Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1648: Cut the Emperor! (Two more)

Chapter 1648: Cut The Emperor Again! (Two more)

"Petrochemical Eye!"

Emperor Heitong burst out of his magical powers, the eyes at the center of his eyebrows opened, and a strange power instantly shrouded the Emperor's body!

The flesh and blood of Qinglian's real body suddenly became extremely stiff, the blood could not work, and the skin became rough, like a stubborn stone!

In a blink of an eye, the Emperor was settled in place and turned into a human-shaped stone, posing with three heads and six arms, motionless!

Su Zimo was startled.

Although Qinglian Zhenshen has won the heavens and earth, after all, she has only just entered Bapin.

What's more, Su Zimo has just been promoted to Mahayana. He has only realized a few supernatural powers. He has not realized any supernatural powers, and he has not even touched them.

Qinglian Zhenshen has not experienced the great magical powers, the superb baptism of the superb magical powers, the blood of the power is too much!

The emperor was settled by the petrified eyes, it was not that the emperor was not strong enough, but because compared with these most powerful fierce emperors, Qinglian really was far from his opponent!

At the same time, the three emperors of Jinwu's Fire Emperor, Blood Emperor, and Fengsha Luosha Emperor shot at the same time.

"Phantom Slash!"

Fengsha Luosha Emperor held a double-edged sword, his body turned into a ray of light, bursting out of speed, his body was filled with powerful magical power, and rushed towards the Emperor!


Around the Emperor Emperor, dozens of winds suddenly appeared.

All these figures rushed towards the Emperor.

Dozens of figures, only one is the true body of Fengsha Luosha Emperor.

But if the judgment is wrong, it must be dead!

On the other side, the blood emperor transformed into the body, rooted in the ground, waving thousands of thick blood vines, spraying out endless blood!

Peerless magical powers, boundless sea of ​​blood!

The blood emperor urged the Yuanshen to use his own blood as a guide, so that the whole world was covered with blood, and in the void, a sky of blood that could not be seen in the margins was swallowed towards the emperor!

The figure of the blood emperor has completely disappeared and is hidden in this boundless sea of ​​blood.

This peerless superpower broke out, and even if the opponent wanted to fight back, he could not find the trace of the blood emperor!

"Burning the sky to cook the sea!"

Jinwu fire emperor sighed, waving his hands in front of him, condensing a huge ball of fire!

This fireball emits extremely terrifying temperatures, and can even be incinerated for nine days, boil the ocean, and burn all beings to ashes!

"Burning the sea to cook the sea."

The emperor Chen Long looked dignified, and said, "This is a powerful magical power that can be condensed by understanding the flame method to the extreme!"

The eyes of the petrochemical settled on the Emperor, and the three supernatural powers came!

In Qinglian's real world, Su Zimo's black-haired Yuanshen looked at the Yuanhuangshen not far away.

Even in such a dangerous situation, the face of the Emperor Yuanshen didn't have the slightest confusion and fear, just calm and calm!


The emperor urged Yuan Shen, and once again a terrible supernatural power broke out in his body, breaking the petrified state instantly.

Countless rubble fell on his body, and the dust was rising.

"Phantom Slash?"

The emperor's expression was mocking, his eyes were deep, his eyes were like electricity, the palm of his hand suddenly released, the emperor's mirror turned, and a gleam of light burst out, falling on a figure of the wind-shaking Rakshasa.

For everyone present, there are dozens of wind shadows of Rakshasa Emperor.

Even if Chen Longhuang and others are dealing with this peerless killing, they will have a headache.

Long Huang Zhen looked on coldly, with no sense of cleverness with her powerful spirit.

But at a glance, the emperor found the true body of Fengsha Luosha Emperor!

The moment when the Emperor's Mirror radiated the divine light, the Emperor's pen turned into a streamer and stabbed in the direction of the wind and the Rakshasa.

"So strong!"

Covered by the glory of the Emperor's Mirror, Fengsha Luosha Emperor shook, exclaiming in his heart.

The emperor's pen had already stabbed him. He didn't have much time to think about it. He released the teleported supernatural power for the first time and wanted to leave the place.

But the teleportation power was released, and Fengsha Luosha Emperor's face changed greatly!


This time, it was not time that the Emperor released.

The Divine Light from the Emperor Mirror is a blockade in space!

Fengsha Luosha Emperor secretly cried.

This level of slaughter battle, a misjudgment, is likely to be dead!

The Fengsha Luosha Emperor didn't have much time to think about it. Fanning the huge meat wings, the blood and blood urged him, the speed reached the limit, and fled away, evading the emperor's sharp edge as much as possible!

The Emperor's Mirror just blocked a space, making Fengsha Luosha Emperor unable to teleport in this space.

He can escape from here with the speed of the Rakshasa!

Fengsha Luosha Emperor believes that at his speed, even the emperor's pen cannot catch up with him!

This time, he has resigned himself!

Someone is here, their plan cannot succeed!

Fengsha Luosha Emperor believes that the Emperor broke the laws of heaven and earth and landed in the wilderness, and he will definitely not stay long.

He could choose to avoid its edge, and when the emperor left, they would make a comeback again!

However, the moment he had just delayed, the Emperor had seized the opportunity!

The emperor's pen came in front of him, and the three thousand silver wires at the nib suddenly spread out, skyrocketing by dozens of feet, as if possessing spirituality, shrouded over towards Fengsha Luochahuang!

This time of change, Fengsha Luosha Emperor is unprepared!

Almost instantly, he was entangled in these three thousand silver wires!

These three thousand pieces of silver wire constitute the nib of the emperor's pen. Each silver wire is sharp and sharp, and it is not much better than the weapon of the gods.

Entangled in Fengsha Luosha Emperor's body, instantly breaking his flesh!

Fengsha Luosha Emperor is already dripping with blood.

Most importantly, his wings were completely immersed in silver wire, unable to break free.


Fengsha Luosha Emperor only felt that a shadow was covering his eyes, and before he could react, Renhuang Yin had already fallen heavily on him!


Blood splash!

People of all races saw a period of ache.

The pretty emperor was startled.

The strength of this man's imperial seal, even his physical body, could not resist it, let alone the wind evil Rakshasa.

Under everyone's attention, Feng Sha Luo Sha Huang was smashed into a ball of blood by the Emperor Yin Yin Sheng, and no complete bones were left!


Chen Longhuang murmured softly.

"Feng Sha Luo Sha's Yuan Shen failed to escape?"

Dragon Phoenix asked quickly.

Emperor Chen Long shook his head and said, "He was confined to the three thousand silver wires of the emperor's pen. Yuan Shen broke free, and he could not escape the cutting of the three thousand silver wires."

"What's more, none of his primordial gods were able to leave the physical body and they were killed by the imperial seal!"

The emperor's expression was complex, and he whispered: "It is indeed the emperor of ancient times, and even the supernatural powers were not released. With the three great emperors, he killed a top emperor!"

In the eyes of the Emperor, the color of admiration was fleeting.

Such a strong person, such an invincible style, even she was convinced!

(End of this chapter)

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