Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1647: Missed the magical power (one more)

Chapter 1647 Leaked Magical Power

This battle was ostensibly a battle between the emperor and the fierce emperors.

But in fact, it is the Emperor who controls Qinglian's true body, releasing three heads and six arms of peerless magical powers, fighting the fiercest top emperor!

Su Zimo's black-haired Yuanshen was in the sea of ​​knowledge. Looking at this scene, a wonderful feeling surged in his heart, beyond words.

At first, when this Qinglian really was in the realm of law, she had cultivated three heaven and earth laws, and fought against the powerful enemies.

This scene is extremely similar!

On the battlefield.

The emperor wields the emperor's pen, sharp and sharp, trial and death!

The Emperor's Mirror is in charge, resisting all kinds of attacks.

Urge the imperial seal of the emperor, and smash down towards the Witch Witch King, Jinwu Fire Emperor, Blood Emperor, Black Pupil Emperor, Fengsha Luosha Emperor and others!

The imperial seal is too strong!

This great seal was made by the ancient emperor's sacrifice and refining in ancient times. The broken mountains and rivers of the human race condensed the human luck, but it was a heavy weapon in the sky!

For this royal seal, the barbarians are most fearful.

The barbarians are unparalleled in body, powerful in training, inaccessible to guns and fire, and can resist almost any magic weapon!

But even the barbaric emperor can't stop the power of this emperor's seal!

All the power of the Emperor broke out, and they could even smash the barbarians into fractured bones and broken bodies!

boom! boom! boom!

The imperial seal of the people continued to fall, and the magic weapons of the five fierce royals were smashed around, almost out of control!

This big Indian seal is very angular, even if it is rampant, the major fierce emperors do not dare to shake it.

In the chaos, the blood emperor was shrouded in the light of the emperor's mirror, and he could not break free for a while, and was almost killed by the emperor's seal!

Hei Tonghuang was slow to dodge, his arm was caught by the corner of the imperial seal, and the whole arm was hit into a mist of blood, shocking!

Renhuang's pen is sharp, and he just waved at will, and the nib of the pen sends out a sharp edge, all pervasive.

If the five emperors are not careful, they will be penetrated through the body!

The Emperor's Mirror issued a ray of divine light, blocking the impetus of the fierce emperors.

when! when! when!

The Emperor ’s body is constantly rotating, and six arms are dancing in the battlefield. The Ninth Emperor and others ca n’t get close at all.

"The Emperor's Yuanshen is broken, how can such a terrible combat power erupt!"

The Witch King shook his heart.

"The curse of eternity!"

The Witch King sips lightly!

There was something in the mouth of the Witch King, and he squeezed the tactics, and circled in the air, and finally touched his brows.


There is a heartbreaking breath in the void!

There is no concrete manifestation of this magical power, but even the many souls watching the battle in the distance feel a shudder!

"This is the superb magical power of the Wu tribe, aimed at the killing of the Yuanshen!"

Chen Longhuang looked dignified and suddenly said.

This peerless supernatural power came, and there was not much fluctuation on the battlefield.

However, in the sea of ​​Qinglian's real body of knowledge, a sudden emergence of extremely dark dark green powers, a steady stream of endless breeding, endless!

Curse forever.

Once you sink into it, you will not say anything about yourself, even your bloodline descendants will be cursed for generations, and doom will continue!

This is an extremely vicious magical power of the Wu tribe!

The curse is coming, and it will sink forever!

The power of the eternal curse came, and even the eight-pin fortune lotus platform couldn't resist. The light on his body was suddenly bright and dark, and the glow was completely suppressed!

The emperor looked sneerlessly without fear, and drank softly: "Leak the magic!"

A sacred and peaceful halo suddenly emerged from the head of the Emperor Yuanshen, exuding a colorful glow, diffused towards the surroundings!

These dark green cursing powers encountered this sacred glow and were instantly purified and turned into nothingness!

Su Zimo was shocked!

He practiced the Dharma, and he had heard of many magical powers of the Buddha.

Among the Buddhist doors, the six most famous are the six supernatural powers.

Tianyantong can cultivate the Buddha's Tianyan, which is just a small magical power.

But if you practice to the eyes of the Buddha, this is a great magical power.

The ultimate of Tianyantong is the Buddha's eye, which is a peerless supernatural power!

The Buddha's eyes are cultivated, and at a glance, you can let a great evil demon head drop the butcher knife!

The so-called lower eyebrow of a bodhisattva is actually the power of the Buddha's eyes!

Buddha's second magical power is Tianzutong.

Tianzutong is just a small magical power. After practice, the speed is very fast.

But if you practice to the extreme, you will be a supernatural power.

The third magical power is Tian Ertong.

With the movement of both ears, all the movements of a domain creature cannot escape these ears!

The fourth magical power, he has the power!

Although this magical power is just a great magical power, it is extremely powerful!

In simple terms, you can know what the other person is thinking!

At the bottom of the Dragon Valley, many times, Su Zimo did not speak, and the old monk knew his mind in advance, which is the role of this supernatural power.

Reflected in the battle, it is the enemy's opportunity!

The fifth magical power, destiny power.

This supernatural power can see the destiny of living beings!

The first five supernatural powers of the Buddha's gate have been cultivated by countless powerful people from ancient times to the present.

But few people can cultivate the sixth magical power.

Since ancient times, only the ancient Buddha Emperor has successfully cultivated!

The sixth magical power of the Buddha's gate is to drain the magical power!

This supernatural power can break away from the worries of being in charge, transcend reincarnation, possess supreme wisdom, cultivate the Buddha's light, and the power of the Yuanshen surges!

Now, in the sea of ​​Su Zimo's knowledge, the Emperor Yuanshen released the magical power, the sacred and immaculate Buddha light diffused, and the curse was dispersed!

These buddha lights sprinkled on the lotus platform, and each lotus leaf shone with a crystal luster.

This kind of power is a unimaginable supplement to the creation of Liantai!

These buddha lights are endless, even if Liantai is absorbed by the fortune, its growth rate will have a very significant increase!


The Witch King's face changed slightly, and he moaned.

Primordial battle is the most dangerous.

This eternal curse was broken, and the **** of the underworld witch also suffered a lot.

Of course, his Yuanshen condensed, this impact will not hurt his foundation!

At this moment, the sacred Buddha's light leaking from the magical power poured out from Qinglian's real brows and fell on the mirror of the Emperor.

The Emperor sneered slightly, turned the Emperor's mirror, and turned towards the Hades.

These sacred Buddha lights are refracted through the emperor's mirror and become extremely cohesive, forming a beam of light that instantly shines on the body of the Hades!


The Wraith Emperor screamed, in the dark green robe, billowing smoke, as if the flesh was burning and decaying!

This Buddha light hurts him too much!


The shape of the Underworld Witch turned into a streamer, and he did not stay in the mysterious palace for a moment, and fled away!

The emperor wanted to chase the past and completely kill the Witch Witch Emperor, and the other four imperial supernatural powers have also come down!

Thanks for the reward of 100,000 book coins, which is deeply remembered, and the eternal seventh leader was born!

(End of this chapter)

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