexist

Hearing this, Su Zimo was shocked!

Not only did he know who the 40,000 years ago was in the mouth of Chen Longhuang.

He even knew that this person was not dead at all!

If, forty thousand years ago, anyone could get the approval of the Emperor's Hall, I am afraid there is only one person, that is, a monk!

In this way, it was only the demon of the Ming monk who deterred the bigger fierce clan, and the manifested ghost image of the emperor!

At this point, Su Zimo's heart burst into sighs.

I have to say that the Ming Dynasty monk was indeed the most terrible Tianjiao evil.

After entering the palace of the Emperor, he did not say, but also received the approval of the guardian of the palace. He wanted to make him the heir of the palace of the emperor and continue to guard the human race!

It is a pity that later, the monks and the princes went wrong, and the Daming monk fought against the Blood Demon Daojun. Both disappeared and their whereabouts are unknown.

It wasn't until this lifetime that the monks came out of the mountain again!

And this time out of the mountain, it also shows the horror of the Ming monk!

Not only reflected in combat power, but even more terrible is the ingenious mind and strategy!

The Taichu ancient temple, the World War I, the Six Star Hill World War, all have his traces behind him. Behind these wars, he is the biggest winner!

Su Zimo is known as the eternal evil, but in this life, Qing Lian was really in the hands of the monk, but she did not take any advantage.

To be precise, Qing Lian's true body is almost led by the Ming monk!

The two played against each other once, and Qinglian really lost.

If, at the same level, Qinglian Zhenshen has no confidence in the previous person, then this person is a great monk!

The 40,000-year imprisonment has changed the Daming monk too much.

He practiced the Book of Blood Scriptures.

In order to cultivate this magic skill, he did not hesitate to lay down the traps of the Taichu ancient temple, and led many greedy monks to jump in.

In the Battle of Heaven and Earth Valley, he hid behind his back and planned for all the strong men in the world, including the major fierce tribes, even the heavenly machines!

He used Su Zimo to fight against Xuanji Palace, sneaked into Xuanji Palace, and stole Xuantianlu.

It seems that everyone can't escape his calculations.

It seems that everyone is his pawn!

But Daming Monk had just let Su Zimo die because of a rosary.

He also handed over the complete Daming Rosary to Su Zimo!

His hands were stained with countless blood.

But he was outside Liuxing Mountain, and the space was blocked under the cloth, killing all the Bloodvine Clan on Liuxing Mountain!

He practiced the Blood Alchemy Sutra, which was addictive.

Su Zimo's blood is an absolute complement to him.

But he rescued Su Zimo several times.

Today's Wanzu conference, the major murderous families wantonly kill, the arrogance is arrogant, not many people in the field of cultivation have dared to stand up.

But he used the Emperor's Mirror to reflect the emperor's virtual shadow, helping the emperors of the human race to deter the fierce tribe!

Daming Monk is a contradictory person.

Su Zimo had this feeling at the first sight of the monk.

He has never seen a person, both magical and Buddhist!

The monks of the Ming Dynasty practiced the Blood Scriptures and were bloodthirsty and cruel.

But he had practiced in the Buddha's door, and was compassionate and compassionate for all beings.

When a person has so much demon and Buddha nature, it means that he is suffering and suffering all the time!

Daming monk can make a choice.

He has already practiced the Book of Blood Alchemy, and he can completely give up the Buddha nature and let himself be freed.

But he didn't.

In fact, the Daming Monk is not a real human race.

Inside his body, half of the Tianyan tribe blood flowed.

Such an identity should not have become the heir to the palace.

Forty thousand years ago, the guardian of the temple made this choice, he must hesitate for a long time, and endured great pressure.

But today, Su Zimo wanted to tell the guardians.

At the time, his choice was not wrong.

Even if the monk practiced magic skills today, he did not completely degenerate into a demon, but stood up in the race of the nations!

"The guardian, come out!"

The Emperor God sneered slightly, Shen said: "You don't have to pretend to be a ghost here, you are already old, and your chosen heir died 40,000 years ago!"

The door of the Emperor's Hall rose, and a figure walked out of the hall and stood in the air. It is the mysterious old man Su Zimo had seen in the Emperor's Hall!

The guardian lightly touched his fingertips, and a turquoise light immersed himself in the storytelling old man's almost withered primitive spirit.

In the void, there is an extremely powerful magical power!

In this turquoise light, the vitality is amazing!

Emperor Chenlong said: "It's endless. With this peerless magical power, the storyteller's life is temporarily saved."

as expected!

Under the nourishment of this turquoise ray, the primitive **** of storytellers revived, regained consciousness, and woke up.

He urged Yuan Shen, using his own blood not far away, and instantly reshaped his physical body.

Of course, his breath is still extremely weak.

It is endless, although it is full of vitality, but it cannot supplement Shouyuan.

And the storyteller's birthday is almost exhausted!

The guardian frowned.

"I didn't expect you to show up."

The Witch Wong smiled slightly and said, "However, in this life, the human race has run out of luck, and you can't save it!"

The guardian said in a deep voice: "You, the human race can give up most of the territory. But just on Penglai Island, it cannot accommodate so many people!"

"Even if the human race is weak, they are not bullied by the ten thousand people!"

"Of the four domains in the southeast, northwest, and south, the human race will occupy one domain!"

The Emperor Jinwu laughed loudly and said, "The guardian, it seems that you still don't understand the current situation, you may not be able to leave today!"

"The guardian, you just realize the five superb supernatural powers, and you are old, even me, can suppress you!"

Fengsha Rakshasa sneered.

"Brother Fengsha doesn't have to take a shot."

The emperor's eyes were cold and cold, "I'll take your place and kill them!"

The emperor of the heavens urged the blood, and in the palm of his hand, there was already a spear with a golden light flashing on it. Ascending to the sky, he had already come to the guardian of the temple!


The Emperor God pierced his gun.

There are no more complicated moves, just go straight and make the complex a simple shot, permeated with the dazzling light of God, and it's almost here!

The guardian of the temple suddenly straightened his back, his eyes were clear, and in the palm of his hand, I did not know when he had held a short gun, only a foot long.

To be precise, this is a pen!

The whole body is green, crystal clear, and like jadeite, the nib is condensed into a sharp nib with unknown silver wire, looking sharp and sharp!


The guardian of the palace waved the jade pen in his hand, and pointed at the emperor's spear.


The seemingly weak jade pen collided with the sharp and sharp gun tip, and a loud noise erupted. The power of terror suddenly burst, and a huge halo of power pervaded!

"It's a pen!"

Chen Longhuang squinted slightly and murmured.

(End of this chapter)

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