Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1653: Throne

Chapter 1653

The emperor returned the emperor's pen to the guardian, and gave an elixir to the storyteller.

This also means that the next guardian of the temple is the Emperor of this life!

In the hands of the Emperor, there are still two emperor tools, the Emperor Mirror and the Emperor Seal.

The Emperor's eyes narrowed slightly, as if through the heavy void, and landed in a corner of the Tianyan Mountains.

There was a long-haired man in a gray and white robe with a bloodstain on his eyebrow, his eyes were clear and bright, his eyes were gentle, and it seemed to contain infinite wisdom.

But the body of this man in a plain robe exudes a breath of extreme evil!

Two completely different temperaments were all revealed on the man's body.

This man in the robe has entered the palace of the Emperor and received his inheritance!

Just before, the emperor fought against all the fierce emperors and took the emperor's mirror from this person.

The emperor groaned a little, still raising his hand, throwing up the emperor's mirror, turning it into a streamer, submerged into the Tianyan Mountains, and returned to the hand of the man in the robe.

The man in the robe was shocked and looked complicated.

He believes that with the means and eyesight of the emperor, he can definitely see the problems on him.

However, the Emperor chose to give him the Emperor's Mirror.

This is a silent trust!

The man in the robe sighed softly, holding the Emperor's Mirror in both hands, worshiped deeply in the direction of the Emperor, and whispered the Buddha's name.

In the Xuanji Palace, Su Zimo noticed the action of the Emperor, and his heart moved.

Others did not know the whereabouts of the Emperor Mirror, but he was very clear that the Emperor Mirror had returned to the hands of Daming Monk!

In other words, the monk is still in the Tianyan Mountains!

Su Zimo seemed to think of something, and suddenly showed a mysterious smile.

"Desolate friend, the body is returned to you."

The emperor's voice sounded again.

With a loud sigh, the Emperor Yuanshen left Qinglian's real soul cover and flew towards the fiery white crack on the sky.


When the Emperor left, many practitioners showed their resentment and shouted loudly.

The Emperor Yuanshen came to the Emperor's Hall, and suddenly stopped. When the consciousness moved, a blank long scroll suddenly flew out of the Emperor's Hall.

All living creatures looked at this scene, looking confused.

No one knew what the Emperor was going to do and what he meant.

The guardian seemed to realize something, came to the Emperor, and whispered, "Master, should I write it?"

"Do not."

The Emperor shook his head and said, "I want to write for myself!"

The guardian nodded, holding the emperor's pen with both hands, and passed it respectfully.

The emperor urged the Yuanshen, and the emperor's pen fell on the battlefield, absorbing the blood of the fierce fighters such as the emperor.

The silver nib quickly turns red!

The emperor manipulated the emperor's pen and danced wantonly, writing on this blank long scroll, and the magnificent characters fell on the paper.

Every word is written with the blood of the fierce emperor, and it is even more murderous and piercing!

Although the Emperor has no physical body, every time a word is written, the voice of the Emperor will sound above the sky, roaring and deafening!

"The human race declines, the emperor is incompetent!"

Among the first eight words, the four words of Emperor Incompetence are very important, which are the emperors of the clan who hide in the ancient battlefield and dare not show up!

Only the emperor has such majesty and qualifications, and dares to reprimand the emperor!

"In today's news, there was a wasteland rising from the sky, and the martial arts were established, and Fuze Cangsheng was born! My Emperor decided to pass on the wasteland! When the desertion marshals the emperor, he is the emperor, and the world has the same respect!"

The magnificent voice spreads throughout the heavens and the sky!

The world is shaking!

The many powerful men in the mysterious palace are all shocked, and their faces are horrified, showing an incredible color!

We must know that since ancient times, there are many human emperors, and some powerful demons have emerged, but no one dare to call them emperors.

In the hearts of all peoples, there is only one Emperor.

But now, the Emperor of Ancient Times actually lowered the decree in person and passed on the barbarity!

Although Huang Wu is still the Mahayana ancestor now, once Huang Wu is ruled, he will be the new emperor, and the world has the same respect!

Suddenly, Su Zimo's body suddenly descended on a mysterious power. Although it was only a Mahayana state, it exudes powerful coercion!

A steady stream of mysterious power gathered toward Su Zimo's body.

This power is imperceptible to the naked eye.

Only the ancestors and emperors present could use their powerful sense to sense one or two!

"Episode of the emperor, gather luck in the world!"

The Emperor Chen Long murmured: "A good way for the emperor!"

"Gathering the world's luck and speed of practice will become extremely scary, and there will be many blessings."

King Huang said: "However, the chance of luck is accompanied by a disaster of life and death! Gathering the luck of the world means that the wild warrior will endure unimaginable calamities!"

"The seat of the Emperor, how can it be so easy to sit."

The pretty emperor also nodded and said, "The emperor has personally lowered the decree and made such a big noise, passing the emperor's position to a Mahayana ancestor, which will surely attract the envy of the other ancestors, even the people Dissatisfaction of the emperors! "

After a pause, the pretty emperor grinned, "This move of the emperor is an astonishment to the desolate!"


Chen Longhuang laughed and said, "You don't think the Emperor thought of this?"

"What do you mean?"

Asked the pretty emperor and the emperor.

Emperor Chenlong said: "The transmission of the emperor is to let the world see it, and to let the emperors of the clan see it! The position of the emperor is just a false name. It is not important whether the deserted military will seal the name of the emperor in the future.

"The purpose of the Emperor is to gather luck for the wild and let the wild Wu to endure the calamity!"

"Even the people's emperors, to sharpen him! This is the true intention of the emperor!"

The Emperor and the Emperor were shocked.

In mid-air, the imperial edict of this man radiates endless blood, killing intentions, every word is extremely clear and exudes a sense of terror!

The emperor's seal of understanding was moved, and the huge emperor's seal fell to the end of the decree, leaving a mark.

"Wu Wuyou, this decree and imperial seal will be left to you."

The emperor rolled up the decree and threw it to Su Zimo together with the emperor seal. He laughed and turned away.

"Armor boy, I'm waiting for you in the upper world!"

The voice of the emperor came: "I hope that you and I can meet in the upper world and fight side by side!"

The emperor Yuanshen disappeared into the fissure that was shining brightly.

The imperial edict and imperial seal also came down.

Su Zimo reached out to catch it.

At this moment, the world shook!

The endless luck of the Eight Wilds, gathered frantically towards Su Zimo's body, and has even condensed into substance, transforming into a dragon air, the dragon chants constantly, and the imperial power is permeated!

These are luck that the emperor can bear.

But Su Zimo remained motionless, holding the Emperor's Law in his left hand, and holding the Emperor's Seal in his right hand. His eyes were cold and majestic!

There are thousands of living beings, no one dares to look at them!

(End of this chapter)

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