Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1645: Funeral Tenjin Emperor!

Chapter 1645 Funeral to the Emperor God!

The emperor looked at the emperor and said lightly, "It seems that the past time is too long, and you have forgotten the lessons of the ancient war."

The Emperor Yuanyuan's eyes turned and fell on Su Zimo's body, and said, "Little friend, can I borrow your real body for use?"

This sentence caused an uproar!

The eyes of all races looking at Su Zimo have become very envious, even jealous.

Even the emperor present became a little hot.

The meaning of the emperor's sentence is to use Su Zimo's Qinglian true body to fight the emperor.

For Su Zimo, this is a unimaginable great achievement!

Among the many strong men present, the most suitable and powerful physical body must be the physical body of the guardian.

No matter how strong Qinglian really is, she is no better than the physical body of the emperor.

The Emperor of the People made it clear that he would give Su Zimo a chance!

Su Zimo was so shocked that he hardly hesitated, and replied, "Okay!"

The figure of the Emperor Yuanyuan flickered, disappeared in situ in an instant, and turned into a streamer, immersed in the sea of ​​knowledge not far from Su Zimo.

In the sea, Su Zimo's black-haired protoss, without resistance, completely surrendered the control of Qinglian's true body.


The Emperor God laughed loudly, without fear, and said, "Even if you are the emperor of the emperor, how much combat power can you play by controlling the body of a Mahayana ancestor?"

"Herald, you are so entrusted, and today you make you hate it!"

The words did not fall, the blood of the Emperor God was surging, holding the spear in his hand, and the meteor strode towards the Emperor!

The Tenjin Emperor can cultivate to this step and is naturally rich in experience.

Today, the weakest link is Qinglian's true body!

As long as you fight closely with it, Qinglian will be seriously damaged, and the Emperor will only have one god.

"Protoss, start with you today!"

The emperor's tone was cold, and he entered Qinglian's real body of knowledge. He felt a little, stretched out his arm, and waved in the direction of the guardian.


I saw the palm of the guardian's hand loose, the emperor's pen turned into a turquoise brilliance, and instantly returned to the palm of the emperor.

The emperor urged the Yuanshen, waving the emperor's pen, almost blinking, marking six bloodstains in front of him!


A **** ‘kill’ word emerged in the air, condensing without dispersing, permeating the horrific killing intention!

Unparalleled magical powers—kill the word!

This word-killing strategy was only done by the defenders, and only five strokes were written.

Now, the Emperor is in charge of Qinglian Zhenshen, waved his hand, and wrote a **** ‘kill’ word!

Between heaven and earth, constantly shaking!

The entire void was cut into pieces by this one 'kill' word!

Before the Emperor God rushed to Qing Lianzhen, the supernatural power of this word-killing skill had come down and shrouded in his direction!

The **** of heaven took a breath of air, and his pupils contracted sharply.

At this moment, he felt a breath of death, as if the next moment, he would die on the spot!

too terrifying!

This superb supernatural power was released in the hands of the emperor, much stronger than he imagined!

Too late to think, the storage on the finger of the Emperor Tian Guanghua flashed, and a huge gold shield appeared in front of him.


The Emperor of the Heavens urged the divine power, and the golden shield radiated a divine light, which was dazzling!


The **** killer word fell on it, and a loud noise came!

Immediately afterwards, this indestructible giant gold shield was actually cut into a pile of scrap copper and iron by a 'kill' character!


Through the flesh of the Emperor King, the word killing method cuts his **** body directly into pieces, blood splatters, and broken limbs scattered around the ground!

Thousands of creatures shake!

The combat power is equivalent to comprehending the six peerless supernatural powers of the Gods, but under the hands of the emperor, he can't do anything!

You know, this is still the case where the realm of the emperor fell to the Mahayana state and lost his physical body, with the help of Su Zimo Qinglian's true body.

"The Emperor is dead like this?"

"The Emperor is terrible!"

"Not dead yet! The Emperor's Primordial God escaped!"

There was a sound of noise from the crowd.

On the battlefield, at the moment when the golden shield was shattered, the Emperor God had already felt the crisis of life and death. The Yuanshen stepped away first and escaped.


The Emperor God released blood to rebirth, and wanted to reunite the **** body.


The Emperor said a word lightly.

Just this word seems to contain extremely powerful magical powers. The flesh and blood scattered by the Emperor God seems to be completely sealed, the light is dim, the blood and blood are decaying, and it is impossible to condense!

"You want to challenge me, it's a long way off!"

The emperor's body moved, and rushed towards the **** of the gods.

"Ming Wu, Jin Wu, what are you waiting for!"

The Emperor God screamed, his voice hurried: "The realm of the Emperor fell, and his body was weak. This is a rare opportunity! You will not kill him, and the Emperor will never let you go!"

Hades of the Witch King and others looked uncertain, their eyes flickered, and they looked at each other.

All present were the top emperors, and the decision was clear.

Just in a flash, the decision is made!


They can also see that the emperor is now the weakest.

Although the human emperor's magical power is strong and unparalleled, Qinglian's true body is the weakest link for them. As long as he can get close to him, he will be able to kill the human emperor!

The Emperor God saw the Emperor chasing after him, and did not dare to shake it, and fled towards the distance.

At the same time, the Emperor of the Heavens urged the Yuanshen to release a peerless supernatural power!


The sound of the emperor's voice sounded hysterical.

Eyed by the emperor, he couldn't escape at all.

But the release of this peerless supernatural power can not only hide the track, but also delay the pursuit of the emperor.

When the Witch King waits for someone to do something, he can escape the day of birth!

A dark, dark power enveloped it, and darkness descended, seemingly devouring everything, killing life, and enveloping towards the Emperor.

In this darkness, there is no light to discern the direction.

All eyes, consciousness, cannot walk through the darkness.

The **** of the gods of the emperor, submerged into the darkness, disappeared instantly, without the trace, even the breath disappeared without a trace!

The emperor's look remained unchanged, his eyes were bright, watching the darkness coming in front of him, and he constantly changed his magic formula in his hand, pointed forward, and said softly, "Eternal life!"

The emperor's fingertips burst into a ball of light.

Initially, it was very small, but it became more and more fierce, blooming a dazzling brilliance, diffused towards the darkness ahead!

These dark forces, under the power of this peerless supernatural power, are like Bai Xue encountering the scorching sun, melting and dissolving instantly.

The **** of the emperor, re-exposed!

The Emperor God looked terrified, and looked back subconsciously. In his eyes, there was a blaze, leaving only endless light!

The next moment, the emperor's primordial **** was devoured by light, and died on the spot!

No matter how strong his primitive **** is, he can't stop the power of peerless supernatural powers!

Emperor shot, two peerless supernatural powers, funeral to God of Heaven!

(End of this chapter)

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