Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1698: Perfect martial arts

Chapter 1698 Perfecting Martial Art

At this moment, a dragon tribe hurried forward, and Shen Sheng said, "Everyone who enlightened the emperor, a young man outside the valley of the dragon skeleton begged to see the young master. He said his name was Tao Yan, and there was something to report."


Dragon Phoenix really sank in mind and body.

Tao Yan guards Pingyang Town. Is it something that happened to Pingyang Town?

He didn't wait for Tao Yan to come in by himself, and the dragon and phoenix wings broke out, Dapeng's golden wings, the speed was spurred to the extreme, and in an instant, he came outside the valley of dragon bones.

Long Ran and others also chased after them.

"What happened to Pingyang?"

Long Huang Zhen saw Tao Tao, no shame, and asked directly.

"I've seen him."

Tao Yan shook her head and said, "Pingyang Town is okay, but Jade Luo Cha has just arrived, and sent me a jade bamboo slip, and let me hand it over to the son."

Yu Luocha originally wanted to find the martial arts deity, but the martial arts deity was not in Pingyang Town, so she left Yu Jian to Tao Yan.

While talking, Tao Yan handed this jade Jane up.

Dragon Phoenix took the jade Jane in his body, moved into the jade Jane, and saw the message that Yu Luocha stayed inside.

There is not much information, there are only two paragraphs: "The demon emperors of the eight demon domains have all chosen to submit, and the five fierce tribes are ready to join forces to start a war!"

"At that time, the Protoss will be driven as the vanguard, followed by the Demons, and finally the five fierce tribes, first the barbarians, then the dragons and the Was!"

After finishing watching the Jane Jane, Long Phoenix really crushed the Jane Jane without expression, and the information inside appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone looked ugly.

The three gangsters have just happened, and the five gangsters have already got the news and are ready to join forces to start a war.

Ten thousand years ago, the five gangsters suffered a big loss.

This time, it must have come with anger!

"How to do?"

Although Manfeng was the head of the barbarians, he was a little panicked at this time.

Today's situation is no worse than before, if the coping is not handled correctly, the barbarians will have the scourge of extermination!

Everyone looked at Long Phoenix, who was waiting for an idea.

Long Phoenix Zhenshen slowly said: "There is no other choice but to fight!"

Even if we know that there may be an invisible big hand behind this catastrophe, the three major murderers have no choice.

They can only fight!

"How can I fight?"

Manfeng shook his head and said, "The power gap is too great! Chen Long's emperor's body has fallen, and there are five top emperors on the opposite side. We can't resist it."

"I'll deal with those five emperors."

Longhuang Zhenshen's tone was firm.

He and Qinglian came out together, and then joined forces with Yeling, and could try to fight against the Witch King and others.

In fact, if the martial art deity can become the emperor, the underworld emperor and others are not afraid!

However, Long Phoenix had always been in retreat before, and now after leaving the customs, he has lost contact with the martial arts deity.

Just now, he also tried to contact the martial arts deity, but did not respond.

"But in terms of overall strength, the gap is also very different."

Nirvana sighed: "Counting the Protoss opposite, it is quite the six fierce races, and there are demons as helpers, we ..."

"It may not be impossible to fight."

Long Huang Shen Shen said: "I will contact the clan, let the clan and the three fierce clan join hands!"

In fact, in addition to the human race, there is another party of power that is not under the control of the major fierce races.

That is the Kunlun tribe under the night spirit!

The Kunlun tribe has just come out of the Kunlun market. Except for the night spirit, there is no Kunlun tribe emperor, but there are many ancestors of the Kunlun tribe, which is a force that cannot be ignored!

"Barbarian, you immediately return to the barbarians and use space magic to transfer all barbarians to the Valley of Dragon Skeletons!"

Longhuang really took a decisive decision and arranged directly, saying: "Yinlan, you also return to the Dai and transfer the Dai."

The three fierce tribes have suffered calamities, and if they are not united, they can only be defeated by each.

The Barbarians are located in the Eastern Region. If the Dragon and the Qiang are allowed to go to the Eastern Region, they will be vulnerable to all sides.

"it is good!"

Manfeng and Yinlan did not hesitate to come down and turned away.

Long Phoenix Zhenshen could not contact the martial arts deity, and then passed all the information here to Qinglian Zhenshen.

Until this time, Longhuang Zhenshen remembered one thing and quickly went to investigate the situation in the sea.

In his eyes, there was a loss.

Although he realized the supernatural power and became the emperor, but he knew the fourth light ball in the sea and it didn't break.

You know, there is a magical power in the fourth light ball.

If this magical power can be understood, the combat power of Dragon Phoenix will be improved a lot, but unfortunately, the fourth light ball has no movement.


In the ancient battlefield, Su Zimo awoke from the retreat with a solemn look.

What he was worried about still happened.

He had already vaguely guessed that there might be a catastrophe, but he did not expect that this catastrophe came so suddenly, and the three fierce tribes were almost brought to an end!

If it is said that behind this catastrophe is that blood face, or what kind of blood demon, the handwriting is too big this time!

This will be a disaster that is comparable to the ancient times, the battle of the ancients, and swept the entire continent!

No one is immune!

The most frightening thing is that the blood face has not given the three major fiends at all, giving the human race any choice.

They can only fight.

Prior to this retreat, Su Zimo had communicated with the martial arts deity.

There was trouble over the martial arts deity.

Smelting supernatural power is much more difficult than Martial arts imagination.

The fire of martial spirits and smelting techniques are okay, but the speed of smelting supernatural powers is significantly slower.

In recent years, although the martial arts master has smelted some small magical powers and great magical powers, none of the peerless magical powers has been successfully smelted.

More importantly, the practice of deity of martial arts encountered a bottleneck.

The practice of martial arts is different from the practices of immortal Buddha and demon. He can only practice while martial arts is perfected.

Now, there is no way ahead.

The martial art deity must develop martial arts, perfect martial arts, and pave the road under his feet before he can continue.

It takes a long and endless time to develop the exercises.

The Budo master temporarily gave up the smelting of supernatural powers and chose to retreat.

This time the retreat, the martial arts severed all the ties, and even Qinglian Zhenlong and Longhuang Zhensheng could not sense him.

Martial arts deities just disappeared from the continent!

At this moment, an ancient palace emerged faintly above the sky in the ancient battlefield, exuding the might of the royal road!

The imperial palace is coming!

It didn't take long for the storyteller to come out of the palace.

After the storyteller entered the palace of the Emperor, this was his first appearance.

After thousands of years, the storytelling elders have changed tremendously.

Before that, the storytelling old man realized three supernatural powers.

For thousands of years, he has accepted the inheritance of the Emperor's Palace, and the storytelling old man has realized four superb magical powers!

"problem occurs!"

The storytelling old man found Su Zimo for the first time, and looked dignified, and said.

Even in the palace of the emperor, the storyteller is aware of the world.

Su Zimo nodded and said: "I am going to convene the emperors in the ancient battlefield and join forces with the Dragon, Wa and Barbarians to resist the five fierce races."

The Master of Martial Arts encountered a bottleneck, and so did I ... o (╯ □ ╰) o

(End of this chapter)

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