Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1666: Ancestor

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1666

Only when you understand more than ten small magical powers can you enter the Mahayana period!

The speed of one hundred years of experience and the realization of ten small magical powers has been extremely amazing.

On the one hand, it is because Su Zimo is equivalent to a human form of green lotus, gaining heaven and earth and realizing supernatural power, far faster than most monks.

On the other hand, Su Zimo witnessed the shocking battles of many emperors at the Wanzu Conference!

That level of battle is a rare and valuable experience for him.

The most important point is that the Emperor Wangu used his Qinglian real body to fight against the fierce emperors and other emperors.

At that time, in the eyes of many monks, it seemed that the great war was always erupting.

However, Su Zimo's black-haired Yuanshen felt clearly in the knowledge of the sea. During the battle, the Emperor of Ancient Times also used many small magical powers and great magical powers to assist.

The breakthrough came out because Su Zimo encountered a bottleneck.

If you want to break through to the late Mahayana period, you must have a great magical power!

Su Zimo's real body of Qinglian embodies the three ways of immortal Buddha and magic, and has also cultivated the three supernatural powers.

There are so many great magical powers in the three gates of immortal Buddha and magic, and he has a chance to feel it.

But it is too difficult to understand a great magical power, unless there are other extreme ways!

Su Zimo looked up at the sky, the suspended supernatural power list, thoughtfully.

So far, he is not ready to compete for the superpower list.

With his current combat power, if the cards are exhausted, he can compete for a place on the magic power list, but it is difficult to climb into the top six of the magic power list!

Su Zimo intends to comprehend a great magical power, enter the late Mahayana period, and then compete for the magical power list.

"Desolate, you are here!"

At this moment, a cold voice came from not far away, and a figure slowly appeared in the void, sneering at Su Zimo.

The ancestor's face was pale and yellow, his body was thin like a bamboo pole, his clothes were colorful, and there was a faint smell.

Su Zimo looked as usual.

He entered the Mahayana realm, and the movement was no small, and naturally attracted other monks.

This ancestor looks like a sick seedling, but in fact, his body is covered with poison!

Those colorful clothes, if you look at it, you can notice that these ‘clothes’ are creeping slightly, and they are composed of various poisons!

Mahayana ancestor of the poison gate!

Su Zimo casually glanced at this person and said lightly, "Are you in the early days of a Mahayana, come here to die?"

The poisonous ancestor, who has spent 10,000 years in the battlefield in ancient times, has only realized a few magical powers, and it is only the beginning of the Mahayana.

But even if the ancestor of the Mahayana period met him, he did not want to fight with him.

The ancestor of the Mahayana period, of course, could naturally suppress the poisonous ancestor.

But this poisonous ancestor is covered with poisonous insects. If he was bitten accidentally, he would lose half his life even if he did not die!

When encountering poison ancestors, unless an unsolvable conflict erupts, most Mahayana ancestors will choose to avoid.

"Desolation, others are afraid of you, I am not afraid of you Luo Luo!"

The poisonous ancestor calling "Luo Yin" said coldly: "Moreover, I might as well tell you that in this ancient battlefield, I don't know how many Mahayana ancestors are crazy looking for your whereabouts!"

"Once you are found by them, you will surely die!"

"is it."

Desolate Wu suddenly lifted his feet, a fierce slap on the ground, a smash!


In the desert beneath his feet, a sudden burst of blood and water burst out, and the smell was so great that a poisonous insect had not stepped on his body, and he was trampled and crushed by one foot!

Su Zimo's gaze fell on the body of Luo Yin's ancestor, and he chuckled, "Dare you dare to do something to me, I think you are looking for death!"


Su Zimo's body flickered, and in an instant, she came to Luo Yin's ancestors. She was extremely fast. She stretched out her fingers and stabbed at Luo Yin's ancestors!


Luo Yin's ancestor's eyes flickered with yin and poison, and he shook his body, bursting into every green light, shooting towards Su Zimo!

These poisonous insects, he has been pregnant for tens of thousands of years.

Even in the late Mahayana period, Mahayana's successful ancestors were hardly survived by so many poisonous insects!

But Su Zimo's eyes were like electricity, he didn't blink, he ignored these poisonous insects coming on his face, and his fingers continued to pierce!

His fingers changed temporarily, **** close together, condensed into a sword tactic, bursting out a sword of Heavenly Sword!

The move was too fast this time, and Luo Yin's ancestors couldn't react at all.


At the moment when Tianqi Jianqi penetrated Luo Yin's ancestor's eyebrows, these poisonous insects also fell on Su Zimo's body, biting wildly.

"Desolate, you are so cruel!"

Luo Yin's ancestor's eyes gradually faded.

He never imagined that Su Zimo would not dodge his poisonous insects at all, and pierced his knowledge of the sea with one finger, none of his primordial gods could escape!

"I'm dead, that's okay!"

The last remnant of Luo Yin's ancestor said fiercely: "It won't be long before you will be on the road with me! I'll watch you die here!"

At this time, Su Zimo's body was covered with dense poisonous insects, and there was almost no exposed place on his body.

Whoever sees this scene will feel scalp tingling!

Surrounded by so many poisonous insects, who can survive?

"Looks like you don't understand at all, what is the creation of Qinglian!"

At this moment, Su Zimo's voice sounded, still calm, without any waves.

"Give me away!"

Su Zimo sighed suddenly, urging Qi and blood!

On his flesh, a burst of blue glow burst out suddenly, bursting toward him, blooming endless brilliance!

These poisonous insects, under the washing of the blue glow, gave out a squeak and scream, they fell off, they were extremely painful, and they struggled on the ground.

You know, the green lotus is a treasure of heaven and earth. It is flawless and free from poison.

Cyan light renders Zhou Tian, ​​Xiaguang Wandao shines on the mountains and rivers, the supremacy, the most constrained by these poisonous insects!

Even if it is an ordinary lotus flower, it can still be muddy, let alone a green lotus!

Any monk who has the deepest path in the middle of the Buddhist gate, the Bodhisattva and the Buddha who have preached, are sitting on various lotus platforms, showing the mystery of lotus.

Just a cognitive deviation, Luo Yin's ancestor died dead!

Su Zimo was reluctant to go through Luo Yin's ancestor's storage bag and let out a fire, still on Luo Yin's ancestor.

The fire came, and Luo Yin's ancestors once again flew out poisonous insects, burning with flames, constantly struggling.

But it didn't take long for them to be burned to ashes by the relentless fire!


At this moment, a fierce roar came from a distance, like what the Supreme Fiend was born, and approached Su Zimo quickly!

On the other side, there is a strong breath coming out, and galloping towards this place,

The Buddha's Tianyantong, Tianertong, Tianzutong and Su Zimo have all been cultivated.

These strong men are still far away, he already sensed it!

More and more ancestors dare to come in this direction.

At this time, Su Zimo could rely on the three supernatural powers of Buddhism to find a gap to escape.

But the corners of his mouth were slightly tilted, but he did not leave, but stood still, waiting for the many powerful men who were coming over.

(End of this chapter)

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