Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1661: Humanitarian gods

Chapter 1661 Great Humanitarian Magic Power

Many half-ancestors of the God of Heaven and the God of Shasha look ugly.

Under the eyes of everyone, Su Zimo was scolded in such a way that no one's face could be hung up, but everyone was afraid to refute.

And Su Zimo's unconditional distribution of the spirit fruit to the owner of Piaoxuegu Valley, etc., also made these monks pay homage to Su Zimo!

Just as many monks shouted, in their hearts, Su Zimo in front of them was the new emperor!

"Fanwu ancestor, I have never subordinated the six fierce ancestors to the sword sect, and I want to use the treasures to exchange for a wicked fruit." The sword lord also couldn't bear it and said.

"Desolated ancestor, between you and my Wind and Thunder Hall, it is actually just some grievances from the juniors. It's not a big deal."

The owner of the Temple of Wind and Thunder Palace also smiled and said, "I don't know if my half-ancestor of the Temple of Wind and Thunder will have a chance to get Sha Linguo."

"Of course I have a chance."

Su Zimo nodded.

The lords of the Sword Sovereign, the Lord of the Wind and Thunder Palace, and many other powerful people looked overjoyed and quickly said: "The ancestors of the deserted martial arts, thank you, ancestors!"

Su Zimo said lightly: "The spirit fruit can be given to you, but you will have to drive me in the future. If you disobey, you will die on the spot!"


The smiles on the faces of Sect Master Zong and others froze.

In the war of geniuses, no one came out of these super-sects such as Jianzong and Fengleidian!

If these evil spirits are given to these people, they are feeding dogs!

The Sect Master and others looked uncertain, but in the end they did not make up their minds and remained silent.

The storyteller looked aside and nodded secretly.

Dividing these evil spirits down, the half-ancestors of the ancestral forces in Piaoxue Valley will greatly increase their chance to enter the Mahayana realm!

In this way, the ancestors of the human race will grow a lot in a short time!

The overall strength of the human race will also get a great leap.

These half-ancestors of the human race who ate Sha Ling fruit have battled with the major fierce tribes and survived!

After this baptism, if these half-ancestors can step into Mahayana, it is also expected in the future.

More importantly, blood is flowing in these half-ancestors!

If the human race encounters any crisis, these half-ancestors will surely stand up!

"Unexpectedly, the three super ancestors of Tianyi religion and Penglai Island first surrendered to the six fierce tribes, and in the end, the end was the worst.

"Yeah, Lao Chao was copied. Don't say, at the race of the nations, it also suffered heavy losses and killed a lot of strong people."

"An era of barbarity is coming!"

"Well, the deserted Wu stepped into Mahayana, and then someone came to the throne to gather the luck of the world.

The conference ended. Although the living beings of various ethnic groups retreated, they were still discussing the conference.

Even in a long period of time in the future, the conference of the ethnic groups will become the focus of discussion among the ethnic groups on the continent.

Among the nine fierce clans, the territory has not been expanded at all.

Moreover, the people of the Protoss must not leave their habitats. If the people of the Protoss set foot in the wild, the souls of all races can kill them together!

Although the Emperor of the Heavens has fallen, over the years, the heritage of the Protoss is still not to be underestimated.

Humans can't shake it.

The major fiends are also worried that the protoss will come to a dead net, so they have not rushed to kill them.

People from all ethnic groups are gradually receding.

Major fierce tribes also left.

Dragon Phoenix will follow the Dragon Emperor Chen and continue to retreat to the Valley of Dragon Skeletons.

After this battle, I watched the battle of many top emperors.

The Xuanji Palace is full of blood, bones, and ruins left over from the Royal Wars. It is full of scars, and many monks in the Xuanji Palace are cleaning and cleaning up.

There are also many treasures in the storage bags of these strong men. Although they cannot make up for the loss of Xuanji Palace, they are still a lot of gains.

"Master, do you think of a way to save your sister?"

Xiaoyao hugged a white cat and ran out.

At this time, Su Zimo remembered Bei Mingxue, and quickly took the white cat from Xiaoyao's arms and came to the storyteller. He said, "Senior, this white cat is my personal disciple, and is used as a magical power by animals. Impact, reduced to a white cat, I wonder if the predecessor can change it back? "

The storytelling old man shook his head slightly and said, "Animal beast is just a magical power. I can naturally get rid of the beast beast in this white cat."

"But she has been lowered by the magical power of the beast for so long, and the impact is too great. If the power of the magical power in her body is forcibly expelled, whether she will leave any problems, I dare not guarantee.

Su Zi's face was anxious.

The storyteller said, "You don't have to worry about it. As long as you release the supernatural power of humanity, you can perfectly resolve the beast's way of life and restore your disciple to the way he once was!"

"Kongyun, it depends on your means."

The storyteller looked at the Emperor King Kong Temple next to him and said with a smile.

The emperor calling ‘the empty cloud’ with his hands folded, groaned the Buddha ’s name, and said, “The desolate donor does not need to worry, and see me to change this donor back.”

As he said, Kongyun urged Yuanshen, stretched out his fingers, and gathered a powerful magical power on his fingertips, falling on the white cat in Su Zimo's arms.


A mysterious brilliance permeated the body of this white cat, like waves of light flowing.

Under everyone's attention, the white cat gradually disappeared in the glory, replaced by a bright and immaculate woman with a jade body lying in her arms, lying in Su Zimo's arms, it was Bei Mingxue!

Su Zimo looked at Bei Mingxue up and down, felt the condition in her body, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

The body is free.

This beast is a perfect solution!


Bei Mingxue blushed slightly and called lightly.

Su Zimo only reacted at this time, and laughed a lot, quickly put Bei Mingxue down, turned and worshiped the monk Kongyun deeply, and said, "Thank you seniors."

Bei Mingxue also worshiped the monk in the sky and thanked him sincerely.

"Sister, do you still recognize me?"

Xiaoyao smiled up and came up.

"When I saw you, you were still an egg. How could I recognize such a big change." Bei Mingxue smiled and shook her head slightly.

Su Zimo smiled, "You go down and talk elsewhere."


Bei Mingxue and Xiaoyao bowed and saluted, and retreated, along the way, Xiaoyao walked around and noisy around Bei Mingxue.

"Zimo, I'm going to enter the palace of the Emperor, and leave for a while."

The storyteller said, "What are you going to do next?"

"Take a break and prepare to enter the ancient battlefield."

Su Zimo said in a deep voice.

In this ancient battlefield, it is the battle of ancient times. Many royal wars, the surviving side of the world, retains a lot of magical powers.

It may be in a monument, on a corpse, in a mountain or river, or in a flower or tree.

No one is sure what kind of chance encounters will be in it.

"Since you are going to enter the ancient battlefield, I will tell you a few things."

The storyteller said: "In this ancient battlefield, there were bans left by the emperor. The emperor's emperor could not enter it. You don't have to worry about this."

"But that's not to say that in ancient battlefields, there was absolutely no danger!"

The monk next to Kongyun also nodded and said, "The end of the race of the nations, the crisis of the fierce clan has been lifted, and you have completely broken with the super sects such as Tianyi, Disha, and Penglai Island. In the ancient battlefield, there will definitely be ancestors. Against you! "

(End of this chapter)

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