Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1678: Annihilation

Chapter 1678: Killing The Thunder

Lin Xuanji only guessed half right, it was indeed the Ming monk who stole the book.

But the chess emperor and him couldn't think of it, but someone else returned the book!

The eyes of the chess emperor fell back on the monk Daming, Shen said: "In fact, this person has not released any magical powers, at least he has been running his mental powers, one of the six magical powers of the Buddha!"

"Although his psychic power is only a great magical power, if he can successfully cultivate, he can know the mind of the other party, expect the enemy to have the opportunity, and it is extremely mysterious."

"It is rumored that he has two great powers of destiny and destiny. The difficulty of cultivation is comparable to that of a peerless superb power. Unexpectedly, this man has successfully cultivated his mind.

Lin Xuanji showed a sorrowful expression, and said, "No wonder, he can completely gain the upper hand in the battle with the ancestor of the thunder and lightning."

"When the ancestor of the thunderbolt thought, this person already knew the other person's intentions, and responded one step in advance. How could he be invincible?"

"This man's accomplishments in the Dharma must be extremely high. Is it possible that the Buddha's wicked evil spirits?"

"Hard to say."

The chess emperor shook his head slightly, and said, "Just relying on one of his psychic powers, he can't determine the identity of this person in this way."

"Although this person is hiding very well, I can still feel an extremely wicked breath in his body! It would never be possible to reveal this breath unless he has cultivated some powerful magic skills."

"That's weird."

Lin Xuanji thoughtfully.

On the battlefield.

The Daming Monk has completely gained the upper hand, suppressing the ancestor of the thunder and death, the ancestor of the thunder and death has almost no power to fight back.

No matter what hole cards or magical powers the ancestors of the thunder and thunder release, Daming Monks will first know and take precautions.

Every action of the ancestor Lei Lei is in the perception of the monk!

Ji Lei's ancestor was already pale and sweaty. Although he was not injured, he was under tremendous mental stress.

Since he practiced, he has fought numerous battles throughout his life, and he has never felt such oppression among his peers!

From the beginning to the end, the monks of Daming were restless.

Not to mention an onlooker, even he can feel that the monk did not use all his strength at all, the other party seemed to be playing with the children.

No matter how he struggles, the other person will play him back to the prototype lightly!

This is completely insulting!

A great grievance was generated in the heart of the old ancestors!

"Who the **** are you!"

The old ancestor of Lei Lei looked ugly. While resisting, he gritted his teeth and asked, "I don't know you at all, why do you want me?"

The Daming Monk didn't answer, still suppressing the ancestor of thunder and lightning, expressionless.

Between the fluttering long hairs, occasionally those wise eyes were revealed, and his eyes were calm and without waves.

"If you don't say it, don't blame me for breaking the net!"

A gleam of blood appeared in the eyes of the ill old ancestor.


The monk stepped into the ancestor of the thunderbolt, and patted it on the chest of the ancestral thunderbolt!


This palm seems to be fluttering and weak, but it directly knocks down the chest of the old ancestor Thunder!


The thunderbolt ancestor's back, raised high, issued a blood arrow!

His heart was shattered by the palm of Daming Monk!

"You talk too much."

Daming Monk slightly shook his head and said, "People who talk a lot often die quickly."

Fighting with a monk in the Ming dynasty, if there is a concentrated war, there is no chance of winning, not to mention, like the ancestor of the thunder, they still have to speak.

Unless you cultivate a dual-purpose supernatural power, if you speak, you will be distracted.

Distractions will inevitably reveal flaws.

Although this kind of flaw is not noticeable, in the eyes of the monk, it will be magnified infinitely!


Lin Xuanji frowned: "The ancestor of the thunder and lightning has broken the heart, why does Qi and blood become more and more prosperous instead of exhaustion?"

The chess emperor frowned, staring at the ancestor of the thunder, whispering softly: "This breath seems to have met ..."

"you wanna die!"

The ancestors of the thunder and thunder blood red eyes, a roar deep down his throat, like a bloodthirsty beast, exuding blood.

The blood flew into the sky, and the sky was dark and evil at the same time. Even the golden light on the magical chart was suppressed!

"The Blood Scriptures!"

The chess emperor and Lin Xuanji saw this scene and exclaimed at the same time!

In the crowd, many ancestors also recognized the source of this evil atmosphere, and they couldn't help but feel shocked and look terrified.

Lin Xuanji looked complicated.

If Brother Tianji didn't practice the Book of Blood Alchemy, he wouldn't have reached that point in the end, falling into an endless abyss, and his death would disappear.

The thunderous ancestor looked gaunt, staring at the Ming monk not far away, showing a fierce light, and said coldly: "You forced me! Even if I could not survive, I must kill you!"

Ji Lei ancestor knew that once this incident was exposed, he would be chased and killed by other Mahayana ancestors.

He released this magic skill, and although he could kill Daming Monk, he himself was also fierce.

Daming Monk didn't answer, just smiled.

The ancestral thunder ancestor suddenly stopped.

In those deep eyes of the monk, he saw a hint of mockery and teasing.

It seems that every move of his own has long been expected by the other party!

"Don't ..."

Ji Lei ancestor suddenly widened his eyes and thought of a possibility.

"This man hunted him because he practiced the Blood Scriptures!"

"But how do you know this guy?"

At this moment, I saw the Da Ming monk reaching out his palm and holding a light hand to the ancestor of Lei Lei across the void.

'Ok? "

The ancestor of the thunder and thunder releases the "Lingering Devil's Scripture", which was originally monstrous with blood and magic!

However, in the process of gathering the palm of the monk, all the blood and blood seemed to be trapped in the palm of the monk and returned to the body of the ancestor of thunder and thunder!

In this process, the ancestors of the disease can't be controlled at all!

This was obviously the blood he cultivated, but he couldn't control it!

"I know!"

A flash of aura flashed through the minds of the ill ancestors.

He guessed the truth, but had no chance to say it.

All his blood is under the control of the Ming monk, and even his Yuanshen cannot emit a little fluctuation of the consciousness!

The monk looked indifferent, his palms slowly closed.

All the blood in the ancestral ancestor's body continually gathered, and finally compressed into a blood cell, condensing extremely terrifying power!

Daming Monk let go of his palm.


The blood cells burst, releasing huge power, and instantly destroying the physical body of the thunder ancestor.

Under the impact of this blood, his primordial **** failed to escape, was directly drowned and drowned, and died on the spot!

Thunder ancestor, meteor!

The sky and the ground are silent.

Many ancestors were shocked, watching this scene incredibly.

The thunder ancestor who occupied the third full 20,000 years of the magical power list, and even offered a card such as "The Book of Blood Purification", was still directly obliterated by this plain robe man!

What did the man in the robe finally release?

(End of this chapter)

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