Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1673: Smelt

Chapter 1673: Smelting Supernatural Power

Kunlun Market.

This is a forbidden place for all Mahayana ancestors. On this day, a man in a purple robe came, his face blurred, as if shrouded in mist.

Budomoto looked at the ruins not far away, his eyes were deep and bright, and he went forward.

Cross the periphery of Kunlun Market and come to the Kunlun enchantment.

The martial art deity did not hesitate to break through the Kunlun enchantment and break into the Kunlun market!

The moment the deity of Budo stepped into the Kunlun Market, the whole Kunlun Market shook a bit, like what kind of stimulation!

Around the martial arts deity, magical power began to gather, quickly condensing into a group of magical powers storm, enshrining the martial arts deity!

In the magical storm, there is an extremely scary force, destroying the physical body of the martial art deity, extinct vitality, it seems to destroy everything!

This miraculous storm is not a healing miraculous storm, but it contains a terrible killing power!

Although it is only a magical storm, when the storm comes, blood marks appear on the surface of the martial arts deity!

The physical body of the martial art deity can completely shake the magic weapon and is not weaker than any magic weapon.

But under the shroud of this magical storm, it was scratched all over!

In the eyes of the martial art deity, there was no fear, but it became brighter.

"Make it for me!"

The martial art deity sang softly.


His body seems to have disappeared, replaced by a huge furnace, the fire of the martial spirit is burning, and he wants to refine this magical storm!

Two forces, constantly entangled.

Supernatural Storm wants to extinguish the fire of Wuhun, and Supernatural Fire wants to burn the Supernatural Storm!

This time, it ’s not magic, but magical power, that the martial arts deities are smelting!

It ’s too slow to go to the ancient battlefields to observe, participate in, perceive, and practice various supernatural powers.

Moreover, if you go to the ancient battlefield to feel the magical power, you cannot avoid competing for the magical power list, and the martial arts deity will be exposed!

If you follow the steps to comprehend the magical powers, the martial arts deity may not be better than Qinglian's true body!

Because the creation of green lotus is the treasure of heaven and earth, it is the birth of magical power, closer to the heaven and earth, and has the throne of the emperor, gathered the luck of the world, the speed of cultivation is naturally extremely amazing.

If you want to improve your combat power as soon as possible, you can only go an extreme way!

Since the martial arts furnace can smelt all ways, why can't smelt magical powers!

As long as a supernatural power is completely smelted, all the power of this supernatural power is equivalent to being merged into the martial arts flood furnace, and is not distinguished from the martial arts deity!

The magical storm and the fire of Wuhun are still struggling to fight.

Two forces, no one is willing to concede!

At the most dangerous time, the physical body of the martial art deity has been destroyed.

There was only one fire of Wuhun, and it was almost blown away by this magical storm. It became extremely weak and became a slight flame.

You know, once the fire of Wuhun is extinguished, it is equivalent to the death of the martial art master!

So far this martial art deity has not experienced such a dangerous situation!

But the martial arts deity has no fear at all, but his eyes are more and more firm. While smelting the storm of magical powers, he tempers the Tao heart and sharpens his will!

I don't know how long before, the power of the magical storm has gradually weakened.

And the light of Wuhun Fire is getting stronger!

The martial arts furnace finally gained the upper hand!

It was a long time of incineration, and the magical storm around the martial arts demon gradually disappeared.

To be precise, they are not disappearing, but all are refined by the martial arts furnace and become a part of themselves!

The strength of the martial arts deities has also been greatly improved!

The figure of the martial art deity manifested, the blood was running, and the scars on his body were healed in a blink of an eye and recovered as before.

At this moment, the martial arts master felt something strange and looked subconsciously.

I do not know when, around him, a dense crowd of powerful beings gathered!

The movement here has attracted many Kunlun people!

These Kunlun people widened their eyes and looked at the martial arts deity, completely frightened, and could not slow down for a while.

In addition to the barbarity of the year, they saw for the first time that someone could come out alive in the storm of magical powers!

Even in those days, the barbarity was able to survive the magical storm because of great luck.

Because that magical storm is a healing storm, it just neutralizes the power of the sword of doom, so the deserted martial arts can survive.

But now, this mysterious man in the purple robe is totally relying on his own strength to compete with the magic storm and survive!

In the end, even the magical storm could not survive, the power collapsed and disappeared!

At this time, many Kunlun people did not realize that the power of this magical storm did not collapse at all, but was melted by the martial arts deities and merged into their own bodies!

"External, who are you?"

A Kunlun half-ancestor asked Shen Sheng.

The half ancestors of the Kunlun tribe peaked, and they followed Yeling to break through the continent, and temporarily stayed in Jifeng.

In the Kunlun Market, more than half of the Kunlun people remain, guarding it.

If there are any movements in the colorful caves above the Sacred God Canyon, they will immediately pass the disappearance to the Lord of Kunlun, which is the night spirit!

The martial art deity ignored the surrounding Kunlun tribe and proceeded towards the Kunlun Ruins.

"I remind you!"

The half-ancestor of the Kunlun tribe said in a deep voice: "There are many magical storms here, and you have just experienced one of them! If it brings a great magical storm, a peerless magical storm, you will crush your body!"

"is it."

The martial arts murmured quietly, and suddenly there was a magical power in the body.

This power radiated, once again causing a violent wave in the Kunlun Ruins, and the huge power of magical power once again gathered around the martial arts deity!

Just in an instant, there are two magical storms condensing!

"Is this man a lunatic! He has actually provoked a magic storm!"

"Everyone stay away, don't get caught up!"

Many Kunlun people shouted and retreated backwards, fearing that they would be affected by the magical storm around the martial arts deity.

They have lived in this ruin for countless years, generation after generation, where they have seen such people.

Others are afraid of avoiding the magical storm, this one actually provoked the magical storm!

Two magical storms formed, the fire of martial spirits burned again, the martial arts flood furnace appeared, and the power in the magical storm was smelted.

So far, the deity of martial arts has been extremely careful not to provoke a storm of supernatural powers.

But over time, when the martial arts furnace has smelted enough small magical powers, this physical body and the power of this furnace will reach a limit!

At that time, he could try to smelt the great magical storm.

Finally, he will smelt the supernatural powers here!

There is no place more suitable for the martial arts deity than Kunlun Market.

The magical powers contained in this battlefield are much richer than the ancient battlefields.

What's more, here, the Budo master doesn't have to worry about his exposure.

The Kunlun tribe can't get out of it, and there is a Kunlun enchantment. People outside can't come in, and the sense of God can't detect what happened in the Kunlun market.

What the martial art deity wants to hide is not only the major fierce tribes, but also a more terrible and secretive existence on the continent!

(End of this chapter)

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