Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1668: Powerful vitality

Chapter 1668: Powerful Vitality

"Summon Rain!"

The ancestral ancestor of Penglai Island waved the trident in his hand and pointed at Su Zimo, a great magical power broke out!


The thunder roared, but in a blink of an eye, Su Zimo's head was already covered with clouds.

The next moment, the rain poured down!

This is not ordinary rain.

Every drop of rain is condensed by extremely powerful magical powers, such as needles and swords, which can easily penetrate the monk's body!


Zunyuan Zongdiyun found a whisk from the storage bag, and waved toward Su Zimo, a gust of wind rolled up in the flat ground, howling!

This is the howling wind above the nine days. When it enters the five internal organs and penetrates the six organs, it can even destroy the monks' gods!

Cultivate as a monk with insufficient realm. Under this shouting wind, he will even be blown apart by flesh and blood, leaving only a corpse!


On the other side, the golden-haired war corpse growled, his face was haggard, his teeth grinned, his eyes glowed fiercely, and he rushed towards Su Zimo.

The other Mahayana ancestors also shot!

Suddenly, countless magical powers came through the air, flying sand and stones, with great momentum!

Su Zimo looked fearless, his body swelled with blood and blood, and a wave of sea tides came out, and blue glow burst out against the pouring rain in the sky!


The rain continued to fall, seemingly endless, and soon Xia Guangzhen outside Qing Lianzhen's body penetrated and fell on Qing Lianzhen's body.

Feilang ancestor's eyes brightened.

Losing the protection of the blue glow, his great magical power is enough to kill Su Zimo!

when! when! when!

However, these rainwaters fell on Qing Lianzhen. Instead of showing any bloodstains, they shattered, and there was a sound of jade strikes, crisp and sweet.

That shouting wind technique, although it dispelled the blue glow around Su Zimo, it did not hurt Qing Lian's true identity!

Su Zimo's figure, standing in the strong wind, remained motionless, the eyes of a pair of children were soaked with permeation, and the cold murderousness was permeated by the whole body!


Fei Lang ancestor stared, his pupils contracted.

His supernatural powers can't hurt Su Zimo's Qinglian true body!


A golden electric light flickered, and Su Zimo's figure had disappeared in place.

The next moment, Su Zimo came to the ancestor of Feilang.

The ancestor of Feilang also responded extremely quickly, forming a huge wave around him, completely protecting his figure, and trying to distance him.


Su Zimo sighed loudly, and the mystery of the sound field broke out!


Under the shaking of Su Zimo's vocal mystery, this monstrous wave burst instantly.

Fei Lang's ancestor's figure was fully revealed.

His eyes were blood-stained, and two scarlet bloodstains spilled from his ears, receiving a severe shock!


The ancestor of Feilang also sang loudly, waving silver trident with both hands, and stabbed fiercely at Su Zimo in front of him!

The huge halberd is permeated with extremely powerful powers!

Su Zimo did not shy away, stretched out his white palm, and directly held the tip of the trident!

No matter how the old ancestors of Feilang urged blood and worked supernatural powers, this halberd was still in the palm of Su Zimo's palm!


Su Zimo sighed softly, holding the tip of the halberd, vigorously pushing forward, and pushed forward fiercely!


The trident slid directly out of the palm of the old ancestor, and his tail pierced his chest, gushing with blood.

The huge power will directly explode the chest of Feilang ancestor!

The power gap is too big!

Su Zimo flicked with his fingertips, and a sky-sword came out in anger and broke away.

The primal **** of Feilang had just escaped. Before he could condense the flesh, he was chopped down by the sword of Heavenly Sword, and his body died!

A Mahayana ancestor was consummated and killed by Qing Lian on the spot!

This scene surprised the Mahayana ancestors present.

Although the ancestor of Feilang is not a master on the magical powers list, he is also a Mahayana complete and realized more than ten great magical powers, but still cannot stop Su Zimo's killing!

Su Zimo town killed Fei Lang ancestors, there was a little delay, many small magical powers, big magical powers all fell down.

Qinglian really can't avoid it!

boom! boom! boom!

Under the attack of so many magical powers, Su Zimo's Qinglian true body couldn't stand in mid-air, was instantly drowned, and fell heavily in the ground!

Sand and stone splashed and a humanoid pit was smashed on the ground!

"Are you dead?"

"Should not die yet, and I haven't seen the wild **** escape."

"Anyway, even if it isn't dead, the deserted war is bound to be hit hard!"

"That's right! This wave of offensives can't kill the deserted martial arts, big deal, let's have another offensive! Two rounds won't work, just ten rounds! We can consume the deserted martial arts if we consume!

Many Mahayana ancestors talked as they rushed towards the big pit.


Just then, a mocking laugh came from the pit.

I saw Su Zimo slowly got up from the big pit. Although the blue shirt on his body was broken and scarred, his eyes were still bright and oozing!


The ancestor of the ancestral genius of Tian Xunjiao gritted his teeth and said, "For a while, we won't let you cry!"

Su Zimo looked around, shook his head slightly, and sarcastically said, "Your strength is still too weak."

Under the watchful eye of many Mahayana ancestors, the wounds on Su Zimo's body were healing at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Just in a blink of an eye, these scars have healed!

Su Zimo has been restored as before!


The faces of many Mahayana ancestors changed slightly.

The Mahayana ancestors' blood has undergone the baptismal training of supernatural powers, and their healing powers are very strong.

But he was wounded by magical magic, and the magical power remained in the wound. It would take a long time to repair it.

Like Su Zimo, many ancestors have never seen it before!

"Everyone shot, Arane must be delaying time!"

Diyun quickly reminded that the first time he shot, once again condensed a great magical power, released it, while waving the dust, and pumped fiercely towards Su Zimo!

boom! boom! boom!

Many Mahayana ancestors also reacted and urged the Yuanshen again, releasing all the magical powers and great magical powers!

Many supernatural powers cover the sky and cover the sun.

Once again, Su Zimo's body was drowned by many supernatural powers!

Many ancestors can see clearly that so many supernatural powers have all hit Su Zimo's body, and they even saw the blood splash!

After a little while, the power of magical powers dissipated, and many ancestors looked at it with all their attention.

I saw that in the desert, Su Zimo slowly got up from the ground, shook his neck, his body was covered with scars, there were at least hundreds of words!

But these scars were filled with blue glow and healed quickly.

In a blink of an eye, Qinglian Zhenshen had recovered as before!


Many Mahayana ancestors took a breath of air!

Such self-healing power and such powerful vitality have exceeded their cognition!

(End of this chapter)

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