Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1654: Appearance of deity

Chapter 1654: The Honor Appears

Although the Emperor departed, he wrote in person, lowering the Emperor's law, the seal of Emperor Emperor, is located in Su Zimo, gathered the luck of the world!

At this time, although Su Zimo was just a Mahayana state, he had already exuded a touch of emperor's spirit, swallowed thousands of miles, and swept the world!

"Meet the Emperor!"

The storytelling old man actually clenched his fists at Su Zimo, and was the first to salute.

Storytelling old man is the emperor of the time!

Now, Xuanhuang took the lead to meet, and the remaining five emperors also saluted quickly and respectfully.

The six emperors are like this, the rest of the practitioners are willing or not, dissatisfied, jealous, and dissatisfied, but at this moment, they felt tremendous pressure and bowed down!

This is the trend!

From the throne to the emperor, Su Zimo's general trend has been saved!

"You don't have to do this."

Su Zimo collected the imperial edicts and imperial seals, and hurried forward to raise the arms of the storytelling old man, saying, "The name of the imperial emperor is ashamed. Regardless of ancient times or this life, all emperors only one person."

"If I become emperor in the coming day, I will not be called emperor."

This is Su Zimo's respect for the emperor of all ages.

In his heart, in the minds of all races, there is only one Emperor!

"Senior Emperor Xuan, this World Congress, I hope you will come forward and continue to preside."

Su Zimo said in a deep voice.

"That's natural."

The storyteller nodded.

"You fierce people, the race for the nations continues, can you disagree?"

The storyteller looked at the Malay patriarch and others, asking Shen Sheng.

"no disagreement."

The patriarch of the Wu tribe and the patriarch of the Tianyan tribe shook their heads.

The arrival of the Emperor has completely changed the situation. The major fierce tribes have been scared to death one by one. So far, they have not escaped from the fear. Who dares to have any objection!


The fat man suddenly jumped out, pointing in the direction of the Wu and Jinwu clans, and asked loudly: "Continuing the race of the nations, how about the emperor of your six fierce clan! Why no emperor came out!"

"Maybe I was scared?"

Shi Jian muttered aside.

The little fat man rolled his eyes and pouted his lips: "That's not much patience, it's also a bunch of timid bales! I was so arrogant just now, I thought it was so bullish!"

The two sang a rap, and the chiefs of the six fierce clan became extremely ugly.

Only then did they humiliate the human race very much.

But nowadays, reincarnation.

The Emperor of the Ancients descended, and the Emperor of the Heavens, the Witch of the Witch, and others died dead and were wounded.

Even if the Emperor had left, the remaining emperors of the six fierce families were scared to hide in the forbidden area and did not dare to show up!

The Emperor has just left. Who knows if the Emperor has any second hand?

The arrival of the Emperor's Emperor this time is not only a few emperors who have been killed or injured on the surface, but also an intangible deterrent!

The protoss patriarch coughed and said, "As fiendish patriarchs, we can take full control of the affairs of the race."


The Matriarchs and others nodded quickly.

The storyteller looked at the Protoss patriarch lightly and said, "The race of the ancestors can continue, but your protoss are not included!"

The face of the Protoss changed.

The storyteller said, "After the discussion of the 10,000 ethnic groups is over, we will decide on your deity."

Protoss patriarchs dare not refute.

"What do the Chenlong Emperor, the Emperor Emperor, and the Emperor Emperor think?"

The storytelling old man turned his head, looked at the three emperor Chen Longhuang, and made an inquisitive question, his attitude was obviously relieved a lot.

Especially for Chen Longhuang, the storytelling old man still holds great respect.

If there were no Emperor Chen Long at this meeting, the Emperor of God and others would have no scruples, and they would have been unscrupulous!

But now, the Emperor Witch and the King Wuhuo are seriously injured and taken away. Although the Chenlong Emperor is old, he is also the most powerful emperor on the continent!

"I have no opinion."

Chen Longhuang nodded.

The storyteller looked at the next few imperial emperors, and the souls of all ethnic groups, and Shen said, "Since this, the general assembly continues!"

Although some emperors came, in this world, the strength of the human race is still far from that of the major fierce races.

Excessive persecution of the major fiends will only be counterproductive.

At present, the human race is still unable to confront the major fierce races.

Storytelling seniors are still proposing coexistence among all ethnic groups.

In addition to the Protoss, the territories of the eight fierce tribes can be expanded.

The fierce people do not have to succumb anymore. They can freely cross the continent, but they cannot kill the tens of thousands of people.

All nations must exist on the continent in a peaceful way!

There can be slaughter and fighting, but they cannot be killed for no reason, bullying the weak and enslaving the weak race.

This proposal also made the three emperors Chen Long, Man Huang, and Xi Huang very satisfied.

The remaining five fierce clans have no objection.

Next, all the ethnic groups came together to discuss how to divide the territory.

This is a rather detailed, complex and vast project, and it is difficult to finalize it within a few days and nights.

Su Zimo is not interested in these matters.

At this point, he closed his eyes and raised his soul, and has long been wandering away!


Tianyan Mountains.

A monk in a purple robe came here.

The monk's face was covered with a layer of fog, and he could not see the five senses, but his body exuded a momentum of coming to the world, which was irresistible!

Martial arts deities come!

The Budo master looked around, felt a little, and walked in one direction, not in a hurry.

But for a moment, the deity of Martial arts straddled almost the entire Tianyan Mountain and came to an inconspicuous corner on the periphery of the mountain.

The surrounding vegetation grows, is lush, the old trees are towering, and the leaves are lush.

The martial art deity came down, converging, and the whole person seemed to have merged into this world.

He seems to be the wind in this world, the vegetation around it.

At this time, even if someone is standing in front of the martial arts deity, as long as you close your eyes, you will not feel the existence of the martial arts deity!

Deep in this corner is a dark and deep cave.

The martial arts master smiled slightly and headed for this cave.

In the cave, a man in a robe was sitting cross-legged, his fingertips touched the ground, and his whole fingers became extremely red!

The man in the robe closed his eyes, calmed his mind, carefully refined the blood in this place.

The blood on the battlefield of the Mystery Palace is the most powerful, but he dare not touch it, for fear of shocking the many emperors in the Mystery Palace.

In this battle of the emperors, the souls in the Tianyan Mountains have fallen.

At this time, the man in the robe was refining the blood of these creatures.

The Emperor's Mirror is a royal weapon.

And he is only half-ancestor realm.

In order to help the race through the difficulties, he forcibly urged the Emperor Mirror, and received a lot of backlashes.

Normally, this injury requires healing for at least a few days if it is to heal.

You can use the "Alchemy of the Blood Magic" to refine the blood and turn it into a steady stream of essence and breathe into the body. His wound healing speed is extremely amazing, I know how many times faster!

(End of this chapter)

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