Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1693: puppet

Chapter 1693: Puppet

At the moment when the Emperor was exposed, Emperor Yu realized that the Emperor was less ferocious.

The method of the imperial emperor lies in his surprise.

His two peerless supernatural powers, the ever-changing and concealing the heavens and the sea to cooperate, can deceive the heavens and conceal the land and kill the invisible!

But once the Emperor Emperor is exposed, he can't stop the power of the desolate army at all!

Not to mention the imperial emperor, even the emperor who comprehends the three superb supernatural powers cannot stop the barbarity of today!

The fortune-making Qinglian at the peak of Bapin is even more terrible than the fierce!

Emperor Yu didn't want to, and immediately decided to abandon the Hidden Emperor and turned to escape!

When Su Zimo beheaded the Emperor, Emperor Yu had escaped this dense forest.

Su Zimo sneered slightly, exuding a huge sense of consciousness, quickly locked Emperor Yu's position and pursued him in the direction of Emperor Yu.

Normally, the range of the emperor's consciousness is hundreds of thousands of miles.

And Su Zimo's consciousness has reached a million miles away!

With a sense of consciousness, less than half of the ancient battlefield movements can be in his perception!

The emperor is already the pinnacle of the continent.

At this step in cultivation, Su Zimo really felt the power to control the heavens and the earth, and seemed to be able to overlook all beings!

Su Zimo chased Emperor Yu along the way.

In his consciousness, Diyu stopped suddenly.

It didn't take long for Su Zimo to catch up.

In front of Diyu, there was still a person who stopped him.

And this man, completely shrouded in Su Zimo's consciousness, does not exist at all!

Daming Monk!

It seems that Emperor Yu and Daming Seng have just fought against each other and suffered a big loss. His face is pale, and the breath from his mouth is bloody.

"Who the **** are you!"

Diyu stared at the Daming Monk not far away, and hated: "Why do you help the barbarity and stop me from going!"

"I'm not helping him, I'm going to kill you too."

Daming Monk said lightly.

"I don't know you, where's the grudge between you and me!"

Emperor Yu gritted his teeth.

The Daming Monk looked at Emperor Yu with a smile, and suddenly asked, "Why, did you urge the Blood Scripture in secret?"


Emperor Yu looked slightly changed.

He didn't understand why he had just reacted to the fact that he had just run the Blood Scriptures.

At this point, he didn't have time to think about it, and the secret method in the Book of Blood Alchemy broke out!

"Blood offering!"

Emperor Yu roared, an extremely evil and strange power descended on the monks and Su Zimo!

Su Zimo frowned slightly.

His blood was even a little bit eager to move, almost evaporated by this strange power, and turned into nothingness!

He has seen this mystery in the Book of Blood Alchemy. The blood sacrifice mystery has been released, and he can refine the blood of other creatures into his own elite power from a space, extremely overbearing and horrifying!

Strangely, Su Zimo did not control it intentionally, and his bloodline calmed down with a slight change.

The opposite monk also had a calm look and nothing unusual.

Emperor Yu's blood sacrifice turned out to have no effect at all!

"how come……"

Emperor Yu shook his expression, staring at his eyes, his face was full of incredible color.

If Su Zimo and Daming Monk released some magical secrets to resist this blood sacrifice, he would understand.

But today's scene is completely different!

His blood sacrifice had no effect on the blood of Su Zimo and Daming Monk!

"Blood offering!"

At this moment, the monk suddenly stretched out his palm, and also operated the "Alchemy of the Blood Magic", across the void, holding a hand toward Emperor Yu.


Emperor Yu's body suddenly burst into a mist of blood!

The blood exploded, turned into a light, and flew towards the monk.

The monk opened his mouth and swallowed this blood into his stomach.

At this moment, Emperor Yu seemed much older.

In the same secret method, the monk was released, and the essence and blood in the emperor's body was almost refined!

"Oh it's you!"

Emperor Yu looked at Daming Monk with a smirk: "Hundreds of years ago, it was you who tried to stop me from hunting down the desolate army!"

The Daming Monk did not speak, which is considered the default.


Emperor Yu laughed and looked stern, saying: "Even if you kill me, you are just a marionette. Your fate is also under the control of others!"

"Awesome, really amazing!"

Emperor Yu turned his head and looked at Su Zimo, and said, "Originally, I thought how capable the wild martial arts were, but that wasn't the case! You are just a puppet! Hahaha!

"He's in control all over the world!"

Su Zimo's body flickered. He came to Di Yu, stretched out his palm, and landed on Di Yu's Heavenly Spirit Cover, directly detaining Di Yu's Yuan Shen.

"Soul Search!"

Su Zimo's eyes were bright, and a strange black mang appeared.

In his palm, a ball of light emerged. Above the light ball, black chains grew, piercing the emperor's gods!

The memory of Emperor Yu passed through Su Zimo's mind.

From the beginning of the emperor's practice, there was no important information in the condensed environment, the establishment of the foundation ... until the integration, everything was normal.

However, after Emperor Yu reached the half ancestor, Xiu Wei could not improve.

Later, his birthday was getting less and less, and he was already in the twilight, and he had almost no chance to succeed his ancestor!

On this day, Emperor Yu met someone.

Su Zimo couldn't see the person's face.

When he concentrated his mind and wanted to see this person clearly, the person suddenly turned around and looked at him. It was a weird blood face, smiling at him, eerie!


Su Zimo was shocked. If he was struck by lightning, the whole person instantly awakened from the state of soul searching.

Su Zimo looked down.

Emperor Yu's Yuan Shen has disappeared.

He still couldn't see the face of the man.

Suddenly, Su Zimo had a cold sweat!

The words of Emperor Yu before his death were somewhat similar to those of Tianji before his death.

This made Su Zimo want to investigate the secret behind this!

Unfortunately, it was a shortfall.


The Daming Monk was not far away, looking at Su Zimo and asking gently, it seemed no surprise to this result.

Su Zimo nodded.

"It's almost over."

The Daming Monk looked at the distance, murmured, his complex look, seemed a little lost, some relieved, some looked forward, some guilt.

Su Zimo was about to ask, and the monk suddenly said, "Yes, there is one more thing, I need to remind you."


Su Zimo asked.

The monk Daming said: "There is a demon in the heavens and the land is mysterious. The division is unknown, but its combat power is extremely horrible! In the semi-ancestor realm, I was not his opponent!


Su Zimo pretended to be surprised.

He naturally knew that what the Ming monk said was the martial arts deity!

Daming Monk looked up at Su Zimo, nodded slightly, turned and left, and soon disappeared.

Su Zimo was silent.

Today's barren continent, despite the coexistence of thousands of peoples, is relatively calm, but the fall of Emperor Yu today has made Su Zimo feel a pressure again!

Storm is coming!

Su Zimo thought for a moment, turned around and left, ready to retreat again, and continued to realize the supernatural powers.

(End of this chapter)

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