Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1658: End

Chapter 1658: End

Daming Monk bowed his head, long hair on his forehead, flicked slightly.


At the center of his eyebrow, the blood stain cracked, revealing a blood-red sky eye, terrifying and weird, extremely terrifying, like the eyes of evil spirits, permeating breath!

Suddenly, everything seemed to disappear in the eyes of the Budo master.

Only this scarlet sky eye is left!

Eye of death!

This is the number one in Tianyan clan and the most powerful pupil technique!

Throughout the ages, there are many Tianyan families who practice this pupil technique, but the successful ones are rare.

In order to cultivate this eye of death, even in the beginning of practice, the eyes of the young masters of the Tianyan clan blinded their eyes and never saw light for life!

And among the Tianyan tribe, the last person who cultivated the Eye of Death dates back to 40,000 years ago!

It is a pity that the child's blood is not pure and is the legacy of the Tianyan tribe.

It's pretty good to say that the seed is still alive. In the eyes of the Tianyan people, this young child is a hybrid, a wild seed!

This young child was almost bullied and almost killed in the Tianyan clan.

In the end, it was because a monk from Daming Temple passed by and rescued him. He did not abandon him because of his bloodline and put him under the door.

This young child was later known as Tianxiahuang, the disciple of Daming Temple and Daming Monk!

The face of the martial art deity's fog finally became a little dignified.

The eye of death is so powerful that this pupil technique not only contains the power of pupil technique, but also has a great impact on the element god!

An ordinary pupil is equivalent to a spell.

This pupil technique is a fusion of magic and metamysticism!

But even the eye of death does not threaten the martial arts deity.

What really made the martial arts master feel shocked is that although this pupil technique of Daming Monk is based on the eye of death, it is beyond the eye of death!

In this pupil technique, there is another power!

In other words, the monk created a pupil technique that transcended the eye of death!

The eyes of the martial art deity burst out into two fiery flames and slammed into the pupil.

This is born from the eye of the candle dragon. The martial arts master melts many pupil techniques and transforms the pupil technique to exert the power of flame to the extreme!


The two pupils burst into bursts and hit each other instantly.

In the eyes of the deity of martial arts, the two firelights released soon faded and extinguished under the eyes of death, becoming nothingness!

The death eye of the monk is terrible!

The moment Martial arts master released the pupil technique, he realized that his pupil technique was difficult to fight against this eye of death.

Therefore, the martial art deity blocked his hands in front of him for the first time.

At the same time, in the sea of ​​knowledge of the martial arts deity, the fire of the martial spirit emerged and stood in front of his Yuan Shen!


The beam of the eye of death falls on the palm of the martial arts deity!

The skin in the palm of the martial art deity immediately began to decay and rot, but his blood surged, suppressing the power of the eye of death, and not letting the wound expand!

And a blood-colored beam appeared in the sea of ​​knowledge of the deity of the martial arts, and rushed towards the deities of the deity.

Before coming, it was burned into ashes by the fire of Wuhun!

Daming Monk frowned slightly, his body shook a bit, and the blood on his brows was closed again.

Tianyan finally closed.

At this moment, the world seems to be back to its original state.

The silence disappeared.

Life comes again.

The ordinary meta-mysticism collided with this martial arts fire, and his own meta-gods were all severely damaged, but the monk changed his color slightly and resisted!

"This pupil is your hole card, it's really strong."

The martial art deity nodded slightly, and sighed from his heart.

At that time, in the ancient temple in the early Tai Dynasty, Qing Lian Zhenshen released the mystery of the element, Qing Lian sword cut into the eyebrows of Daming Monk. Daming Monk was unscathed.

Daming Monk, expressionless, said: "Are you laughing at me?"


Martial art deity opened his palm.

His palm was a little bit rotten, but at this moment, under the surge of his strong blood, the wound on his palm had healed quickly!

"I haven't been injured since I practiced."

The martial arts deity said, "It is enough to be proud of your pupil to hurt me."

Daming Monk smiled slightly.

This sentence is praising him on the surface, but reveals a kind of powerful self-confidence and boldness that cannot be said!

Daming Monk's heart was bitter.

So far, he has only failed once in his practice 40,000 years ago.

And that failure was the shame of his life!

But even in the battle 40,000 years ago, the two sides did not win until the end of the war, and the other side also won disastrously.

The return of the monk is far more powerful than 40,000 years ago.

Unexpectedly, I encountered such a mysterious evil, and this time, he lost even worse!

"Aren't you from the heavens?"

Daming Monk said suddenly.

He knew something secret.

Between this vast world, there are many worlds like the continent of heaven, and this demon evil has a special method, and I do n’t see any inheritance. If it comes from other worlds, it is quite possible.

"I'm from the continent."

Said Budo.

"But I have never seen anything like you."

Daming Monk frowned slightly.

The Budo master smiled, didn't speak, and walked towards the monk.

"Are you going to kill me?"

Daming Monk looked calm.

For him, he had already seen life and death.

He should have died 40,000 years ago.

The only thing he couldn't let go was another thing!

"You are strong."

The monk Daming said: "However, your strength is still not enough. Just half-ancestors, slightly stronger ancestors, are enough to suppress you."

"Also, there is a more terrible existence on this desolate continent! You must be careful not to let him notice you!"

"Is the Blood Demon Lord 40,000 years ago?"

Asked the deity of martial arts.

Daming Monk narrowed his eyes slightly and did not answer positively, saying, "You know a lot of secrets. But things are far more complicated and scary than you think!"

The Budo master smiled, came to Daming Monk, and reached out his palm.

Daming the monk, he closed his eyes.

Immediately, the monk felt a lightness around his waist and seemed to be his own storage bag.

He opened his eyes and saw the martial arts master take away his storage bag.

The martial art deity runs the fire of martial spirits, wipes away the godly knowledge on this storage bag, opens the storage bag, and glances inside.

"Xuan Tianlu."

The deity of Budo saw the secret method of this mysterious palace at a glance.

"This is the method of mystery of Xuanji Palace. If you have finished reading it, please return it to Xuanji Palace."

The Daming Monk sighed, thinking he would die.

He came here to return "Xuantianlu".

"It's natural."

The Budo master smiled.

Thanks to a good person for 30,000 books

(End of this chapter)

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