Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1644: Emperor of all ages!

Chapter 1644 The Emperor of Ancient Times!

Emperor of all ages!

The creatures of all races widened their eyes, opened their mouths, and were shocked to say nothing, their faces appeared incredible colors.

The major fierce powerhouses are still scared and scared!

This is not a ghost image of the emperor, this is the true emperor of all ages, embodying the heart-breaking Tao and Law!

The most powerful emperors, such as the Emperor of the Heavens and the Nether Witch, cannot see through the realm of the emperor!

In the past, in the past, with the talents and qualifications of the Emperor's Emperor, what kind of practice has you reached? It is simply unthinkable!

thump! thump!

The strong men of the fierce tribe fell to their knees, shivering, and turned pale.

Even the Underworld Emperor, the Tenjin Emperor and others are no exception!

Thousands of souls bowed down.

Although the emperor of the ancient people did not intentionally distribute any coercion, the reputation of the emperor of the ancient people was enough to shock the people!

In the eyes of many practitioners, there is endless excitement and enthusiasm.

Emperor of all ages!

In this legend, the most amazing and powerful emperor in ancient times re-emerged into the sky when the human race was in danger!

"Meet the Emperor!"

Many practitioners shouted loudly, their spirits were uplifted and their hearts were agitated.

"The Emperor is coming, who dares to bully my people!"

Shouted a monk.

The other person looked at the emperor of the six fierce clan, biting his teeth: "You arrogant arrogance of the fierce clan! Emperor God, aren't you trying to suppress the emperor emperor! Stand up!"

"Heaven, why are you kneeling on the ground like a dog!"

Many practitioners sneered.

"How is it possible! How is it possible!

The Emperor Tianshen and others were sweating profusely, looking at the man above the sky in disbelief, with fear in his eyes!

Coming down from the upper bound, this completely broke the rules of heaven and earth!

We must know that the upper and lower bounds are completely two planes at different levels, with extremely strict restrictions on the principle of the avenue.

The lower bound rises to the upper bound, and it is necessary to survive the calamity and die a lifetime.

And the people in the upper realm who want to go to the lower realm are simply dead!

It is precisely because of the existence of this avenue principle that the upper and lower realms can not invade each other, and the souls of the lower realm can naturally grow up and practice.

If the upper realm can easily come to the lower realm, the higher-level power of the upper realm can easily destroy one side of the lower realm!

At that time, the whole world would be chaotic.

Although the Witch King is kneeling on the ground, his eyes are staring tightly at the figure of the Emperor Mangu.

Among the witches, there have been records of the advent of the strong in the upper world.

Even if there is a strong person in the upper world who breaks the laws of the heavens and the earth, forcing it down, it will inevitably pay a very heavy price, which may be blood and longevity, or even one way.

That's the price that the strong in the upper world can't bear!

The Hades of the Witch doesn't believe that the Emperor of the Ancients will survive the continent and be safe!

The Emperor's eyes turned and fell on the millennium blood sea in Wangu Valley, frowning slightly.

Immediately, his eyes turned to a huge cemetery in Zhongzhou, as if penetrating the heavy ground, and landed on an ancient coffin.

Finally, the Emperor turned his head again and looked at the East China Sea.

There was no one on the flat boat in the East China Sea.

In the eyes of the Emperor, there was a sigh of anxiety and a slight sigh.

The crisis facing the human race is more serious than he imagined.

Now, although he is called by the storytelling old man and landed on the continent, but because of the restrictions of this world, he cannot stay here too long!

Even if he had noticed several hidden dangers on the continent, he would not have the time and energy to deal with it.

He can only do his best to help the people and survive the immediate crisis!

The Emperor looked back and walked towards the mysterious palace.

When he took a step, the world shook.

An extremely horrifying force, flocking to the emperor, seemed to hang him on the spot!

The emperor was expressionless and his footwork did not stop.

But this power is getting stronger and more horrifying. It seems that the Emperor of the Ancients will be squeezed into powder!

The people of all races looked at this scene with a horrified look, wondering what happened to the emperor of ancient times.

The emperor present was vaguely guessing the answer.

This is the law of heaven and earth on the continent. It is repelling the Emperor of the Ancients and destroys the intruder who broke in!

The impact of this heaven and earth rule doesn't stop there!

The Emperor Witch King and others can clearly feel that the breath of the eternal emperor is constantly falling, and it seems that it is also falling!

However, they still can't see through the emperor's practice.

The emperor is getting closer and closer to the mysterious palace.


At this moment, under the eyes of all people, the Emperor of the Ancients stepped on one foot and smashed!


There was an exclamation from the crowd.

The sole of the foot was broken, there was no blood, and no flesh splashed. This sole was completely turned into nothingness and was wiped away by the laws of heaven and earth!

It's like wiping off a layer of dust!

The emperor emperor frowned slightly, looking at the lost feet, his body paused, and continued to descend!


His other foot also shattered into nothingness!


At this moment, the Witch King suddenly gave a strange laugh and exclaimed: "The Emperor of the People, the rule of heaven and earth, irreversible, how can you allow provocation! If you want to forcibly land in the wasteland, you will have to pay a heavy price. ! "

"Person, I'll see if you can come alive in the mysterious palace!"

The Emperor Jinwu also sneered and stood up.

The Emperor did not speak, his eyes were calm, he still walked towards the mysterious palace, getting closer and closer!

boom! boom! boom!

Half of the Emperor's physical body has become nothingness, completely disappearing between heaven and earth!


Seeing this scene, the storyteller cried out in tears, and the old tears burst into tears.

"Master, stop!"

The guardian also wanted to step forward and stop the emperor.

The Emperor shook his head slightly, raised his palm, and blocked it in the direction of the guardian.

This palm has just been lifted, wiped away again by the laws of heaven and earth, and disappeared!

The breath of the emperor is far less powerful and horrible than the original, and it is irresistible!

The emperor's cultivation for the realm is also falling!

But his steps never stopped.

"King of people, stop!"

"People, we know your mind! Please take care of yourself and go back!"

Many practitioners have tears in their eyes.

Looking at the Emperor's physical body, such a little disappearance between heaven and earth, each practitioner feels a cramp in his heart!

The emperor is the faith of all spiritualists.

Even if the human race is killed, many practitioners do not want to see the Emperor fall here!

The Emperor did not stop, his eyes were firm.

In the end, the Emperor's physical body has all disappeared, leaving only one Yuan God!

And the breath of this primordial **** is also rapidly decreasing.

When the Emperor Yuanshen descended over the mysterious palace, the emperor's cultivation became a realm, and it continued to fall. From the realm that everyone could not perceive, it reduced to the Mahayana realm!

Not only that, a fissure has emerged on the Emperor's Yuanshen!


The Emperor God stood up, exuding the violent weather, the war is rolling, and the fear in my heart has disappeared, and the haze is swept away.

The Emperor God stared at the Yuan Emperor, who was not far away, and said loudly: "I will take a look, Emperor Ren, with a broken Yuan God, what are you fighting with me!"

(End of this chapter)

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