Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1674: Hunt ancestors

Chapter 1674 Hunting Ancestors

Time goes by, and years go by.

Three hundred years have passed in the ancient battlefields since the last appearance of the deserted war.

In the past three hundred years, although there have been occasional battles in the ancient battlefield, they have not caused much waves.

For three hundred years, no trace of desolateness was found.

It seems that since that appearance, the deserted army has completely disappeared.

As the battle for magical powers draws near, the battlefield in ancient times has become more and more popular!

More and more Mahayana ancestors gathered towards the area where the magical powers were located.

Even some Mahayana ancestors who practiced retreat also went out of the customs one after another.

You know, the magical list will only be held once every 10,000 years, a rare opportunity.

If you can occupy a seat on the magical power list and get the inheritance of great magical power, it may be greater than the retreat of countless years!

What's more, some seats were vacated on the seats of the Magical Powers this time.

Like the ancestral ancestors of Tianshenism and the ancestral ancestors of Dishaism, all died at the race meeting.

Three hundred years ago, the thirty-three emperor clouds of the Supernatural Powers fell to the hands of the barbarous.

In the past 10,000 years, some seats have been vacated. Some of them have fallen to the battlefield in ancient times to fight and fight with others. Others have realized that the supernatural powers have become emperor, and they are removed from the superpowers.

There are thirty-six supernatural power seats, and now there are as many as eleven!

With these seats vacated, the competition is bound to be fierce.

Some Mahayana ancestors also want to take advantage of this battle of supernatural powers to continue to improve their seats so that they can inherit more supernatural powers!

Even if some of the ancestors in the early, middle and late Mahayana did not have the strength to compete for seats on the magical powers, they would choose to watch the war.

This is a rare event for many ancestors.

At that time, there will be a lot of ancestors and powerful fights in the end. If they can understand one or two in this, it will be worthwhile.

"I heard that Jian Chenzi, the number one in the Supernatural Power Rankings ten thousand years ago, realized that he was a supernatural power. He has been emperorized and left the World Magical Rankings. I don't know who can reach the top this time."

"It must be the prince of Dihuang religion. He has been on the second seat of the magical power table for 30,000 years! If it was not 10,000 years ago, he was defeated by Jianchen Zi. The magical list is number one. "

Before the magical power list began, countless ancestors began to discuss and analyze the situation of the battle for the magical power list.

"I don't think so."

The other ancestor shook his head slightly and said, "The third supernatural power leader, the thunderous ancestor of the Wind and Thunder Hall, has also occupied the third superpower position for 20,000 years! I think this time, the old horror hopes very much. Big."

"Let's put it this way, the top six of the magic power list, the first vacated, the other five people have the opportunity to compete for seats on the magic power list!"

At this moment, an ancestor suddenly said: "I estimate that this time the battle of magical powers, the barbarity will definitely show up! Perhaps, he may also compete for the first few seats in the magical powers list."


Another old ancestor shrugged his lips, some dismissed it, saying, "Three hundred years ago, he just realized a great magical power. Three hundred years later, he will be able to realize one or two great magical power at most."

"Even with Qinglian's true body, it would be good for him to reach the top 20 on the magical list. How can he compete for the top several!"

The ancestor next to him agreed: "Not bad! Not to mention the top six ancestors, even the top ten ancestors have been famous in the ancient battlefield for a long time, and the great psychic comprehension is more than 15! The gap is too big! "

"More than that."

Another said: "Don't forget, three hundred years ago, the emperor of the Emperor's family took the initiative to kill the wasteland, but failed."

"I estimate that Arane might not dare to show up this time!"

As the battle for the magical powers approached, the changes on the magical powers became more apparent.

The magical chart was suspended above the sky, and the scrolls spread out, with names written on them, exuding a golden light.

Some positions are blank, meaning that seat is empty.

If you come near, you will find that every seat on the magical power list will reflect a huge area on the ground, covered with golden light.

Under the magical list, there are 36 such golden areas!

This is the battlefield of magical charts!

In some golden areas, there are Mahayana ancestors.

If you want to impact this seat, you must go to this golden area and challenge the Mahayana ancestor!

No one is allowed to disturb during the fight.

Each golden area can only accommodate two people.

At this moment, there are many Mahayana ancestors around the magical power list, and there are probably hundreds of them!

The ancestor of Mahayana's ancestor was 100,000 years old.

These ancestors are almost 100,000 years of heritage and sediment!

"Look, twenty-eight magical charts have disappeared!"

At this moment, an exclamation came from the crowd, and many ancestors pointed at the magical charts above the sky, their expressions shaking.

"what happened?"

Later Mahayana ancestors came forward and asked curiously.

"I heard that in the recent period of time, ancestors have been removed from the list of supernatural powers, and they have been absent!"

An Mahayana ancestor explained: "In five days, this is already five!"


The Mahayana ancestor was shocked when he heard these words.

The battle of magical powers has not yet begun, and the ancestral magical powers were removed from the list. There are only two cases!

First, the Mahayana ancestor realized that the supernatural power was supernatural, and he would naturally disappear from the superpower list.

But this probability is extremely low.

Moreover, even if it is the emperor, it will not be so dense. In five days, there are five ancestors emperor!

The second case is that the Mahayana ancestor on the magical power list was killed by people!

Death and death will naturally be removed from the magic list!

"This is the ancestor on the hunt for magical powers!"

At this moment, someone said something that burst instantly in the crowd!

Hunt the ancestors on the magical power list!

who is it!

Who has such a means!


An Mahayana ancestor gritted his teeth and said, "It must be the act of the deserted, the deserted is born!"

"Not desolate."

At this moment, another Mahayana ancestor seemed to think of something, revealing the color of memories, and condensed: "The other day, I met a man in a black robe in the ancient battlefield, with long hair covering most of it. Face, can't see clearly. "

"This Xuanpao man once asked me about the whereabouts of some Mahayana ancestors on the Supernatural List."

"I didn't care at the time. Now think about it, this person is probably going to hunt these Mahayana ancestors!"

"Who is this person?"

Many ancestors were confused.

Could there be any evil in this ancient battlefield besides Wu Wu?

Just then, there was another agitation in the crowd.


Someone pointed at the Shentong list, his face pale, and his voice trembling, "The sixth ancestor of the Santong list disappeared!"

(End of this chapter)

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