Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1695: Dragon Pain

Chapter 1695: Pain of the Dragon Race

While Hailong Emperor was talking, she suddenly picked up the crutch in her hand and smashed it in the direction of Tianlong Gai of Chen Longhuang without any reservation!

The land of Zulong, the outbreak changed!

The distance between them is too close.

Facing this near-killing blow, Chen Longhuang had no defense at all, and when he realized it, the crutch had already hit him heavily!


A loud noise!

Emperor Chenlong's head was covered with silver flurry, and dragon blood splashed.


Emperor Chen Longhuang burst out an angry roar, shook the world, spread the land of the ancestors, and even the whole valley of the dragon skeleton could hear clearly!

Dragon Phoenix was really shocked.

He couldn't wait to realize the magical power, opened his eyes suddenly, and saw a scene not far away.

I saw Hailong Emperor's walking stick and smashed deeply into Chen Longhuang's head.

Chen Longhuang ’s heavenly spirit cover was deeply sunk into a large pit, this time, almost smashing his dragon head!

Physical harm is nothing to the Emperor.

But this smashing, Chen Longhuang's Yuanshen, were almost shattered!

Chen Longhuang's Shouyuan has nine thousand years left, which seems to be long, but for the dragon family emperor who has a full 400,000 yuan, it is already exhausted.

Not to mention Chen Longhuang is late, even if he is the peak, Yuan Shen suffered such a heavy blow, he will not survive!

The Hailong Emperor's shot was extremely decisive. Without hesitation, the burst of power directly destroyed the vitality left by Chen Longhuang!

Chen Longhuang did his best to grab the backhand toward Hailong Huang's face, his arms skyrocketed, and his palm turned into a huge dragon claw. He wanted to kill Hailong Huangzhen!

But the Dragon King reacted faster.

After she took a shot, she jumped forward and evacuated, avoiding the mortal blow of Chen Longhuang, grinning, wrinkles on her face stacked together, smiling grimly.

boom! boom! boom!

Three bangs erupted in the land of Zulong!

The other three regal dragon emperors appeared and hurried towards this place.

"Hailong Emperor!"

Dragon Phoenix is ​​full of murderous face, and the sky is shouting. It directly transforms into the shape of Dragon and Phoenix, with two huge wings growing behind it!

Dragon and Phoenix wings, Dapeng Golden Wings!


Dragon Phoenix really rushed towards the Dragon King, and the speed broke out, almost reaching the limit!


The Emperor Hailong smiled, his body was shaking, and he disappeared directly from the land of Zulong.


Long Huang really took a breath.

"Long Mo, don't ... chase, you, cough ..."

Chen Longhuang's voice came on and off, coughing blood in his mouth, and saying, "You can't catch up."

At this moment, the other three dragon emperors also came down, seeing this scene, his face changed greatly!

"Chen Longhuang!"

Jin Yunlong Emperor, Pulong Emperor, Nirvana Emperor came down, and sighed sadly.

"How could this be?"

The Nirvana Emperor looked at the scene in disbelief, his body trembling slightly, his eyes flushed, and he asked with his teeth.

"This is the natal weapon of the Dragon King."

The King of Dragons looked at the feet of the King of Dragons, and the dragon-headed cane stained with blood, said Ningsheng.

"Is this the Dragon King?"

In the eyes of Jin Yunlong Emperor, it seemed that two flames were to be spitting out, and with a roar, they had to be transformed into a dragon form to chase Hailong Emperor.

"Don't go."

Emperor Chen Longhuang's eyes were dim and angry.


Jin Yunlong Emperor ignited a blazing flame and shouted, "Why is this!"

Chen Longhuang sighed softly, the breath of life in his body was already less and less.

He looked at Long Phoenix and said quietly, "You need to be crowned as soon as possible, as soon as possible ..."

"I must!"

Long Huangzhen held Chen Longhuang's palm and said sadly.

Since the return of Shenhuang Island, Longhuang Zhenshen has practiced beside Chen Longhuang. If he doesn't understand any confusion, Chen Longhuang will patiently solve his confusion.

Without Chen Longhuang, he would not be able to practice so fast.

In Long Phoenix's body and mind, Chen Longhuang is like his master.

Emperor Chen Long opened her mouth slightly. It seemed that there were countless words in her heart. She wanted to say it, but she had no chance.

He looked into the distance, his eyes gradually fainted, and finally he uttered a few words: "Havoc ... come ..."

Afterwards, Emperor Chen Long closed her eyes, and Yuan Shen died.

The last wave of life in his body disappeared.

Over the entire valley of Dragon Skeletons, a huge ghost dragon ghost appeared.

This ghostly dragon hovering in mid-air, looking down at the dragons below, there was deep perseverance and worry in his eyes.

However, this ghost dragon's ghost image gradually faded and disappeared.

An unstoppable grief shrouded over the valley of dragon bones.

Qun Long looked at this scene.

Qun Long didn't know what had happened, but their hearts were extremely uncomfortable, as if they had lost the most important and valuable thing.

It didn't take long for King Yunlong to come to the air and be silent for a long time before he said hard: "Chen Longhuang, fallen!"


There was a bang in the minds of the dragons, a blank.

Although all the dragons knew that Chen Longhuang had already entered the twilight, there would be a day sooner or later, but when they really faced, it was still unacceptable.

"How can this be impossible!"

"Isn't Chenlong Emperor nine thousand years old? Why is it falling now?"

Some dragons shouted.

Jin Yunlong Emperor silently.

He didn't know how to explain this to the Dragons below.

Emperor Chenlong died in the hands of Hailong Emperor without any precautions, in the hands of his own people!

This will be the eternal pain of the Dragons!

In the land of Zulong.

Dragon Phoenix's body looked cold, his fists clenched, and an anger echoed in his body. Numerous cathartic breaths were blown out, and his entire body was almost exploding!


Long Huang's real body was in pain, and he was holding his body slightly. On his back, a white as jade ivory suddenly grew, sharp and sharp, it seemed to penetrate everything!

Every ivory tooth contains a terrifying power.

Even Nirvana Emperor and Pulong Emperor felt a shock!

A total of five idol teeth!

But in the roar of Dragon Phoenix's real body, the sixth tooth of the idol slowly tore his back and grew out!


An extremely powerful force descended from the sky, and baptized the blood and spirit of Dragon and Phoenix really crazy!

The magical powers of the Great Wild Demon King's Secret, the six teeth great power!

The teeth of the six idols are condensed, and the power of the dragon and phoenix can be increased by six times, even the Nirvana Emperor and the Pulong Emperor must avoid their sharpness!

The Emperor Chen Long suffered severe hardships, died and died, great grief and pressure, so that Long Huang Zhen Shen practiced the power of six teeth and became the emperor!

The death of the emperor Chenlong is equivalent to the absence of a leader.

At this time, Dragon Phoenix must stand up!

(End of this chapter)

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