Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1650: The world is lacking (four more)

Chapter 1650: There Is A Defect In The World (Fourth)

On the other side of the bridge, there are many mysterious runes, embodying the emperor's way and law, how can the black pupil emperor be able to resist!

The Eye of Destruction is powerful enough, but the bridge on the other side is crushed and destroyed.

The bridge on the other side is permeated with golden light, breaking through the black light beam condensed by the eye of annihilation, and directly hitting Hei Tonghuang!


The physical body of Hei Tonghuang was crushed by the bridge across the shore!

His Primordial God could not escape, and was killed on the spot by the golden light emitted from the bridge on the other side!

The mysterious palace fell up and down for a long time.

At this point, the war ended.

The six fierce emperors descended strongly on the mysterious palace. Originally they wanted to suppress the human race and re-rule the land of the wilderness, but the emperor was cut by four people!

The remaining Witch King and Jinwu Fire Emperor were also severely wounded and taken away!

Of course, there are more than one emperor among the six murderers, but for the six murderers, it is absolutely impossible to imagine the damage!

Thousands of creatures looked at the emperor in the battlefield, with deep awe in their eyes!

This person is simply too scary!

In ancient times, the Emperor was born, suppressing all the fierce tribes and trying to turn the tide.

In this life, the emperor broke the laws of heaven and earth, descended from the upper world, destroyed the physical body, seriously injured the yuan god, and fell in the realm, and the major fierce emperors were suppressed!

People of all races, who dare not accept!

The Emperor Chenlong slowly walked out and worshiped deeply in the direction of the Emperor, and said with relief: "Before death, you can see the emperor's style, there is no regret in this life!"

Although Emperor Chen Long lived nearly 400,000 years old, in front of Emperor Wan Guren, he was only a junior.

The Huanghuang and Huanghuang also hurried forward and worshiped.

"No need to be polite."

The Emperor bowed her head slightly, and said hello to the three fierce emperors.

Both the Emperor and the Emperor were secretly rejoicing and feared for a while.

Fortunately, they did not have alliances with the six fierce tribes and did not take action against the human race.

Otherwise, they should end up like the Blood Emperor and others now.

"Senior Emperor ..."

The storyteller old man was gray-haired, looking at the emperor, and burst into tears.

The secret law he released will sacrifice his Shouyuan, and the Emperor's lower realm will also bear extremely terrible punishment!

But the Emperor did not hesitate to come to heaven!

Even in the past, the Emperor has never forgotten the life on the continent!

In the eyes of the old storyteller, there was deep guilt.

He released this secret method and summoned the Emperor, but the Emperor also paid a heavy price. No one knows how this will affect the Emperor.

"I'm fine, you don't need to feel guilty."

The emperor seemed to read the heart of the storyteller and smiled. "In addition, Linglong is also very good. She knows that you guard the sky and never forget the fundamentals of the teachings of Xuanji Palace. She is also very relieved."

"Long ancestors!"

Mentioning the exquisite fairy, storytelling elders and other monks of the mysterious palace, the mind was even more excited and could not help calling out.

"People, people, seniors of the emperor, I waited for my mistakes, and also asked the emperor, emperors, seniors to forgive me."

"I beg your predecessor for your life!"

At this time, the patriarchs of the major fierce clan fell to the ground, stunned not far, and did not even dare to look at the emperor, said with a trembling voice.

The Emperor glanced at them, and asked lightly, "Now my people are qualified to talk to your fierce people?"

"I can't wait!"

Hearing this sentence, the patriarchs of the major fierce clan were even more scared and sweaty, and the whole face was almost on the ground!

"Let's go on. I should leave."

The Emperor said.

"Senior Emperor!"

Many practitioners called, with deep perseverance in their eyes.

It's not that the Emperor does not want to shoot, but that he has no energy.

Coming down from the upper bound, breaking through the laws of heaven and earth between the upper bound and the lower bound, and breaking the world of the wild continent, it came down.

"I knew you long ago."

Just then, the Emperor said softly.


Su Zimo's heart moved.

In Qinglian's real world, the Emperor Yuanshen turned around and looked at Su Zimo's dark-haired Yuanshen not far away and said something.

No one outside heard this sentence.

This is a private conversation between Emperor Ren and Su Zimo.

"I've known you since you entered the palace of the people."

The Emperor smiled slightly and said: "Linglong has a secret method that can establish a trace of connection with Yue Hua. Oh, Yue Hua is the guardian of the palace."

"It's also exquisite that the magic girl can enter the palace of the emperor."

"I know everything about you. The founding of martial arts, Bu Wu Cang Sheng, great spirit, I'm not as good, very good!"

If these words are heard by everyone, I am afraid it will cause a shock!

In the world, who can be worthy of the emperor's own words: ‘I ’m not as good’!

"Senior talked hard."

Su Zimo said quickly: "Compared to the predecessors' deeds for the human race, I am far behind."

"On this continent, the next fate of the human race will be left to you."

The Emperor Shen cried.

Su Zimo froze slightly.

The Emperor said: "You can rest assured that after today, there should be a period of peace in the heavenly continent."

"The two emperors of the Wu and Jinwu ethnic groups were wounded by me. It takes at least a thousand years to heal! In this millennium, you must grow up as soon as possible.

Su Zimo nodded his head and said, "The emperor's predecessor is assured! The identity of the protoss outsider has been completely exposed and will be isolated by the entire continent."

"And among the remaining five fierce clans, three top emperors fell, and the two emperors were severely damaged. I estimate that even if the two witches are cured, they will not dare to take action on the human race.

The Emperor came this time, completely killing the major fiends!

What's more, among the dragons, there is Chen Longhuang!

The Emperor Wujin and the King Wuhuo are seriously injured, and the Chenlong Emperor is the most powerful emperor on the continent!

Even if Chen Longhuang Shouyuan is about to run out, there are thousands of years left!

"hope so……"

The Emperor nodded, and frowned again, flashing through his mind the hidden dangers perceived by Zhongzhou, Wanyao Valley, and the East China Sea, and he stopped talking.

He suddenly thought of another more important thing and said, "Yes, there is one more thing that I want to tell you. This time I forcibly landed in the wilderness, it is equivalent to breaking the world of the wilderness."

"With my power, I can't make up for this broken interface."

"As time goes by, the laws of heaven and earth on the continent will inevitably become unstable. There is a shortage of heaven and earth, and the laws are chaotic."

Su Zimo was confused, and asked, "There is a shortage of heaven and earth, and the rules are chaotic. What will happen?"

"I don't know exactly how it will affect the continent."

The Emperor said: "But you must be careful. I can come to the lower world today, and the strong men from the upper world of the major fiends may also come down!"


Hearing here, Su Zimo's look changed!

Too sleepy, the fifth will write tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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