Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1667: Sword Gas Prison

Chapter 1667: Sword Gas Prison

In the west, a tall and burly figure jumped up and down, and every time he jumped, he could span dozens of feet.

After landing, the ground will tremble with it!

In an instant, this tall figure has come forward!

This figure is covered with long golden hair, exuding the smell of rotten corpse, ten nails are slender and slightly curved, as if a ten-handed scimitar is shining with cold light!

This is the War Corpse of the Necromancer!

An old ancestor of the corpse cult hides nearby and does not show up, but controls a war corpse in secret and comes to Su Zimo's body!

This war corpse was obviously a Mahayana ancestor during his lifetime, and he was assisted by a number of corpse cultivating methods to temper such a monster!


Facing Su Zimo, this war corpse was naturally fearless, and a roar broke out, with yellow viscous liquid flowing in the corner of his mouth, which was disgusting.

On the other side, two Mahayana ancestors of Tianyi Church arrived.

The leaf on the face on the left is a black birthmark in the shape of a leaf.

The one on the right had a horse face, his eyes were cold, and the road sign was ‘Pohuang’, in the middle of Mahayana.

These two ancestors also came to Xuanji Palace with the Yuelu ancestors and others.

In the west, three monks in black robes came together, exuding a strong sense of evil, and it was the ancestors of earth evil teaching!

One Mahayana mid, two Mahayana late!

In the east, there were sounds of sea tide.

Countless mana gathers, an Mahayana ancestor came by the wind and waves, holding a silver trident, covered with water vapor, imposing!

Mahayana ancestors of Penglai Island, Mahayana!


Two ancestors of Yuanyuanzong are galloping, one of them is Diyun, Mahayana satisfactorily, and the 33rd in the magical powers list!

The other is the Lengyan ancestor of the mixed Yuanzong, the late Mahayana period.

The two of them got the news, and the other ancestors of the mixed Yuanzong were still on the road.

More Mahayana ancestors are coming here!

Su Zimo's ears twitched, and he could capture the sound of many clothes floating from all directions.

Desolation appeared, I don't know how many Mahayana ancestors were alarmed!

These are just a group of ancestors closest to this place. Over time, Mahayana ancestors will come more and more!

"What are you doing in such a big battle?"

Su Zimo looked calm, looked around, and asked lightly.


The ancestor of Bayou said coldly, "Your dead time has come!"

An ancestral ancestor chanted: "Desolation, you have been in the mysterious palace, and you once killed me to teach flying ancestors, and let you pay your life today!"

Flying off the ancestor was actually killed by Long Phoenix.

If they really faced Shanglong and Phoenix, these ancestors would not dare to speak.

However, the real body of Qinglian in front of her was only in the middle of the Mahayana period, and she only realized ten small magical powers. There was not much fear in the hearts of everyone.

Moreover, they are numerous!

Among these Mahayana ancestors, there are masters such as Diyun who can suppress a desolate army in the middle of a Mahayana, which is more than enough!

Di Yun stared at Su Zimo and said slowly: "Wan Wu, it would be your biggest mistake to have resentment with my emperor clan!"

"You guys, kill the barbarians, right now!"

Di Yun shouted.


Many Mahayana ancestors shot one after another, many magical treasures turned into a myriad of magical lights, intertwined in the mid-air, almost formed a heaven and earth net, there is no gap at all.

Many magic weapons fell towards Su Zimo!

"Good job!"

Su Zimo laughed loudly, screaming in the sky, spurring qi and blood, and the sound of tsunami came from his body, his breath was rising rapidly!


Su Zimo's body seems to have disappeared, and it is replaced by a splendid green lotus that rises up into the sky, glowing with light, rendering Zhou Tian, ​​and shining in all directions!

Many magic weapons were irradiated by the innumerable cyan light and couldn't fall down. All of them were frozen in the air, shaking slightly, seemingly under tremendous pressure!

There is no magic weapon, all fall on the good fortune Qinglian!

It was just a moment of stalemate, but the light emitted by these magic weapons became suddenly bright and dark, and the trembling became more obvious!


Su Zimo's voice sounded and he drank softly.

The fortune-making Qinglian swayed gently, and the whole void seemed to become a substance, ripples of water ripples, impacting on many magic weapons.

boom! boom! boom!

Some powerful magic weapons were directly crashed by this void ripple.

There are also some magic weapons in the early days of the Mahayana. They were swept by the ripples of the void, and were instantly shaken into dust and scattered with the wind!

On top of some Mahayana ancestors ’magic weapons, huge cracks also appeared, dim and dull, falling from the air, and they have become scrap copper and iron!

Only after experiencing the mastery of mastery of magical powers, some magic ancestors of the late Mahayana ancestors can remain impervious to the impact of this natural green lotus.

puff! puff! puff!

Some Mahayana ancestors were shaken and spit blood.

You know, many of these magic weapons are the destiny magic weapons of these Mahayana ancestors!

The natal magic weapon was severely damaged, and these Mahayana ancestors were related to it, and they were also greatly affected.


Su Zimo's figure reappeared, flickered a bit, disappeared from the spot directly, came to the three ancestral ancestors, flipped his hands, and fell down!


The magic weapon of the Disha patriarch shattered, vomiting blood, and before he could react, he was shot dead by the palm of Su Zimo!

Yuan Shen is still in the sea, and has been shattered by the power of Su Zimo!

The other two ancestors taught the ancestors that the situation was not good, and turned to flee, trying to distance themselves from Su Zimer.

"Want to escape?

Su Zimo sneered slightly, holding his fingers together, condensing the sword tactics, and chopped it slightly in the direction of the two cultivators.


In the middle of Su Zimo's sword finger, he uttered thousands of swordsmanship in the sky, and instantly shrouded the two ancestors to form a prisoner of sword gas!

At first, the two sects taught their ancestors to rely on the magical power of cultivation to fight against Heavenly Sword.

However, there are thousands of swordsmanships in the sky, and they are sharp and sharp, constantly cutting the two earth to teach the ancestors!

However, between a few breaths, blood stains began to appear on the bodies of the two cultivators.

Three more breaths passed.

The flesh of the two ancestral ancestors was cut into pieces and turned into two blood mists!

After one breath, the two blood mists were strangled by the Heavenly Sword Jianqi, and the two gods who taught the ancestors to death also died early.

The two ancestors taught the ancestors to be killed by thousands of swordsmanship!

"Only you, also want to kill me?"

Su Zi's ink is everywhere, his eyes are like a torch, his body is filled with blue glow, and he is so imposing that no one dares to look at him!

(End of this chapter)

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