Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1643: Greet the host

Chapter 1643 Welcome to the Master

The guardian gritted his teeth, urged the Yuanshen, waved the emperor's pen, and again in the void, made a stroke, leaving another bloodstain!

This bloodstain, intersecting with the first bloodstain, is like a long knife with two handles!

The two bloodstains were marked out. The guardian's face was obviously paler, and his forehead saw sweat, which seemed to consume him a great deal.

However, these two bloodstains did not have much impact on the supernatural powers of the Emperor.

With the kingdom of God in the palm of his hand, the Emperor of the Gods rushed towards the guardian!

The guardian took a deep breath and waved the Emperor's pen again. Under the two bloodstains, he stroked twice to write a cross!

These two bloodstains rushed to the emperor!

The Emperor God looked fearless, sneered slightly, held up the kingdom of God in his palm, and resisted these two bloodstains!

This time, the footsteps of the Emperor God also paused!

But the situation of the guardians is even worse!

After drawing these two bloodstains, the figure of the guardian shook and became extremely weak.

"The guardian seems to be writing."

Su Zimo frowned slightly.

The Emperor Chen Long nodded his head and said, "This is an extremely powerful peerless magical power that kills horror. At that time, the emperor emperor released this peerless magical power and I do not know how many emperors were buried!"

"This peerless superpower is called Killing Words!"

"Kill the word?"

Su Zimo glanced a stun in his eyes and said, "The guardian is writing a killing word!"


The Emperor Chen Long nodded his head, and then shook his head again: "It's just that this superb magical power, he can't control it, just write four strokes, he has reached the limit.

"What can I do?"

Long Huang frowned and said, "Did you just watch the guardian be killed by the gods?"

Chen Longhuang silently.

Hell Wong, Jinwu Huohuang and others are staring at him.

If he shoots, it will inevitably lead to the war of the emperor. At that time, the situation will be out of control, and the taboo Dragon and Phoenix may fall here!

This is an unacceptable loss for the Dragon!

The Emperor Chenlong can only choose to protect the Dragon Phoenix.

"I believe he will come!"

At this moment, the old storyteller not far away looked up at the sky, with a reverent expression and a quiet murmur.

Almost everyone is watching this battle in the air, and no one hears the story of the old storyteller.

Su Zimo moved in his heart and couldn't help asking: "Who will come?"

The storytelling old man just looked at the sky and said nothing in silence.

Su Zimo's mind suddenly flashed a very bold idea, and he was startled!

But he quickly denied the idea.


Su Zimo shook his head secretly: "It's impossible!"

On the battlefield.

The guardian stared at the Emperor God, holding the Emperor's pen in both hands, almost shaking, marking the fifth bloodstain!

This **** 'kill' word is almost complete, only the last!

The fifth bloodstain hit the kingdom of God in the palm, and the kingdom of this side shakes violently, making a creaking noise, it seems to have reached the edge of collapse!

Even if it is not the emperor, you can still see that as long as the guardian writes the sixth stroke and writes this complete 'kill' word, it will inevitably destroy the kingdom of God in the palm of the emperor!

However, this last sum can't be written anymore.

The fifth stroke is already his limit!

The guardian of the temple held the emperor's pen, and his vision was a bit fuzzy, and he could not hold it anymore.


The Emperor God laughed and said, "Keep the guardian, give up! In this life, not ancient times!"

"Don't say that you are just a dog beside the Emperor. In this life, even if the ancient emperor comes, I can suppress it!"

Tenjin has this confidence.

The emperor of ancient times was so powerful that he only realized the six superb supernatural powers.

And now, his combat power is equivalent to comprehending the human masters of the six superb supernatural powers!


As soon as the Emperor's voice fell, a thunder came suddenly from the sky, and it exploded. The creatures of all races only felt their ears buzzing, and their minds were blank and shocked.

Not to mention them, even the emperor present was a little changed, frowning.

The Emperor of Heaven was more affected, his body shook a bit, his ears were tingling and his expression was painful!

This scene is like the Emperor God provoked the Emperor Emperor, and was punished by some kind of condemnation!

All living beings looked up.

I saw a huge gap cracking in the sky, with a burst of white light bursting inside, filled with extremely terrifying coercion!

This coercion does not seem to belong to the continent, but comes from another plane!

This scene is like tearing a gap in the sky of the continent!

The tearing void of Mahayana ancestors is within this world.

Now, it is a terrible force coming from outside, penetrating this side of the heaven and earth!

The storytelling old man looked up at the sky, the blazing brilliance, looking excited, even stepped forward to kneel to the ground!

The guardian took a sigh of relief, regained his soberness, and looked at the storytelling old man's move. He seemed to realize what he was exclaiming, "You run out of life, did you use that secret method?"


The storyteller replied loudly.

The guardian looked complex, looking at the glorious glory above the sky, and fell to his knees, saying, "Greeting to the master!"

"Welcome to the master?"

Many of the creatures present were stunned for a while, and couldn't react for a while.

But soon, the faces of many emperors changed greatly!

The master of the temple guard, is not ...

"Eternal Emperor!"

The major emperors exclaimed!


The Underworld Emperor cried out loudly: "The emperor of the ancient times has risen to the upper realm. Between the upper and lower realms, there is a terrible avenue rule. How can the ancient emperor return to the wild!

Su Zimo did not speak, but stared at the sky intently.

I saw a figure coming out of that glorious brilliance. The man was extremely handsome, dressed in white robes, black hair dancing, his eyes were as deep as stars, as if they contained endless mysteries and wisdom!

Heaven and earth seem to be frozen, everything is still!

The man looked down, and there were endless vicissitudes and emotions in those eyes.

This moment, the sky is silent!

In the depths of the millennium blood sea in the Wan Yao Valley, an extremely horrible existence quickly grabbed its breath and returned to peace.

In Zhongzhou, an ancient coffin beneath a cemetery originally heard a squeaky sound, as if someone was using their nails to move the coffin.

But suddenly, the voice disappeared.

This ancient coffin also restored peace.

Above the East China Sea.

A flat boat floats.

A fisherman with a bucket bucket was originally on Erlang's legs, lying on the flat boat leisurely and basking in the sun.

But suddenly, the fisherman trembled, rolled over, and fell into the East China Sea!

The moment he entered the sea, the fisherman disappeared, turned into a big fish, and swam deep into the sea!

(End of this chapter)

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