Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1677: Return book

Chapter 1677: Returning The Book

Only with one palm, fists bare-handed, Xu Jing's ancestor's magic weapon was destroyed!

No one had thought of it, it was just that the desolation in the late Mahayana period was so powerful!

This is the potential to create green lotus.

Over the years, after being baptized and tempered by many supernatural powers, Qinglian's body has grown rapidly and become more and more powerful!

And right now, it's not the limit and peak of Qinglian!

On the battlefield.

The blade of the knife shattered, and Su Zimo patted it in the palm of his hand. Many pieces of long swords turned into dozens of cold lights, and they were instantly submerged into Xu Jing's ancestor!

The distance between the two was too close. Xu Jing's ancestors never expected that Su Zimo could break his long knife, and he couldn't react at all!

puff! puff! puff!

Xu Jing's ancestors burst into blood mist!

After a short pause, this flesh can't withstand the power contained in many fragments, and it is torn apart!

Xu Jing's ancestor's Yuanshen escaped and walked towards the distance.


Su Zimo sneered slightly, "Can you escape!"


In the oblique stab, a touch of blazing Jianguang came, and instantly cut Xu Jing's ancestor's primordial spirit in half!

Supernatural list 21, Xu Jing ancestors fall!

The crowd fell into a brief silence, and then a burst of noise erupted.

This battle ended too soon.

From Su Zimo's shot to Xu Jing's ancestor's body falling, there were less than ten breaths.

From the beginning to the end, Xu Jing's ancestors just released a great magical power. Even if he had no chance to release the second magical power, he died.

"Is this the desolate creature that stands up for life?"

Seeing this scene, the Chess King in the air nodded and admired: "In Mahayana realm, you can cross the realm and kill the strongest on the magical powers list, and it really deserves its reputation."

Su Zimo did not stay in this golden light area, but turned and left, looking at the ancestors on the Shentong list, and chanting: "On the Shentong list, the ancestors of Tianzhang, Disha, and Penglai Island all themselves Exit. "


Xingtian, the ancestor of the Seventeenth Magic Order, frowned.

"With these words of barbarity!"

Su Zimo said coldly: "Without taking the initiative, Xu Jing is the end!"

"Desolate military, you want to compete for supernatural powers, it is understandable, but this is too overbearing!"


Immediately, the ancestors of the Ground Shajiao agreed and turned to the chess emperor, and exclaimed: "Xuanji Palace presided over the three rankings. It has always been fair. I urge the senior chess emperor to take action and suppress the deserted Wu!"

The chess emperor smiled lightly and said, "You are right. Mysterious palace is always fair and impartial, so it won't care about this kind of thing."

"Wan Wu is just fighting for a seat on the magical powers list. He did not bully the small, he did not bully the less. Why should I suppress him?"


Xingtian ancestors have to argue.

The chess emperor slightly fluttered his sleeves and said, "It is not necessary to say that even if the barbaric forces want to remove you, it is a matter of course! Anyone on the list of supernatural powers can leave a name, but the ancestors of the three major gates do not have this qualification! "

"The human race is in trouble. In order to survive, you have surrendered to the six fierce races and deserted the human race. What face is still occupying the supernatural power?"

Xingtian ancestors and others were reprimanded by the chess emperor, their faces flushed, and their faces were ashamed.

However, in the eyes of everyone, Xingtian ancestors and others still hesitated.

Just then, Su Zimo moved and walked towards them.

Xingtian's ancestors and other people changed their faces, gritted their teeth, and turned around to withdraw from the magical list area, like a dog of a bereavement.

However, on the list of magical powers, there is an ancestor from the Earth Shajiao who did not move.

Supernatural powers ranked second, huanghuang ancestors!


At this time, a loud noise came from another battlefield, attracting the attention of many monks.

Daming monk and the old ancestor of the thunder, have already fought.

In the rest of the Jinguang area, although there were also ancestors fighting and fighting, the eyes of everyone were still attracted by the monk.

Everyone is curious, what is the origin of Daming Monk and what means are there!

In the eyes of many ancestors, as long as the Da Ming monk took the shot, through the means of the Da Ming monk, they must be able to determine the inheritance of the Da Ming monk and speculate.

However, many ancestors were disappointed.

Since the two sides fought, Daming Monk has never released any secret skills and used any magical powers.

He just relied on the physical body and the strength of blood to suppress the ill old thunder ancestors, who continued to retreat and fell completely into the wind!

The loud noise of Fang Cai was also a great magical ancestor released a great magical power, shattered by the Da Ming monk!

"What is the origin of this man, it is so strong!"

"It is estimated that it is from the super gate of Refining, Liuli Palace, Overlord Palace or King Kong Temple?"

"It's impossible! Even these super sects' refining methods haven't reached such a terrible level, they can shock the magic!"

Many ancestors discussed for a long time, but they still found nothing.


The chess emperor frowned slightly, and murmured, "Who is this man, even I can't see his details, it's a bit interesting."

Lin Xuanji's eyes flickered and he said, "This person is most likely the one who sneaked into Xuanji Palace and stole Xuantianlu!"


The chess emperor looked sideways, surprised: "Xuan Tianlu's theft was really true! When I heard the news, I thought someone was talking nonsense."

"More than that, I suspect that, in recent years, some people on the continent have probably contributed to this situation!"

Lin Xuanji said: "Although Brother Tianji's death was his fault, it is most likely that he was accounted for."

"so smart?"

Qi Huang was even more surprised.

A little groaning, the chess emperor said: "Or wait a moment, I find a chance to take a shot, suppress this person and force him to hand over" Xuantianlu. "

"That's not necessary."

Lin Xuanji shook his head and said, "About three hundred years ago, Xuan Tianlu was returned."

"Because of the theft of" Xuantianlu ", the Zongmen Library has strengthened the guard. In addition to the surface guards, there are two Mahayana ancestors in the library.

"and then?"

Asked the chess king.

Lin Xuanji smiled bitterly: "Then, even the two Mahayana ancestors, they didn't know exactly when" Xuantianlu "came back."

"what did you say!"

Chess King was shocked.

No wonder he was so shocked.

Lin Xuanji's words meant that this person sneaked into the Mysterious Palace again, and returned the Xuantianlu under the eyes of the two Mahayana ancestors, but did not attract any attention from the Mahayana ancestors and left quietly! "

"I can understand that this person stole Xuantianlu."

Lin Xuanji said: "After all, there was no guardian of the ancestors in the library of the collection at that time, and the attention of the entire Xuanji Palace was attracted by people such as Huang Wu and others, and this person seized the opportunity to enter while taking advantage of it."

"At least the trace of this person's stolen book can be traced. But the process of returning the book is too horrible. It is completely unknown, no trace!"

"If it wasn't for the disciples who routinely inspected the Library of Shudian, and accidentally saw the return of Xuantianlu, everyone in Zongmen, including the two Mahayana ancestors, hadn't realized that anyone had visited the Library of Shudian!"

(End of this chapter)

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