Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1675: The strong gather

Chapter 1675: The Strong Get Together

The top six supernatural powers are the strongest Mahayana ancestors in the ancient battlefield!

The top six can get a peerless supernatural power inherited by the emperor of the ancients. Without extraordinary means, they can't get in.

No one had expected that the magic power list had not yet started to fight. There was only one person missing from the top six in the magic power list!


An Mahayana ancestor frowned slightly and groaned, "This mysterious man hunts down the ancestors on the magic table. There is absolutely no regularity. Some come from Piaoxue Valley, some from Shuluzong, and Wuxiang Temple. All of them. "

"What exactly is this man from, and why did he hunt down the ancestors on the magic list?"

Another said: "If this person is doing this, aren't they afraid that in the ancient battlefield, these kings of the super-sects shot at him?"

"Don't guess, this person will definitely appear when the magical chart begins!"

It is getting closer to the battle of magical powers.

The number of Mahayana ancestors near the Shentong list is still increasing, and it has exceeded the number of thousands!

Hundreds of years ago, Su Zimo was in the mysterious palace, where he spread the spirit fruit, and also allowed many semi-ancestors to break through, step into the Mahayana realm, and enter the ancient battlefield.

At this moment, there was a roar not far away, and the earth was shaking, and it seemed that some peerless powerhouse broke through!

Many ancestors turned their eyes.

I saw a blazing thunderbolt rushing on the horizon, and it reached the top of many ancestors in an instant, showing his figure.

Supernatural powers ranked third, ill ancestors!

Many monks looked at the thunder ancestors, showing a hint of awe.

The ancestor of Lei Lei has occupied the third position of the magical power list, for 20,000 years, two battles on the magical power line have defeated several powerful enemies!

"Ha ha."

Just then, a chuckle came not far away.

A figure walked slowly in mid-air, smiling, arching slightly: "Brother Lei, don't come here."

There was a stir in the crowd!

This figure is truly the fifth ingenious ancestor of the magical power list!

"Why, will you come to challenge me this time?"

The ancestor of Lei Lei looked slightly, glanced at the ancestor of his heart, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and his expression was a bit mocking.

The unforgettable ancestor said, "It doesn't matter, this time it won't work, it will be another 10,000 years. I'm still young, and you have already started to go down the peak. If you consume it, you will definitely lose!"

20,000 years ago, the battle of magical powers was defeated by the ancestors in the hands of the thunder ancestors.

In the past few years, the two have played against each other several times, both of whom lost their ancestors!

They can be regarded as rivals!

Nowadays, when they first meet, they are tit-for-tat, full of gunpowder!

"I heard that the old ancestors of Lei Lei are not too young. They seem to be 70,000 or 80,000 years old."

"So big!"

"Normally, 70, 80, or 80,000 years old should start to enter the twilight, but the ancestor of the thunder and thunder can not see the slightest oldness, the blood is still so strong, it is really amazing."

Some ancestors whispered.

"Best is to save effort."

Another figure slowly emerged in midair. This was a woman with a purple hair shawl and a long sword on her shoulders, looking dignified.

Supernatural powers ranked fourth, purple frost ancestors of the Zixiao school!

The ancestor of Zishuang said: "The two have been in retreat for many years. I'm afraid I haven't heard of it. An evil spirit emerged from the ancient battlefield to hunt down the ancestors on the magical power list!"

"So far, at least six ancestors have fallen into the hands of this person! And no one knows his origin, this person is extremely mysterious!"


The ancestor of Lei Lei was somewhat dismissive, and said lightly, "It's just a mouse generation hiding its head and tail, it's not a concern."


Heaven and earth seemed to dim, and an extremely depressing breath came, making everyone feel a sense of distress!

The ancestors who were present felt that their chests were stuffy and could not breathe.

This breath is too familiar to many ancestors.

Supernatural powers ranked second, the ancestors of Disha religion!

The ancestor of Huanghuang was expressionless, walking slowly towards the magical power list, exuding powerful coercion on his body!

The argument in the crowd faded away, and everyone quieted subconsciously.

At this point, the ancestors on the magical power list, in addition to falling off the name, have already been counted!

"Look, it's that person!"


"The mysterious man who hunted the ancestors of the magical powers!"

Xihuang ancestors appeared, and the crowd had just calmed down, and a huge noise broke out again, and even Huanghuang ancestors couldn't hold such a scene!

Many ancestors turned their eyes and looked towards the north.

I saw a plain robe man stepping forward, his long hair scattered randomly, covering most of his face.

The man's eyes only showed one, but it was deep and bright, and seemed to be full of infinite wisdom. Whoever looked at this eye would sink unconsciously.

A bloodstain was faintly visible on the man's eyebrow.

However, no one associated this bloodstain with the Tianyan of the Tianyan tribe.

Because there is an enchantment ban in the ancient battlefield, it is impossible for people in the fierce clan to break in.

Seeing this bloodstain, many ancestors just thought that it was a scar that fell on the eyebrow of this person.

"it's him!"

The ancestor of Zishuang whispered: "I have seen this person from afar, it is very powerful and unfathomable! I have no grasp of him.

"Where is this guy coming from, why haven't you heard of it before?"

Pixin ancestor frowned slightly.

Even when he looked at the man in the plain robe, he felt restless.

The thunder ancestor narrowed his eyes, his eyes flickered, thoughtfully.

Ancestor of Huanghuang turned his head, staring at the person intently, exuding an extremely dangerous breath on his body!

Under the watchful eyes of so many strong men, the man in the robe was calm and uncomfortable, so he walked over in a leisurely manner.


The man in the robe seemed to feel something, suddenly turned his head and looked towards the east.

At this time, even the ancestors of Huanghuang did not notice anything.

But not long after, a figure emerged in the eastern sky, blue shirt fluttering, black hair like a waterfall, eyes clear, coming from the wind.


"Heaven is here too!"

"Desolation is really not afraid of death!"

Even if no one has seen Su Zimo in person, seeing such a look, the powerful vitality emanating from his body, he has guessed the identity of Monk Tsing Yi.

"You came."

Su Zimo approached, turning his gaze and falling on the man in the robe, saying hello.

Everyone was shocked.

Listening to this tone, Arane seems to know this mysterious man!

Others don't know the man in Supao, but Su Zimo naturally knows that the mysterious man who hunted the ancestors of the supernatural powers is the Daming Monk!

"Why kill them?"

Su Zimo frowned slightly, and asked when the door opened.

If Daming Seng kills the ancestors of Tianshenism, Dishaism, and Penglai Island, he can understand.

But he didn't understand why the Daming Monk would deal with some ancestors such as Piao Xuegu.

There should be no grudges on both sides.

Daming Monk said, "Same reason as I want to kill you."

"You mean ..."

Su Zimo was shocked!

(End of this chapter)

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