Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1694: King of Dragons

Chapter 1694 The Emperor Hailong

Desolate Emperor!

Yuhuang, Yinhuang and Corpse Emperor all died!

Messages were sent to the continent, causing a lot of shock.

But everyone knows that under the circumstances of the human race, the rise is already inevitable, and it is even possible to reproduce the glory of the human race in ancient times!

Valley of Dragon Skeletons, Land of Zulong.

Dragon Phoenix sits cross-legged, in the deepest part of the ancestral dragon land, in the middle of many Shenlong tombs, absorbing the ancestral energy of Zulong continuously, closing his eyes, feeling the magical power.

Long Huang Zhen's body is no less secretive than Qing Lian's body.

There are many mysteries of Gongfa, it is possible to comprehend the supernatural powers!

For example, in the line of the sword emperor, there are two peerless supernatural powers.

Heaven cut, the peerless supernatural power in the knife way, released, as if the sky came down with a knife light, you can kill everything, unstoppable!

Another supernatural power is the time that the emperor emperor once released was still.

Of course, these two superb supernatural powers, Long Phoenix really want to understand, it is extremely difficult, I do not know how long it will take, what kind of opportunity.

The most likely to practice the superb magical powers are the magical powers passed down in the Secret of the Desolation King!

The Secret of the Desolation King has never stopped since Su Zimo's practice. This exercise has been integrated with him.

Like the supernatural power of inheritance, if you realize the ultimate, it is possible to cultivate the supernatural power and move instantly!

And Longhuang Zhenshen has tried to practice the years like a knife to the point of peerlessness.

But for hundreds of years of practice, he still made little progress.

The power of time is too difficult to comprehend.

From ancient times to the present, there are few exercises about time and time.

Without the barren spells and the inheritance of the half-ancestors, Dragon Phoenix Realm would certainly not be able to create this magical power of years!

Many magical powers in the Great Wild Demon King's Secret, the most promising is to achieve the supernatural powers of six teeth!

Realizing this magical power, Dragon Phoenix came into Mahayana realm.

As long as he continues to practice and his strength continues to rise, it is possible to cultivate the six idol teeth!

Thousands of years ago, at the Nationalities Conference, Long Phoenix Zhenshen has cultivated four ivory teeth.

Now he has cultivated the fifth root!

With this retreat, he is impacting the sixth idol tooth!

Once the six teeth are condensed, it will become a peerless one, and Dragon Phoenix will be crowned!

As a taboo, it is terrifying in itself.

Mahayana is complete, it is equivalent to comprehend the four superhuman supernatural powers!

Once the dragon and the phoenix become emperor, the combat power is equivalent to the five superhuman superhumans!

In the ancient times, the three taboos in the peak state can dominate the wilderness, and the ancient war that shook ancient and modern times broke out. This is why!

There is another reason why Dragon Phoenix really wants to be crowned as soon as possible.

It is because in his knowledge of the sea, the Secret of the Desolation King left four light spheres at the end, and now he has broken three and inherited three talents.

His demon king vision also cultivated eleven statues!

Twelve demon kings, only the last one!

Long Phoenix Zhenshen also wants to know which demon king will be in this last ball of light, and what kind of talents will be inherited!

Not far away, Emperor Chen Long held a broom, and looked at Long Phoenix's true body quietly, looking pleased.

Thousands of years later, Chen Longhuang looks older.

However, he still has a birthday of nearly nine thousand years.

For nine thousand years, he believes that Dragon Phoenix Zhenshen must have grown up and will lead the Dragon family to continue!

At this moment, a gap was opened not far away, and a figure emerged, holding the dragon cane and walking towards Chen Longhuang.

This is an old lady who is older.

The old woman has white hair. Although there are many wrinkles on her face, she can still see the beauty of this old woman when she is young.

"Hailong, you are here."

When Chen Longhuang saw this old lady, he smiled slightly and nodded: "I haven't seen you for many days, but your looks are much better than before."


The Hailong Emperor nodded slightly, saying hello.

There are five emperors among the dragons!

Emperor Hailong is the emperor of the dragon family!

"What, what's the matter?"

Chen Longhuang asked.

Hailong Emperor came to Chenlong Emperor, looked at the dragon and phoenix not far away, and groaned a little, and said, "I heard that the injuries of Jinwu Fire Emperor and Hades Wuhuang have been cured."

"Well, I heard the news."

Chen Longhuang nodded.

Thousands of years ago, the emperor of the ancients came and killed the four emperors of the fierce tribe. Only these two emperors escaped.

These two emperors are powerful, equivalent to comprehending the six peerless human emperors.

But it took a thousand years to fully heal the injury.

"There is another message that you may not know."

Hailong Emperor's Road: "Three fierce tribes of the Raksha, Tianyan, and Bloodvine clans, each with three emperors rising, has comprehended the four superb magical powers!"


Chen Longhuang's expression changed slightly.

The ferocious comprehension of the four peerless supernatural powers means that the combat power is comparable to that of the six peerless human emperors.

You know, six thousand years ago, the six fierce clan joined forces, and they were so powerful that there were only four such top emperors.

Now thousands of years have passed, the protoss have been trapped for a while, and all the remaining five fierce tribes have top-level emperors born!

"How could this be?"

The emperor Chen Long frowned, shaking his head and saying, "This is weird. The fierce tribe realizes the four superb supernatural powers. How difficult is it, how can three statues emerge in a thousand years?"


The Emperor Hailong shook his head and said, "At the Xu race, the emperors of these three fierce families were ruthlessly beheaded by the emperor, which actually stimulated the three fierce families."

This reason is, of course, a bit far-fetched.

Chen Longhuang always felt that there was something weird, but he couldn't think of it for a while.

Hailong Emperor Road: "Now, despite the coexistence of thousands of ethnic groups, the great wasteland is in a delicate balance because of the checks and balances between the major forces."

The ancient town of Wangu people killed four fierce clan emperors, leaving Jinwu Fire Emperor and Witch Witch Emperor seriously injured.

"Now, the injuries of the Emperor Jinwu and the Witch Witch are healed, and the top three kings are born from the remaining three major warriors. If the five warriors join forces again, this balance will be broken!"

Hailong Huang said in a condensed voice.

Originally, if it was only the severely injured King Wuhuo and Hades, the Chenlong Emperor could deter them.

But now, has entered the twilight, with only a few thousand years of Chen Long emperor, there are no chances for the five top emperors!


The Emperor Chen Long said coldly: "The barren martial arts has been emperored. We will join forces with the barbarians, the Wa people, and the human race. If we really fight, the five fierce races will have to pay a heavy price! Wait for someone to be afraid! "

"If you die now?"

Hailong Huang suddenly turned his head and smiled strangely at Chen Longhuang.

(End of this chapter)

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