Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1642: Kingdom of God in the palm of your hand

Chapter 1642 The Kingdom of God in the Palm

The Tianhuang Emperor turned and rushed over, Long Huang Zhenshen had already condensed the second time knife, and chopped down towards the Tianhuang Emperor!

The Emperor God's pupils contracted, and his heart froze.

This time, he didn't dare to entrust him, and he waved the golden spear backhand and pointed at the long gray knife.

But this gray long knife, as if there is no entity, is like nothingness, even through the gold spear, it is chopped towards the **** of heaven!


The Emperor God took a sip of air-conditioning, and his look changed!

Time is like a knife. Although it is not a peerless superpower, it is the power of time. It is the most nihilistic and the most difficult to think about. Weapons such as magic weapons cannot stop the years from passing.

The Emperor of Heaven must not let this second sword fall on him.

He was slashed to become 130,000 years old, and he can still maintain his peak and strong blood.

But if you are cut off and become 160,000 years old, you will start to go down!

He cannot afford this loss!

The Emperor of the Gods had no time to think too much, and the divine power of the protoss, the ring of divine blood, broke out in the first time!


The blood of the Emperor God's body was surging, with the body of the **** as the center, and suddenly punched a golden ring of God, spreading around him!

This ring of gods passed the time knife and instantly destroyed it, shattering the impact of this long knife into nothingness!

Time and knife, after all, just great magical powers.

In the face of the power of a peerless supernatural power, it is vulnerable.

The power of this ring of **** blood has destroyed the time knife, but it has not yet exhausted, covering the dragon and phoenix in the past!

Chen Longhuang stood out, poked out his palm, and was still in the air, then transformed into a strong and powerful blue dragon's claw, permeated with the power of superb supernatural power, grabbed down to this **** ring!


The ring of divine blood hit the claws of the blue dragon, and a loud noise came.

Chen Longhuang was shocked.

This ring of divine blood was also smashed by the claws of the blue dragon, and the ring of the **** collapsed, but the power of magical power echoed in the air for a long time.

"Heavenly emperor, what do you want to do!"

Surrounded by the ancient dragon spirit of Chen Longhuang, his head is swollen, his body is swollen, and he will transform into a dragon form at any time, and he will fight against the **** of heaven!

The emperor looked dreadful and paused.

"God of God, you go, dragon side, we help you stare, no one will bother you."

Jin Wu Huohuang said coldly.

The five emperors were naturally happy to see this scene, and let the Emperor of Heaven and the guardian of the palace fight, they watched with cold eyes, and took advantage of the fishermen.

The Emperor of Heaven is not a fool.

He wanted to kill the guardians, but actually wanted to grab them!

As long as the Emperor's Palace is a powerful weapon, his combat power will rise again. The five fierce royals will join forces, and he can fight with one of them!

At this point, the Emperor God glared at Dragon Phoenix seriously, temporarily abandoned this side, and turned again to kill the guardian.


This time, the Emperor God directly condensed the bleeding vein vision!

Under his body, an ancient and magnificent pyramid emerged, mysterious and powerful, and in terms of momentum, it was no less impressive than the imperial palace!

Around the pyramid, billions of souls bow down and pray!

The divine power visible to the naked eye continuously poured into the Emperor's body, making his breath quickly rise!


With the power of blood vision, the emperor of the gods raised a golden spear and assassinated the guardian.


The golden spear is like a streamer, the gun body has completely disappeared, and it stabbed in front of the guardian of the temple instantly, sharp and penetrating everything!

The guardian of the palace waved the emperor's pen and moved forward a little.


The seemingly soft nib collided with the gold spear, and a sound of Jin Ge attacked, and Mars was splashing!

The guardian looked slightly changed and took two steps backwards.


The golden streamer stabbed again!

The emperor ’s marksmanship has no complicated moves, but it goes straight, the road is simple, and the most terrible power bursts out at the fastest speed!

when! when! when!

The guardian of the palace dances and moves with the emperor's pen, and fights against the Emperor of God, and his body keeps retreating!

However, between two or three breaths, the Emperor God stabbed dozens of guns, and the guardian of the temple kept backing, his face became more and more ugly.


In the end, the guardian of the palace slammed into the palace of the emperor, humming, and spit out blood.

"Guardian, you're done!"

The Emperor God stepped on top of the pyramid, and a stream of God's light source was continuously injected into the body. Holding a spear, he was imposing, like a god!

The guardian's eyes fell on the vision of the emperor's blood.

With this bloodline vision, the power of the Emperor God will continue to rise, almost endless!

This blood vision must be broken to restore the situation!

"go with!"

The temple guard urged Yuan Shen, and the palace of the emperor standing in the air behind him moved, shaking off the dust, and with a terrifying momentum, he ran into the blood vision under the emperor.

The pyramid and the Emperor's Hall slammed together, and a loud noise broke out!

The Emperor God was so shocked that he almost fell from above the pyramid.

Click! Click!

The pyramid cracked, bursting with golden light.

No matter how strong the vision of the emperor's blood is, it will not stop the power of the emperor's palace!


The Emperor God looked cold and chilled: "After all, you only understand the five superb supernatural powers. With the help of the emperor, you can't last long!"

"Peerless magical power, the kingdom of God in the palm!"

The Emperor of God shouted aloud, stretched out his palm, and filled with a horrible supernatural power in his palm, pouring into the blood vision under him.

The original fragmented pyramid heals at a rate that is visible to the naked eye.

Immediately afterwards, the vision of the blood beneath him turned into a streamer and fell into his palm!

In the palm of the Emperor God, there is more than one pyramid like this, but it is dense and dense, with endless sights!

Under each pyramid, there are kneeling souls worshiping.

Above these pyramids sits a powerful protoss!

These pyramids float in the air, supporting the gods, looking down at all beings, the golden light is diffused, it is simply the kingdom of a god!

The blood vision of the Emperor God is already strong enough.

But this blood vision is just one power in this peerless supernatural power!

"The kingdom of God in the palm."

Emperor Chen Long looked dignified and said: "This peerless supernatural power is almost the most powerful killing technique of the Protoss.

On the battlefield.

The guardian of the palace also knew the terrible power of this peerless supernatural power. He looked dignified and waved his pen to cut his wrist.

Suddenly, blood was dripping!

The silver nib of Renhuang's pen, stained with these blood, instantly became scarlet and bright!

The guardian held the emperor's pen and stroked in the void!

A blood color, passing through the void without condensing!

This blood light instantly fell on the kingdom of God in the palm of the Emperor God. This side of the protoss world shook a bit, but it had no effect!

(End of this chapter)

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