Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1696: Dai Tribulation

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1696


Just then, in the depths of the ancestral land, there was another high-pitched sound of Dragon Yin!

An overwhelming force permeates the land of Zulong!

After the dragon and phoenix became the emperor, another dragon became the emperor!

"It's Dragon Burn."

Nirvana nodded.

The Pulong Emperor sighed slightly and said, "It is the Emperor Chen Long who wants to come to be able to let Long Mo and Long Ran break through. Otherwise, the situation of the Dragon Clan will become extremely bad!"

Although, including Dragon Phoenix Real Body and Dragon Burning, there are five honorable dragon emperors.

However, losing the strongest Chenlong Emperor is still a huge loss for the Dragon Clan!

This means that the balance between the Dragon, Wa, and Barbara and the remaining five fierce races is broken!

At this time, Dragon Phoenix and Dragon Burning were still in the land of ancestors, and they were still undergoing the baptismal training of superb power. Nirvana and other three emperors of the Dragon race stayed aside and kept guard.

It took only half a day for Long Ran to receive baptism and came here.

Long Huang Zhen continued for three days and three nights, and the breath in his body gradually calmed down.

"What's going on with the Dragon King?"

Emperor Nielon frowned and asked, "Did she already take refuge in the five fierce clans?"

"It doesn't make sense at all, why is she doing this?"

Jin Yunlong Huang shook his head and looked puzzled.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they could not believe that Chen Longhuang was actually killed by Hailong King!

The Pulong Emperor suddenly said, "What do you mean by the catastrophe before the death of the Emperor Chen Long?"

Long Phoenix Zhenshen was silent all the time. When she heard this sentence, her heart moved and she thought of a terrible possibility!

Qing Lian Zhenshen has been in the Xuanji Palace and has read some ancient books records.

On the continent, from 40,000 years ago, every 10,000 years, there will be a catastrophe, causing countless lives, many powerful people fall, and blood will flow into the river!

Thousands of monsters 30,000 years ago.

The horror of the stars 20,000 years ago.

The gangster of ten thousand years ago.

Behind these three catastrophes, an invisible hand is pushing!

Now, ten thousand years have passed since the death of Dagan!

Is the fall of Chen Longhuang the beginning of this catastrophe?

Dragon Phoenix really looked at the large pit that Chenlong Emperor Tianling Gai had smashed, and suddenly asked, "How many supernatural powers does Hailong Emperor understand?"

"Only one."

Emperor Nielon said: "It was the talent and magic of the dragon family that evolved."


Long Fengzhen shook her head and said, "When we only chased her, she released the instant movement, and she realized at least two peerless supernatural powers."


Long Ran frowned slightly. Hearing what seemed to be the meaning of Long Phoenix's true body, he asked, "What do you want to say?"

Dragon Phoenix really said: "Even if the Dragon Emperor comprehends two peerless supernatural powers, he and the Chen Dragon Emperor who comprehends four peerless magical powers are still far behind.


Long Fengzhen pointed at the crutch that had fallen at the foot of Chen Longhuang, and said, "This crutch hit the head of Chen Longhuang. The whole crutch has been broken and completely abolished!"

"The Emperor Chenlong has four blessed physical bodies. The physical body is so powerful that the Emperor Hailong can burst out such a powerful force and kill the Emperor Chenlong?"

Long Ran and others nodded.

They also found a hint of weirdness.

Even if it is unexpected, if you want to kill Chen Longhuang Town, you need an extremely horrible outbreak, at least any of them can't do it!

"When was the Dragon King so powerful?"

Nirvana and others looked at each other, and their minds became more confused.

At this moment, an anxious shout came from outside the land of Zulong: "Long Ran, Long Ran, come out and see me!"


When Dragon Burn looked, he said, "It's a pretty peak."

Savage Peak, also known as Savage Chief.

"I'll go out and see."

Dragon Burn ripped open the void, left from the land of ancestors, and descended over the valley of dragon skeletons.


Long Cang looked helpless and said: "It was he who broke in, and we are not good at blocking it."

Long Ran nodded slightly, looking at the breathless Barbara Peak not far away, frowning, and yelled: "Barbara, you and I have a relationship, but you can't run rampant in my Dragon family, what are you yelling at?

"Don't talk nonsense, take me to see Chen Longhuang senior!"

Barbara stepped forward, grabbing Long Ran's wrist and shouting.

Long Ran suddenly became silent.

"What are you doing?"

Manfeng could not help but urged, "Take me to see Chen Longhuang senior, something is going to happen!"

At this moment, Longhuang Zhenshen, Nirvana King, Pulong King, and Jin Yunlong King heard the outside movement and came out of the ancestral land.

"What happened?"

Dragon Phoenix really sank in his body and mind, and quickly asked.

When Barbarian saw so many emperors, he gritted his teeth and said, "The barbarians changed something, the mountain barbarians rebelled and killed the barbarians. Then they killed two barbarians. They have escaped the barbarians. "


Hearing this sentence, Longhuang Zhenshen and others were shocked and exclaimed.

Manfeng said: "My barbarians now have two emperors, and there are only two of them, and there are two emperors who are seriously injured and can hardly participate in the war."

Long Huang Zhenshen, Long Ran and others looked at each other with a solemn look.

They did not expect that after the fall of Chen Longhuang, only three days later, the Barbarians even had such a huge change!

"What about Chen Longhuang?"

Manfeng said: "What are you doing, quickly tell the Emperor Chen Long the news, and ask him to come out of the mountain! This is definitely a conspiracy of the five fierce families!"

"Chen Longhuang, it has fallen."

Long Ran sighed.


Manfeng opened his mouth and held his mouth completely, but said subconsciously: "This, how can this happen, Chen Longhuang still has thousands of years to live ..."

Although this is a scandal of the Dragon clan, Long Ran still said: "The Hailong Emperor betrayed, and Chen Longhuang was unprepared to take it seriously. Chen Longhuang failed to survive."

Pretty Peak was pale.

Unexpectedly, he rushed to the Dragon Clan to ask for help, and the Dragon Clan had such a change!

Long Huang Zhenshen seemed to think of something, and her face changed suddenly, and she suddenly said, "Dai! Come to Dai to remind me!"

Long Ran, Manfeng and others also reacted as soon as possible.

The Barbarians and Dragon Races happened one after another. This is no coincidence. The next one is most likely the She race!

"I come over!"

Long Ran will leave and go to the Dai people in person.

At this moment, a ray of silver was coming across the sky above the Valley of Dragon Skeletons.

Before the time came, this Yinguang coquettishly said, "Everyone spread it out, and let Long Mo come out!"

"It's the Silver Lan of the Dais!"

Longhuang really recognized the identity of the person at a glance.

At the same time, Longhuang Zhenshen also realized that it is very likely that the She race has already happened!

"I'm here!"

Long Phoenix really greeted him.

Yin Lan's face was pale, and the first sentence in Zhangkou's mouth was: "The Dai tribe!"

(End of this chapter)

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