Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1649: Bridge to the Other Shore

Chapter 1649: The Bridge On The Other Shore

After killing Fengsha Luosha Emperor, the three emperors have left the Emperor.

At this time, the blood emperor's peerless magical power came, the boundless blood sea spread and surged, and directly swallowed these three emperors!

The Emperor has no sense of the breath of the three great tools!

"Lost the three great weapons, I see what else you can do!"

Jinwu's fire emperor was so powerful that he sang and threw the huge fireball condensed in his hand to the emperor.

At the same time, Jin Wuhuo emperor transformed into the body, Yangtian Changming, the whole person turned into a golden flame, and fluttered towards the emperor!

On the other side, the boundless sea of ​​blood has also surged!

"Does the sky burn the sea? I will too."

The emperor looked calm and slowly said: "Let you see, what is the true burning of the sky and cooking the sea!"

The words did not fall, the Emperor's arms opened, urging Yuanshen, a very terrifying and hot breath burst out in his body, and the power of magical power permeated!


Around the Emperor, a large red flame suddenly ignited and continued to spread, and an instant sea of ​​fire was formed in an instant!

It is also a peerless supernatural power.

But this Emperor ’s power to burn the sea and cook the sea is much stronger than the Jinwu Fire Emperor!

The huge fireball condensed by the emperor Jinwu fell into this sea of ​​fire, and was soon devoured by this sea of ​​fire, and the flames were flourishing!

The sea of ​​fire descends on the sea of ​​blood!

Grunt! Grunt!

Almost in a blink of an eye, this boundless sea of ​​blood was boiling!

The emperor released this superb supernatural power, and it was not the ordinary ocean that boiled, but the boundless blood sea released by the blood emperor!

The sky was burnt red.

The sea of ​​blood is also boiling!

To be precise, the sea of ​​blood is not only boiling, but also rapidly evaporating. The blood is diffused and drifts towards the sky!

There was scarlet warm blood rain in the sky.

Before the emperor Jinwu rushed to the emperor's body, he screamed, and his voice showed endless fear!

He was originally one of the nine fierce tribes and was the best at being a flame creature, but at this time, he was burned by the emperor's burning sky!

His feathers were burnt black!

Jin Wuhuo fled towards the distance, fleeing frantically.

In his mouth, a big mouth coughing blood, the flame released by the emperor almost burned his viscera into ashes!

His primordial gods were all burned!

The Emperor Jinwu no longer had the savvy spirit, just like a scorched buzzard, shaking his wings, fleeing towards the distance, extremely embarrassed!

The Emperor frowned slightly.

Even if the Emperor Jinwu was severely hit, his speed was too fast.

With the help of the true body of Qinglian, even if he can catch up, it will take a long time.

But he couldn't support it that long!

At this point, he had felt exhausted.

At this point, the Emperor gave up the pursuit of the Jinwu Fire Emperor, and poured the power of the sky to burn the sea, all poured over the boundless sea of ​​blood, and burned wildly!

Just three or two breaths, the sea of ​​boundless blood has dried up, all evaporated!

This time, not only the three emperors of the Emperor were re-exposed, but even the shape of the Blood Emperor was completely exposed.

The blood emperor looked terrified, and he could not care about his face anymore, and hurriedly begged for mercy: "Renhuang Rao's life! I'm wrong, Renhuang Rao's life!"

The Emperor sneered slightly, the sea of ​​fire came, directly engulfing the blood emperor's body!

"Ah! Ah! Ah!"

Thousands of stout blood vines were struggling in the sea of ​​fire, and the blood emperor made a scream of screams.

The blood rattan family is most afraid of fire.

What's more, this is a peerless superpower released by the Emperor!

Even the Golden Emperor Fire Emperor who controlled the flames and practiced the Sun's fire was almost burned to death, not to mention the blood emperor with lower combat power!

Between three or two breaths, the scream of the blood emperor had disappeared.

In the sea of ​​fire, only the crackling sound of the flame burning the blood vine remained.

The blood rattan family is one of the fierce family, but in this flame, it is no different from other vegetation, and gradually turns to ashes!

Many blood rattan families have been scared to see this scene.

The strong men of the fierce clan fell to the ground, and from the beginning to the end, they did not dare to act lightly!

Seeing this scene, the major gangsters were even paler!

The emperor came, but it was only a short while. The six fierce emperors, the underworld emperor and the Jinwu fire emperor were seriously injured and fled, and the emperor, blood emperor, and Fengsha Luosha emperor died on the spot!

Seeing that the situation was bad, Hei Tonghuang also wanted to escape.

Unfortunately, his speed is much worse than that of Jin Wuhuo!

The Emperor waved the sleeve of his robe, and the three emperor's instruments broke through. The Emperor's mirror was suspended in the air, emitting a divine light, directly covering the body of the black pupil.

Hei Tonghuang snorted, feeling as if he had fallen into the mud and had difficulty moving.

On the other side, Ren Huangyin was aggressive and banged towards Hei Tonghuang!

Renhuangbi also turned into a streamer and came to assassination!

"Princess, you forced me, I fight with you!"

The black pupil yelled loudly, and the eye at the eyebrow opened again.

This time, the eyes of the black pupil emperor turned into darkness!

At the same time, in the eyes of Hei Tonghuang's pair of eyes, the whites of the eyes disappeared, and all turned into darkness!

Three eyes, three black pupils!

The peerless supernatural power to be released by the black pupil emperor is too scary, his eyes burst directly, revealing a pair of dark caves!

Even the eyes of the black pupil Huang could not bear it, and a scarlet bloodstain was flowing!


These three eyes burst into a terrifying black light, converging to a point, condensing a huge beam of light, rushing towards the Emperor!

A breath that seemed to destroy everything pervaded.

People of all races looked at this black beam and felt a trembling heart!

The emperor's pen stabbed at this black beam and was brushed off instantly.

The black beam barely paused, hitting the imperial seal of the oncoming person, and banged, and hit the imperial seal of the desolate heavy fly!

Even the imperial seal cannot stop this black beam!

"This is the eye of destruction."

Chen Longhuang condensed: "I did not expect that this peerless supernatural power was trained by the black pupil emperor!"

Can be called the eye of extinction, we can see the power of this peerless supernatural power!

"You want to work hard with me, you're not worth it."

The emperor looked calm, and said something lightly.

The words did not fall, the Emperor waved his sleeves, and a long bridge broke out, spreading from the Emperor's feet, hitting the black beam!

On this long bridge, there are mysterious and mysterious runes that seem to confirm the emperor's Tao and Law, leading to the other side!

Peerless magical power, the bridge of the other side!


The bridge on the other side collided with the black beam, and a loud noise broke out!

After a short pause, the black beam began to collapse and shatter!

At the same time, a crack appeared in the body of Hei Tonghuang, and blood spewed from his mouth!

(End of this chapter)

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