Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1652: Origin of the Wilderness

Chapter 1652

After saying these words, the Emperor looked up at the sky and sighed, "I have to go back, there are many people I want to protect."

Hearing this, Su Zimo's heart was tight, and he asked quickly: "Senior, have you heard of the great wilderness?"

"Great waste?"

The Emperor froze slightly, then nodded, and said, "The Great Wilderness, one of the upper realms, the cruel monsters in it are rampant, and they are extremely powerful. They are considered to be one of the most powerful Middle Thousand Worlds in the upper realm!"

Su Zimo's eyes showed a ecstasy.

So far, he has finally got an exact message!

The great waste is one of the thousands of worlds.

As long as he can successfully ascend to the upper bounds, he will have the opportunity to see Dieyue!

Although Su Zimo is still far away from Butterfly Moon, the two are getting closer and closer.

The Emperor is about to leave soon. Su Zimo took a deep breath and finally asked the question that he had been thinking for a long time: "Elder Emperor, do you know Butterfly Moon?"


The Emperor revealed his thoughts and shook his head.

Su Zimo sighed, a flash of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

But he was relieved soon.

The upper bound is too big!

There are thousands of thousands of worlds, and each one of them can hold countless days of continent.

The Emperor is not in the wild, nor has he heard the name of Butterfly Moon, which is also common sense.

Anyway, this time, Su Zimo knew the origins of the Great Famine.

This gave him endless motivation!

The Emperor threw the palm of his hand and returned the emperor's pen in his hand to the guardian of the palace. He slightly proclaimed: "Yue Hua, you are fine. Over the years, the guardian palace has also worked hard."

"It ’s time to come to an end for the famine, and you should cross the robbery. Delay a few more years and wait for your blood and blood to decline, and the success rate of the robbery will be greatly reduced."

"Thank you, master."

The keeper of the temple took the emperor's pen, saluting respectfully.

"Maybe the next guardian?"

The Emperor asked.

The emperor was very clear that Yue Hua had never crossed the calamity. Another important reason was that he did not find a suitable successor for the emperor's palace.

"not yet."

The guardian sighed slightly and shook his head slightly.

The successor of the Emperor's Palace not only needs superior talent, terrifying combat power, but also the mind.

Throughout the ages, there are many powerful emperors, but if they are like most emperors of this life, they only care about their own practice and ignore the safety of the human race. Such people are not worthy of being the heirs of the palace.

Although this is the heir to the guardian palace.

But in fact, it is also the guardian of the desolate continent and the human race!

"I recommend you someone."

The Emperor turned his gaze and fell on the old storyteller not far away.

What a glory to be recognized by the Emperor!

There was a red light on the storytelling old man's face, and suddenly he straightened his body, as if the spirit of the whole person had reached its peak!

Many of the strong men present sighed slightly.

They can all see that the storytelling old man is in a state of returning to light.

Before long, storytelling elders will die here!


Shoudian Humanity: "His character can indeed be inherited from the Emperor's Palace, but he has insufficient fighting power to realize the three superb magical powers."

"The most important thing is that his birthday is running out!"

The guardian showed pity.

This time forcibly summoning the Emperor to fall, the price paid by the storytelling old man was the most tragic, and it directly exhausted all his life!

"Thank you all for your love."

The storyteller laughed: "However, I feel that time is running out, and I am really powerless to inherit the palace of the heirs. Before he died, I could get the words of the emperor, and now he has no regrets!"


Lin Xuanji came to the storyteller and bowed down.

The elimination of the human race crisis was a great joy, but at this time, Lin Xuanji's heart couldn't be happier.

From the day he became a teacher, there was an uproar between him and the storyteller.

In front of the storytelling old man, there is never any courtesy and respect.

If he changed to another rigid monk, I'm afraid that Lin Xuanji would have been expelled from the division.

But storytellers didn't care.

Lin Xuanji never showed this kind of emotion in front of the storytelling old man.

But at this moment, he knelt down in front of the storyteller, shed tears.

"Not necessarily."

The Emperor smiled slightly and said: "Linglong knows that you release this secret technique and will run out of life. When I come down, Linglong will give me a pill."

As he said, the Emperor's Emperor was moving towards the sky, and the fissure cracking beckoning beckoned.

Until this time, many people noticed that a small green bottle of medicine was floating above the sky.

This was when the Emperor's body shattered and fell out.

But the scene was so shocking that no one noticed the existence of the vial.

The small medicine bottle was already covered with cracks, and passed down from the upper bound. I didn't know how much impact it had withstood.

"Fortunately, this vial has been kept."

The emperor took out the elixir in the medicine bottle, flicked his finger, and took it to the storytelling old man. He slightly shouted, "Eat this elixir."

"This elixir is made from the immortal grass from the upper and lower extremities, and it can be regarded as an elixir that increases the longevity of life." The emperor explained.


Storytelling old man was shocked.

Cultivation to the realm of the emperor, on the continent, any magic elixir that increases Shouyuan will have no effect on them.

Unexpectedly, when the Emperor came down, he even brought an exquisite elixir made by himself!

The Emperor said: "Of course, this elixir will not increase much life."

"no problem, no problem."

The storyteller looked excited, took the elixir and swallowed it.

For those who are about to fall, no matter how long they increase their lifetime, they will at least survive!

Moreover, there is hope for survival.

At least, storytellers can choose to roam and take risks!

After a short pause, the Emperor said, "Of course, adding tens of thousands of years to you is still similar."

Storytelling old man froze.


There was a sound of air-conditioning coming from the crowd!

Increase tens of thousands of years of life!

This means that the elderly storyteller will regain its peak after taking this elixir!

"Senior Emperor is panting!"

The little fat man muttered aside.

Shi Jian expressed his admiration and said, "It is indeed the emperor of all ages. Adding tens of thousands of years of longevity is nothing in the eyes of the emperor."

This elixir swallowed in the belly, a horrifying vitality broke out, and quickly swept the storytelling old man's physical body, blood veins, internal organs and spirits!

The storytelling old man's white hair fell off, and his black hair grew back at a rate that was visible to the naked eye.

The wrinkles on the storyteller's face disappeared, his beard was gone, he looked red and full of life!

Lin Xuanji froze, tearful, already dumbfounded.

What's going on?

In the blink of an eye, the old man glowed in the second spring, and how he looked seemed younger than him!

Crying for myself?

"Good disciple, get up."

The storyteller looked at Lin Xuanji, said with a smile, his eyes were full of jokes.


Lin Xuanji jumped up from the ground and turned around, leaving without tears on his face, biting his teeth and saying, "You old man can't be authentic, and he laughs at me!"

(End of this chapter)

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