Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1657: Blood Alchemist

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1657

Although the confrontation between the two sides was short, each collision erupted into a terrible force.

This kind of power, even if some ordinary Mahayana ancestors come, they will feel frightened!

From beginning to end, the deity of martial arts kept absolute suppression on the monks.

There are many complicated exercises practiced by the monk, and they are the top secret techniques of the super super sects, but these spells are released, but they are broken and broken by the fist of the martial arts deity!

Breaking all ways!

This physical body of the martial arts deity is a martial arts flood furnace. It is smelted with the fire of martial spirits all year round, smelting all kinds of methods, cultivating hundreds of classics, fighting the bones and blood, and powerful and unmatched!

The Daming Monk couldn't support it. He sacrificed his own destiny, the ancient temple in the early days.

You know, this ancient temple in the early Taichu period is very large, and it is likely to be a treasure that fell from the upper realm.

Even the magic weapon of the Mahayana ancestor can't penetrate it.

However, this fist of martial arts deity trembled in the ancient temple of Taichu!

"Take out your weapon!"

The Daming Monk controlled the Taichu Ancient Temple in one hand and held the Emperor's Mirror in one hand, said Ningsheng.


The Budo master laughed out loud: "I have no magic weapon, my physical fist is my magic weapon!"

The laughter didn't fall, the martial arts master stepped forward, punched again, and fell down towards the head of Daming Monk!

The ancient monks in the early Ming Dynasty competed with it.


A loud noise!

At the same time, Daming Monk ran the Emperor's Mirror in his hand, burst out with a divine light, and ran into the martial arts deity.

Although the Emperor Mirror is the strongest defense, it can also erupt powerful attacks.

What's more, the Emperor's Mirror has just left the hands of the Emperor's Emperor. On top of this ancient mirror, there is a hint of imperial power!

This divine light directly penetrated the void, and instantly fell in front of the martial arts deity!


The martial art deity was too late to dodge and was hit directly on the chest by this divine light, making a muffled sound!

This time, it was like hitting a melting pot!

The martial arts original look remained unchanged. He was hit by the Emperor's Mirror, his shirt was broken, but his chest was not scarred!

Daming Monk's eyes narrowed.

Through the chest of the martial art deity, we can see vaguely the endless rune Guanghua in this flesh. It seems that flames are burning!

It is hard to imagine what kind of Dao and Dharma is condensed in this body, even the Emperor's Mirror can't hurt him!

What scared the monk most is that he has not seen the inheritance of this person since the war between the two.

This person's exercises do not seem to belong to the genre of immortal Buddhas and demons.

But it was terrifying!

Moreover, he can see that this mysterious man has not intentionally concealed his inheritance.

Although this person came and went, it was just a punch and nothing changed.

But in each punch, there are countless ways to conquer the terror and fierce atmosphere!

The strong will contained in each punch depends on his mind and is shaken!

This fist fell down and made the Daming Monk feel tremendous pressure.

Daming Monk kept releasing his hole cards and his strength was constantly improving.

What makes him feel weak is that the power of this mysterious man is also rising, and it seems to be endless!

Even if he wanted to get away, he couldn't do it.

Several times during the war, he wanted to leave this place and walk away.

But every time, he will be intercepted by this mysterious man in purple robe.

This person's asana is also amazingly fast!

For the first time since his practice, he feels tricky!

Even 40,000 years ago, he didn't make him feel that way when facing that enemy.

The martial arts fist is getting heavier and heavier!

Daming Monk kept back.

In the end, he had no room to dodge!

"who are you!"

Daming Monk narrowed his eyes, and in his eyes, a hint of blood appeared, and the intention of killing was diffused.

The martial arts master did not answer, and the shots became more fierce!

"It's not easy for you to practice, and your fighting power is strong. It's definitely a wicked evil."

Daming Monk looked a little struggling, and said, "I didn't want to kill you, but I didn't want to die, I couldn't even die! I have more important things to do!"

The words fell, and the eyes of Daming Monk turned bloody!

Extremely wicked breath emanated from his body, and the entire body was filled with stench.

Da Ming monk's nails were stroked on the wrist.


Blood light splash.

Before the splash landed on the ground, the monk gathered his hands together, and condensed into a blood-red long knife in the palm of his hand!

On this long knife, blood flows, as if it has life, it is extremely evil!


The Daming Monk drew his **** sword and chopped it down towards the martial arts deity.

The martial arts look remained the same, and he still punched in the past.


The punch hit the Scarlet Sword without much movement. The Scarlet Sword seemed to be interrupted by a punch from the martial arts deity.

All the blood spread out and instantly fell on the body of the martial arts deity.


The Daming Monk looked at the martial art deity, groaned a Buddhist chant, and then urged the "Lengxue Demon Sutra"!

The blood veins scattered on the martial art deity contain extremely terrifying power. It seems that the blood veins of the martial art deity are to be extracted from the flesh!


The martial arts master gave a light sigh, nodded, and said, "This magic is really amazing."

The monks from the Ming Dynasty released the Blood Alchemy Sutra, and the blood in the body of the martial arts master was a little bit eager to move!

If you change to someone else, I am afraid that in a flash, you will be refined into a dry corpse!

There was also a shock in the eyes of the monk.

You know, with his insights on this magic, as long as you run your mind and open your mouth, you can drain the blood of some semi-ancestors!

But now, he has condensed this blood-condensing magic knife and fell on the body of this mysterious man in the purple robe, but he still cannot absorb and refine the blood of this person!

Moreover, it seems that the person's relaxed state has not been affected at all.

"Make it for me!"

At this moment, the martial arts master slowly spoke.

In his body, the flames were flourishing, and the fire of martial spirits was burning, burning the flesh to a crystal red, and the blood splashing on his body began to evaporate!

Among these bloodstains, there were even screams of wailing ghosts!

Countless ghosts, struggling around the martial arts deity, but how can they not escape, in a flash, they are refined into nothingness!

The blood on the body of the martial art deity has also been refined and cleaned!

This physical body is immaculate, blood and swells, the breath is surging, the breath becomes more powerful, the heat waves are rolling, it seems to melt everything!

"If you stop here, today is your death!"

The master of martial arts had a cold tone, striding toward the Ming monk with a big stride, raising his hand was a punch, like a huge fireball, and hit the Ming monk!

Cavan, headache

(End of this chapter)

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