Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1676: Asura Road

Chapter 1676 Asura Road

On the six-star mountain, the monk Daming once said that because Su Zimo practiced the "Lianjing Demon Scripture", he had acted suspiciously against Su Zimo.

On the Six Star Mountains, the monk never showed up, just trying Su Zimo.

Because Su Zimo had never used the Book of Blood Refining Magic by the time his life was suspended, Daming Monk didn't hit him.

Nowadays, the implied meaning of this sentence is that these people killed by him all have practiced the "Lianjing Demon"!

"How could this be?"

Su Zimo frowned.

The monk slightly shook his head and said, "The real situation may be more terrible than you think."

The dialogue between the two did not reveal any information, and only two people could understand. The many Mahayana ancestors around were all confused.

"Are there such people on the list of magical powers today?"

Su Zimo asked again.


Da Ming monk said.

Su Zimo and Daming Monk looked at each other suddenly and smiled suddenly.

They don't need to continue to talk, they already understand what the other party is going to do next. This is a tacit understanding.

The two haven't had much time in contact, but they seem to be two close friends.

Just then, a powerful breath shrouded.

A monk in the shape of a scribe emerged in the air, carrying a square slab on his back. I wondered what the magic weapon was.

The man was dressed in a white robe, with large sleeves flicking, and a fairy-like bone, but his body exuded the mighty power of the royal road!

The King is Coming!

"Senior Emperor Chess, I did not expect you to preside over this battle of magical powers."

Among the crowd, Lin Xuanji stepped forward and worshiped this robe scribe.

Among the crowd, some of Su Zimo's acquaintances have also arrived.

For example, Lin Xuanji, Mingzhen, and Ji Fairy have all stepped into the Mahayana realm and came to the ancient battlefield, but their cultivation is a realm, and it is only the early days of Mahayana.

Su Zimo glanced around, but did not see the figure of Xiuluo Yan Beichen.


The chess emperor blew his beard and said, "Your master runs into the palace of the emperor. There is no news now, so I can only preside over it."

Chess emperor, another emperor in the mysterious palace.

It is rumored that the chess emperor is addicted to chess, and his favorite of life is to specialize in chess and fight with others on the chessboard. In the end, he really let him come out of his own way!

On the chess course, it reached its peak. Combined with your own chess course in the mysterious inheritance method of Xuanji Palace, you can comprehend a superb magical power and become emperor!

It can be said that the chess emperor is regarded as a heterogeneity in the practice world.


The chess emperor waved his hand and said, "Those who have a lot of red tape and formal styles are all saved. Those who are going to compete for the seats on the magical chart, now come to an end and fight quickly. I will go back and crack an endgame."

The impatience of the chess emperor urged many Mahayana ancestors below.

The ancestors of Huanghuang, the ancestor of Lei Lei, and others set off to take the lead in entering the golden area shrouded in magical powers.

They are the people on this magic list.

If you want to compete for these supernatural power seats, you have to challenge them!

As for some of the vacated seats, other ancestors could go and kill them in pairs.

Daming Monk's eyes turned, glanced at these ancestors on the magical power list, and finally fixed on a person, walking slowly towards him!

Supernatural powers ranked third, ill ancestors!

"Who the **** is this man, actually he will challenge the ancestor of the Thunder!"

"Looking at his practice as a realm, it's just the late Mahayana period. How strong is the combat power that he hasn't cultivated to the Mahayana?"

"I don't know how strong it is, at least the sixth person on the magical chart has been killed by him."

The Mahayana ancestors around were just watching the excitement.

But only Su Zimo knew why Daming Monk found the ancestor of the thunder.

"No wonder the ancestor Lei Shouyuan was nearly 80,000 years old, and he could still have such strong blood. It turned out to be because he practiced the Book of Blood Purification."

Su Zimo glanced at the ancestor Lei Lei, turned and walked towards another golden area.

"Aramo also ready to shoot!"

"Looking at this posture, you should be heading towards Xu Jing's ancestors."

"Xu shocked his ancestors, and his magical powers ranked twenty-one. He, flying off, and Yueluo three people, only he survived the race of the nations."

Xu Jing's ancestor looked at Su Zimo as he walked in, with a solemn look, and slowly said, "Why, is the Buddhism friend looking for my old account?"

"That's right."

Su Zimo said faintly: "The magical power list is a treasure handed down by the emperor to protect the human race. You are not worthy of it."

This is his choice with the monk.

The Daming Monk chose to remove his ancestor from the list of magical powers and practiced the "Lianjing Demon".

And he chose to remove the ancestors of the three super ancestors of Penglai Island, Tianyiism and Dishaism!

The two teamed up and returned a clean and transparent miracle!

"Worth or not, you don't count!"

Xu Jing's ancestor sank, and said, "Desolation, if you have the dragon and phoenix real body, I'm still a little bit afraid. Your Qinglian real body is only in the late Mahayana period, and hum, if you and I fight with all my strength The outcome is not yet known! "

"is it."

Su Zimo kept walking, entered the golden light area, strode forward, and fell in front of Xu Jing's ancestors in a blink of an eye, yelling, "Let me see what you can do!"


Su Zimo turned his palms, his blood burst out, and the sound of the tide came out, and a horrendous trend broke out. He was severely suppressed towards Xu Jing's ancestors!


Xu Jing's ancestor suddenly yelled.

Behind him, a huge and majestic figure suddenly appeared, like the same demon, standing in the sky with nine heads, eight thousand hands, and awesome!

Ashura Road, Great Magical Power, one of the six ways of Buddha.

In the legend, Ashura, half-human, half-god, brave and belligerent, powerful!

If it is cultivated into Ashura Road, there will be a shadow of Ashura coming to help the monks fight against the powerful enemies, making the monks' combat power soar!

"Give me it!"

Su Zimo's eyes were magnificent, and a blue glow glowed from his body, like a sharp sword, rising into the sky!

This asura was not yet solidified, but was penetrated by this blue glow, but was deadlocked for a moment and collapsed on the spot!

Xu Jing's ancestor's face changed greatly!

His great magical power was just released by Su Zimo, and Su Zimo's shot didn't stop at all. The huge palm has come down.

Xu Jing's ancestors were too late to urge the second magical power. With a touch of his palm on the storage bag, he took out a cold, long sword and chopped it towards Su Zimo's wrist!


Su Zimo did not blink, his fingers were slightly bent and stubborn, and several nails were found out, sharp as a knife, and instantly stabbed on Xu Jing's ancestor's long knife!



Xu Jing's ancestor's long knife could not be cut anymore, and was locked by Su Zimo's five fingers, and he remained motionless!


Su Zimo sighed lightly, with fingertips.

Click! Click!

The crackling sounded, and cracks appeared above the blade!


Many Mahayana ancestors are discolored, sucking air-conditioning!

(End of this chapter)

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