Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1655: Showdown

Chapter 1655 Showdown

About half an hour, the man in the robe exhaled a long breath.

The injuries in his body have been cured!

Most importantly, he has also sensed the opportunity to enter Mahayana!

The man in the robe opened his eyes and was about to leave this place, looking for a place of safety and concealment to break through the Mahayana realm.

But the moment he opened his eyes, his pupils contracted slightly!

With his unpretentious nature, his look has changed!

Not far in front of him, there was a person standing!

A monk in a purple robe covered a layer of fog on his face, and with his eyes, he could not see through it.

Daming Monk spread his consciousness, and made a circle around this purple robe monk, even more alert in his heart.

Since his practice, his strength of consciousness has even surpassed some ordinary Mahayana ancestors!

But even so, with such a powerful sense of God, he couldn't detect the appearance of this purple robe monk through this layer of fog!

All he could detect was that the mysterious man in the purple robe was also a semi-ancestor.

I don't know the rest!

This is not the most important.

What really surprised Supao men was that he didn't even notice when this mysterious man appeared!

For the semi-ancestors, the distance between the two is a short distance away.

In other words, if this mysterious man in the purple robe was just thinking about it and shot him, half of them might have been injured!

There is another half of the possibilities.

At the moment when the mysterious man in the purple robe shot, he would notice, react, and fight back strongly.

Therefore, in the eyes of the man in the robe, although this monk in purple robe was mysterious and occupied the opportunity, he still could not threaten him.

He has this confidence.

In Banjo, no one is his opponent!

"How long have you been here?"

The man in the robe quickly calmed down, got up, and asked lightly.

"Less than half an hour."

The mysterious man in the purple robe, also the deity of martial arts, responded.

The voice of the martial art deity also intentionally changed.

"Are you coming for me?" The man in the robe asked again.


Martial art deity said.

The man in the robes narrowed his eyes, and the vertical eyebrow at the center of his eyebrow cracked a gap, exuding a mighty power.

But he stared for a while, but still found nothing.

The man in the robe tried hard to recall, but he couldn't find any information that accorded with the mysterious man in front of him.

The man in the robe believed that he had never seen this person!

Such a special person, if he has ever met, he will surely remember it!

"I don't know you, you've found the wrong person."

Su robe man said.

The Budo master smiled slightly and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't know me, I know you."


The man in the robe also smiled and asked, "Do you know who I am?"

"Daming Monk."

The martial arts master slowly spoke.

Hearing these three words, the man in the robe turned expressionless, but his heart set off a stormy sea!

A man in a robe is a monk!

He returned in this life, acted with care, determined and moved, and no one knew his true identity.

No one has even seen him!

Even if someone saw him, he would never recognize him.

Because, he was supposed to be dead 40 thousand years ago!

But Daming Monk didn't expect that the mysterious person in front of him even broke his identity!

"What are you doing to me?"

Daming Monk asked a question, be regarded as his default identity.

"kill you!"

These two words were spoken by the deity of Budo, and the temperature in the cave dropped suddenly!

Daming Monk smiled slightly, without being annoyed, and asked, "Since you have been here long ago, and you want to kill me, why don't you just start?"

"Waiting for your healing."

The martial art deity said: "If you have an injury, even if you kill you, you don't feel much."

"Oh, it's funny."

This time, Daming Monk laughed.

He has lived for more than 40,000 years, and no one can say such arrogant words before him!

This mysterious man is going to kill him, but he has to wait until his wounds are healed!

Daming Monk said quietly, "I have an injury. If you don't take any action, you will lose your last chance."

The words did not fall, the Ming monk vomited the Brahman!

"Oh! Well! What! Hey! Mimi! Hey!"

Daming Temple's Peculiarity, Six-character Daming Mantra!

At the same time, the palms of the monks are constantly changing magic formulas, and in combination with the six-character daming curse, six powerful and unmatched spell seals are released!

The seal of demon magic, the mark of falling monsters, the seal of immortal immortal, the seal of basic immobility, the seal of Donkey Kong, the seal of Osuyama.

The Six Dharma Seals are coming, the power is terrifying, and they are shrouded in the martial arts deities!

The martial art deity did nothing, stepped forward, reached out his palm, clenched his fists, and made a punch toward the six seals in front of him!


At the same time, the martial arts shouted loudly.

It sounded like a thunder, and it exploded!

It's just one word, but it suppresses the sound of the six-character Daming curse.


The fist of the martial arts slammed on the six seals, and a loud noise broke out. The six seals collapsed and broke instantly!

Daming Monk's eyes narrowed.

This mysterious man did not release any spells, and even the blood was not urged. He just punched the flesh to break the seal of Daming!

This mysterious man is very powerful!

But Daming Monk looked fearless.

He believes that he is invincible to half-ancestors.

It is rare to encounter such an opponent. In the eyes of a monk, the flames of war were ignited, his body flickered, and he rushed towards the martial arts deity.

In a flash, the two were close at hand!

Daming Monk is about to fight in close combat with Budo Master!

"Should live without a heart!"

The monk murmured softly and released the secret technique of the King Kong Temple as soon as possible.


Daming Monk's chest was beating, and a muffled sound came out, as if the ancient gods were beating the big drum, the sound was dull and powerful, and it was captivating!

The heart of Daming Monk has become brilliant!

With this beating, he burst out with extremely terrifying blood, and instantly surged to the extremities and bones, the internal organs!


In the body of the Daming Monk, bleeding was heard like the sound of a tide.

On his body, even a layer of golden sacred Buddha light!

At this moment, the monk seems to have transformed into an ancient Buddha, with majesty and boundless power, boundless mana, coercion and terror, and he must surrender to the demons!


Martial arts demonstrating blood, also reached the state of blood like the tide!


The martial art deity looked indifferent, and in the face of the divine majestic monk, he did not hesitate and shot again. It was still a simple punch!


Daming Monk also punched!

A loud noise!

The two fists collided with each other, sending out a terrible halo of power, and the cave was shaking!

Countless gravels roll off!

Daming Monk groaned, even a half step back!

The martial arts look remains the same, take the first half step, follow the shadow, and punch again, fiercely fierce!

Daming monks can only resist with fists!


Another loud noise!

The Daming Monk retreated, and the golden light on his body shook, quickly dimming!

(End of this chapter)

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