Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1641: Battle of Supernatural Powers

Chapter 1641 The Battle of Supernatural Powers

The emperor's pen was the supreme magic weapon of the emperor's continent!

In the battle of ancient times, in the pen of the emperor, I do not know how many fierce powerhouses fell.

Falling in one stroke can judge the life and death of the emperor!

Stroke across with a sharp edge, can be a sharp weapon!

In ancient times, the emperor of the ancient world ruled the three magic weapons, and it was invincible!

These three magic weapons are the emperor's pen to kill first, the emperor's mirror to defend first, and the emperor's seal to power first!

Today, Renhuang Mirror and Renhuang Pen have all appeared.

The Emperor's Mirror is in the hands of a monk.

The emperor's pen is in the hands of the guardian!

The emerald pen of this turquoise man appeared, and the pupils of the major fierce fighters contracted slightly, revealing the color of fear.


The emperor was fearless and sang loudly.

The blood in his body was surging, a huge ghost of the **** of heaven descended, and the fighting force soared, rushing towards the guardian!

There is a word in the guardian population, and a secret method is released. The breath is constantly rising and the blood is surging.

The guardian waved the emperor's pen in his hand and collided with the constant killing of the emperor.

The void shuddered, and huge cracks appeared!

The battlefield has collapsed, even if the ordinary emperor accidentally gets involved, they will die!

This is the battle of top kings!

The living beings of all races have long retreated to the distance.

Su Zimo has Chen Longhuang in front of him, and he can observe the war at close range.

This battle is a rare opportunity for Su Zimo's two true bodies to learn and understand!

At the moment, it is clear that the two sides are not using their full strength.

Just fighting blood and fighting melee.

Once you use magical powers, it will be even more terrifying!

Su Zimo asked softly: "The emperor of the gods comprehends four peerless supernatural powers. Normally, the combat power should be equivalent to the human emperor who understands the six peerless supernatural powers."

"The guardians of the temple only understand the five ways of peerlessness. How can they fight against the Emperor of Heaven without falling into the wind?"

"Because of the people's palace."

The emperor Chen Long explained: "This palace is the emperor's weapon that was last refined before the emperor's crossing and taking off. It remains on the continent and contains the ultimate power and coercion of the emperor!"

"The guardian of the palace never left the palace of the emperor. In fact, it was with the power of the palace of the emperor that he could fight the emperor of the gods."

"Jingo Iron Horse!"

At this moment, the Emperor of Heaven looked impatient for a long time and was already impatient. He waved his spear and pointed at the guardian!


Behind the Emperor of Heaven, a large group of ancient iron riders emerged. The soldiers held Chang Ge and wore battle armors, and even the warhorses of their Majesty all wore armor, exposing only a pair of eyes, exuding gloom!

On top of these long riders of the iron ride, there was a flash of golden light, the hoof sounded thunderous and deafening!

This piece of iron riding came, almost crushing the sky, and dense cracks appeared on the sky!

Shake the mountain!

Thousands of creatures look horrified!

This momentum is too terrible!

This piece of iron rides rushes, it can almost step into the entire mysterious palace, and trample into ruins!

Peerless powers!

Only the supernatural power can erupt such amazing power!

The guardian looked dignified, waved the emperor's pen in his hand, and swiped quickly in front of him, drinking softly: "Paint the ground!"


Under the emperor's pen, a gleam of green divine light burst into the void.

Under the watchful eyes of many monks, the ground suddenly cracked at the feet of this iron rider, and sand and stones splashed, giving birth to huge pillars of sky, forming a huge prison!

Above these stone pillars, barbed and sharp.

This side was imprisoned, and all Jinge Iron Horses released by the Emperor of God were imprisoned in them!

boom! boom! boom!

Two peerless supernatural powers collided in mid-air, and a loud noise broke out, shaking the earth!

It didn't take long for these two peerless supernatural powers to gradually dissipate, and the powerful supernatural powers were still pervading in the void, making people palpitated.

"Okay, sure enough!"

There was a cold light in the eyes of the Emperor God, and he said viciously, "I want to see, how long can you persist!"

Chen Longhuang sighed slightly.

Su Zimo also frowned.

Although the guardian of the palace leaned against the palace of the emperor and was blessed by the constant strength of the palace of the emperor, he was old after all.

The Emperor of Heaven, is at its peak!

Once in a hard battle, the guardian of the temple must not be able to support it!

At this moment, Long Huang's body squinted slightly, and a gray mist surged between her hands, quickly condensing a long knife between her palms.

Great magical power, years like a knife!


This long grey knife was chopped down towards the Emperor!

"Ha ha."

Many emperors have seen this scene for a long time, but instead of stopping it, they sneered with ridicule in their eyes.

"It's really ignorance, a great magical power, and still want to hurt the Emperor?"

Jin Wu Huohuang sneered slightly.

The Witch King did not speak, but frowned.

Above this long knife, he felt an unusual breath!


Although the Emperor of God battled with the guardians of the temple, he looked at the Sixth Road and noticed the grey long knife coming behind him, and couldn't help smirking: "Light of fireflies!"

The Emperor of the Gods did not return, grabbed it with his backhand, and directly crushed the long gray knife!

The palm of his hand is naturally safe and sound!


But soon, Tenjin's face changed!


Just at this moment, his birthday was suddenly reduced by as much as 30,000 years!

This time, he can startle the Emperor!

The Shouyuan of the Protoss, in general, is twice as much as the human race.

In other words, the longevity of the Protoss emperor is as long as 200,000 years!

The God of Heaven has terrible talents. He has cultivated to this level, and now he has just passed 100,000 years!

This knife fell down, he has become 130,000 years old!


The Emperor of the Gods failed to respond for a while, condensed the supernatural power, and wanted to restore Shouyuan in his body.

When he wanted to come, how could a great magical power affect him.

Even if he cuts his Shouyuan, as long as he runs the magical power, Shouyuan can recover as before.

But the next moment, Emperor God's face was completely gloomy!

Thirty thousand years of life, disappeared forever!

The Witch King and others also noticed the changes in the God Emperor.

"This miraculous cut Shou Yuan, even irreversible?"

"Just a great magical power, how could it hurt the Emperor of Heaven?"

Jin Wuhuohuang frowned.

The Witch King said in a deep voice: "Be careful, this great magical power of the desolate army is a bit weird. It has been exposed to the power of years. You cannot use the flesh and blood to resist it. Only with the power of magical power can you defeat it!"

"Junior, dare!"

The Emperor God noticed the change in his body, and was so angry that he abandoned the guardian and turned to kill the dragon and the dragon!

He did not suffer any damage from the battle with the temple guards.

Unexpectedly, this sword of Long Phoenix really cut his 30,000 years of life!

Let's go to bed early, I haven't changed anything today, I will sort out the follow-up ideas

(End of this chapter)

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