Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1660: Get out of me!

Chapter 1660 Get Me Off!

"Brother Su, what are you worried about?"

Lin Xuanji asked.

The storytelling old man is fine, Lin Xuanji is also in a good mood and completely relaxed.

"It's nothing."

Su Zimo replied casually.

Lin Xuanji laughed: "Be assured that after this day, the land of the barren land will usher in a long period of peace, with all ethnic groups coexisting without interference."

"The two great emperors, the Emperor Witch King and the Golden Wuhuo Emperor, have been hit hard by the emperor's predecessors. It is estimated that they have to cultivate for thousands of years."

"Even after the millennium, the two emperors recovered, and Chen Long's predecessor was there."

Su Zimo nodded.

Chen Longhuang's birthday is at least 10,000 years old.

In other words, within these ten thousand years, the major fierce tribes are hesitant and dare not start the war again.

But Su Zimo was worried about another thing!

"Let's figure it out, it's been 10,000 years since the great calamity."

Su Zimo murmured softly.

On the continent, there are still some powerful beings he dare not touch!

And these strong men did not show up at the Wanzu Conference!

In the valley of thousands of monsters, the powerful existence under the sea of ​​blood for thousands of years will make the dragon burn hard!

Long Ran didn't even see what was deep in the sea of ​​blood, he was almost killed!

There is one more person.

It is the King of Blades, Yankee!

Although this man rescued Su Zimo, he still felt that this smoker was strange.

What's even more weird is that in the Wan Yao Valley, the powerful existence in the thousand-year blood sea, he also tried to save him once!

Why is this?

In addition to this hidden danger, there is a crack in the sky.

This incident was privately told by Su Zimo.

Su Zimo also did not intend to make it public.

There is a shortage of heaven and earth, and the rules are chaotic. No one knows what effect it will bring. He now speaks it, and it will only bring unnecessary panic!

In any case, the strength of the human race must be grown up as soon as possible!

At this point, Su Zimo rose up and stood up just after the conference ended and the major gate forces had not left.

"Stay tuned!"

Su Zimo said loudly.

The monks of the major gate forces turned around and looked towards Su Zimo.

I saw Su Zimo's palm holding a dark, crystal-clear fruit, exuding a strong evil spirit!

"Sha Linguo!"

Many powerful men exclaimed, recognizing the fruit the first time.

Just before, Su Zimo struck Mahayana and swallowed a magic fruit when he crossed the magical powers.

The semi-ancestors of the various sectarian powers, when they saw this fruit, their eyes became a little hot.

"Older Wuwu, do you want to auction this evil fruit?"

The owner of Piaoxuegu asked respectfully: "If it is an auction, I would like to offer treasures, exercises, or other mysteries to exchange with the seniors in the desert."

Although Su Zimo is young, he is already a senior to the semi-ancestors.

"I can trade it with Bora!"

A half-ancestor of Tianyijiao hurriedly said, "I once got a magic weapon in a monument, which was originally intended for my own use. But today, I can bear it, and take it out in exchange for A wicked fruit! "

Cultivation to the level of the ancestors, the ancestors, and taking out any one of them, are all priceless, most of them are bartering.

As he said, the tenth-century half-ancestor taught him to take a clear-water sword from his storage bag.

This long sword looks extremely old, but the long sword has just been taken out, and the cold light on the sword is flowing, just like the water waves, extremely powerful!

This is indeed a good magic weapon!

"I can use a little magical power to exchange evil spirit fruit!"

A terrified half-ancestor also couldn't bear it, and stood up, saying, "I once got a page of animal skin, and this magical power remained on it, condensed and left!"

"If you get this page of animal skins, you will appreciate it, and you will surely understand the little magic on it!"

There was a stir in the crowd.

Half-ancestors came out one after another, taking out many natural treasures, and wanted to exchange with the evil fruit in the hands of the deserted Wu.

Sha Linguo is too attractive for Mid-Ancestral!

These magic weapons, magical powers, they entered the Mahayana realm and had the opportunity to understand and use them.

If the robbery fails, everything is over!

Su Zimo's expression was indifferent, and his palm was pressed falsely.

The sound of the crowd gradually quieted.

Su Zimo looked at the owner of the Snow Valley, smiled slightly, and threw the evil spirits in his hands.

The evil spirit turned into a streamer and came directly to the owner of the drifting snow valley.


The owner of Piaoxuegu took the evil fruit, and for a while he could not understand it, and said incoherently: "I, me, what treasures do seniors need, you haven't said, in case I don't ..."

"No need."

Su Zimo waved his hands, pointing at the unhealed injuries on the owner of Piaoxuegu, saying: "These injuries on your body are worth this evil fruit!"


As the master of a case, Piaoxuegu is now feeling a warm current in her heart, and her eyes are red.

Only then did they fight against the major fierce tribes, and the owner of Piaoxue Valley led the Zongmen disciples behind him, fought against the fierce majors, and died as a soldier, and fought for dignity.

The injuries on the owner of Piaoxuegu have not been cured these days!

Without this evil spirit fruit, her hope of surviving the magical powers is extremely slim.

This evil fruit, let her rekindle hope!

A few days ago during the war, the situation facing the human race was extremely dangerous.

Most of the ancestral gates such as Jianzong, Fengleidian, and Mixed Yuanzong, stood idly by and did not dare to confront the fierce clan.

The Tianyi religion, Disha religion, and Penglai Island have surrendered to the six fierce clans.

Only Zongmen, such as Piaoxue Valley and Overlord Palace, stood up and joined forces with monkeys, Yeling, and others to fight against the six fierce clan!

The gates of Piaoxue Valley and Overlord Palace have suffered heavy casualties.

The Lord of Overlord Palace has even died!

All of this, though Su Zimo hasn't said it, is in his eyes.

Su Zimo's palm was photographed on the storage bag, and from the storage bag, he took out dozens of evil spirits!


Qun Xiu took a breath of air.

"so much!"

Suddenly, Su Zimo drew countless hot eyes in front of him!

Many monks are swallowing!

Su Zimo looked at the people in the Palace of Kings, and Shen said, "The half-ancestor who just fought with the six fierce clan, as long as he survives, he can come to me to get a magic fruit, no treasure needed!"

The voice fell and the crowd was boiling!

"The Emperor!"


Many cultivators, such as Piaoxue Valley and Overlord Palace, shouted the name of Emperor.

"Older Wuwu, what about us?"

Tian Xun taught his ancestor Xun said, "We are willing to exchange them with treasures and magical things. Please ask our predecessors to give us some evil fruits."

"you guys……"

Su Zimo looked at the many ancestors of the Tianshen and Disha religions, his eyes were cold, and he slowly said, "Give me away!"

(End of this chapter)

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