Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1646: Three heads and six arms

Chapter 1646: Three Heads, Six Arms

The Emperor of the Heavens fell, and the top five emperors of the Underworld, Jinwu Fire Emperor, Blood Emperor, Fengsha Raksha Emperor, and Black Pupil Emperor were aggressive and surrounded the Emperor!

"Princess, as soon as you arrive, you have already been physically destroyed, and Yuanshen has been hit hard. You can't stay long on this barren continent!"

The Witch King said slowly.

The Emperor Jinwu also sneered, and said, "People, your Yuanshen is injured. It is the limit to release two peerless supernatural powers in a row!"

Just then, a strange wave of fluctuations occurred in the field.

Originally, there were five fierce emperors surrounding the emperor.

But when the Hades and the King Wuhuo were talking to the Emperor, there was suddenly one person missing from the battlefield!

Fengsha Luosha Emperor disappeared!

Without waiting for everyone's reaction, Emperor Fengsha Rakshasa has come behind the Emperor, and is within easy reach!


Chen Longhuang narrowed his eyes and whispered.


Dragon Phoenix asked subconsciously.

"Instantaneous movement is a peerless superb power in speed, referred to as teleportation. When the speed reaches the extreme, you can teleport around the battlefield!"

The emperor Chen Long explained, saying: "The emperor is in danger!"

The Emperor controlled Qinglian's true body. The melee was the weakest. He was approached by Fengsha Luosha Emperor and instantly fell into a huge dangerous situation!

Fengsha Luosha Emperor's hands, holding two cold-handed scimitars, strangled towards the head of the Emperor.

At the same time, the Emperor Witch King, the Golden Wuhuo Emperor, the Blood Emperor, and the Black Pupil Emperor all set off and rushed towards the Emperor. They wanted to shorten the distance and fight him!

There was a taunt of mockery in the eyes of the Emperor.

Just as Fengsha Luosha Emperor appeared behind him, he urged Yuan Shen, and spit out the words gently: "Time is still!"


An extremely powerful wave of magical power pervaded the void, covering all five emperors!

Suddenly, Feng Sha Luo Sha Huang's figure was completely still in the air, motionless.

The double knives in his hands were almost chopped on the head of the Emperor, but they couldn't chop at all!

The four emperors of the Ninth Witch Emperor, Jinwu Fire Emperor, Blood Emperor, and Black Pupil Emperor are still still in the air, their expressions are stiffened on their faces, keeping their previous actions!

Time is completely still!

There was an uproar in the crowd, the sound was rolling, almost boiling!

In the eyes of Emperor Chen Longhuang, there was also a deep fear, and Shen said, "I did not expect that the Emperor even realized this superb magical power!"

The barbaric emperor also said rhetorically: "The time is still, although it is not a peerless magical power of killing, but the power is too scary! With time still, you can easily kill your opponent!"

Emperor Chen Longhuang took a look at Long Huangzhen and said, "Your years are like swords. They are the power of time. This time is still but also the power of time!"

Long Huang really looked at this scene, thoughtfully.

From the Dinghai style inherited from the sword emperor, he realized a small magical power and fixed body.

Now, seeing this peerless supernatural power released by the Emperor, Dragon Phoenix really seems to have realized it.

If you practice your fixation to the extreme, it may be the stillness of time!

Long Huang really stood by and watched the battle.

And Su Zimo's black-haired Yuanshen is in the sea of ​​knowledge, watching the Emperor release a magical power, and the gain is even more unimaginable!

Of course, Qinglian Zhenshen can never directly understand what a supernatural power.

He has just entered the Mahayana realm and has n’t even realized how much the little magical power is. The great magical power is even more so, it is impossible to directly understand the supernatural powers.

But after having such an experience, Qinglian's real understanding of magical powers must be more effective.

This is an invaluable experience!

Such creations and opportunities are hard to see!

In the battlefield.

The Emperor released time to stand still, and did not look back, waving the Emperor's pen, and nodded towards Fengsha Luosha Emperor's brows.

Renhuang's nib seems soft, but sharp, can penetrate the weapon of the magic weapon, let alone the eyebrow of Fengsha Luosha Emperor!


Emperor Fengsha Luosha sent a magical power on his body, his body suddenly disappeared in place!

When he reappeared, he had already traveled to the mid-air in the distance, out of the scope of time stillness, pale, frightened, panting with a big mouth.

Although time is still, space is not completely blocked.

And while his life was hanging on the line, he released the teleport again and left the spot!

The emperor pen failed.

The Emperor shook his head slightly, passing a pity in his eyes.

After all, this Qinglian true body is too weak.

Moreover, instead of his own body, he was still a little uncomfortable in his control, and his shooting speed was much slower.

If it had been his flesh, Fengsha Luosha Emperor would have died ten times!

Time is still, but of course it can't last.

It was such a delay that the magical power of static time had dissipated.

The four emperors of the Underworld, the King of Wuhu, the Blood, and the Black Pupil recovered their freedom. There was a hesitation in passing through their eyes.

But soon, the four emperors calmed their hearts and killed the emperor again!


The Emperor Yang Yang shouted, his eyes were magnificent, and his hands waved, as if calling something.


The sound of a sharp weapon sounded, and a dark light in the distance came and fell into the palm of the Emperor.

This is a gray ancient mirror, filled with the ancient atmosphere, fell in the palm of the emperor, the ancient mirror suddenly bloomed a ray of magic!

Emperor Mirror!

The Emperor's Mirror was originally in the hands of a monk of the Ming Dynasty. At this time, the Emperor's Mirror was temporarily taken back.


At this moment, above the sky, in a crack that was glowing with white light, a black spot suddenly fell, like a meteor, braving the flames of fire, containing the terrifying coercion and falling down!

The emperor urged the Yuanshen to shake his body and change his body.

Above his neck, two heads have grown again, and four arms have grown on both sides of his body!

"Peerless magical powers, three heads and six arms!"

Emperor Chen Long looked with emotion and whispered: "Finally see the Emperor's fame!"

In the eyes of the savage emperor, there was also the expression of awe, saying: "In the battle of ancient times, the emperor relied on this superb magical power, holding three magic weapons in his hand, and fighting against all the fierce emperors, suppressing everything and conquering everything!"


At this moment, the black spot in the sky fell down and was caught by the palm of the Emperor!

Everyone looked intently.

This turned out to be a family of black prints, glittering with cold metal luster, sharp edges and horrors!

The Emperor Seal is coming!

In ancient times, the three magic weapons of the Emperor gathered together!


The emperor sighed, three heads and six arms danced with three magic weapons, and sent out powerful magical powers to fight against the underworld emperor, Jinwu fire emperor, blood emperor, and black pupil emperor!

Seeing this scene, the blood of many practitioners seems to be burning!

This is the emperor who belongs to the human race!

The crowd seemed to be returning to the ancient times, witnessing the incomparable style of the emperor of ancient times!

(End of this chapter)

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