Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1699: The emperors gather

Chapter 1699: The Emperors Gathered


The storyteller shook his head and said, "According to my speculation, there are more than twenty emperors in the ancient battlefield. Except for several emperors such as the Kongkong monk at Kongang Temple, they will take the initiative to stand out.

After a short pause, the storyteller said, "Some words, I might as well say straight. Although you are the emperor, you have far less reputation than the elder emperor, and it is difficult to drive the emperors."


Su Zimo said: "It is the emperor of ancient times. When the world was born, not many people in the world served him. The emperor's prestige and majesty was played by his own strength!"

"The way the Emperor has gone, I will go again."

The storyteller groaned a little and said, "What are your plans, I will do my best to help you."

"In a few moments I will prescribe the decree and summon the emperors of the human race."

Su Zimo said, "If the emperor hasn't arrived, ask his predecessor to take a shot and show his position. I'll invite it myself!"

"It doesn't have to be that, I can just ask them."

The storyteller said, "In my status, I still have this face. However, I can call the emperors of the clan, and I can't do it."

"Under the deserted martial arts, after a thousand years, the famine has revived, and the five fierce tribes want to join forces to kill the barbarians, dragons, and Dais!"

"If the three fierce tribes are destroyed, the human race is in danger! Now, in the name of the Emperor Wu, we will convene the emperors of the human race, and the ancestors will come to the magical list to discuss major events!"

Su Zimo's voice spread to every corner of the ancient battlefield. Even the monks in retreat could hear clearly.

The ancestors who heard the news looked different.

Some look worried, without hesitation, set off directly to the magic list.

Others were sneer, unheard of.


The monks at the Kongang Temple have been trained for thousands of years, and their injuries have been healed. Hearing the news, they couldn't help groaning a Buddhist horn and sighing: "Unexpectedly, the sky was just calm for a thousand years, and another **** wind was set off."

The Emperor of Prajna Monastery, who closed the retreat with the monk Kongyun, also expressed anxiety, saying: "Presumably something must have happened among the three major fiends. Otherwise, the five major fiends are hesitant and dare not launch it. War. "


The monk Kong Yun nodded: "If the situation is not critical, the Emperor Wu will not convene the emperors of the human race. I am worried that this war will most likely swept the heavens and the earth!"

"Let's go now."

The monk Zhiwen said a word and rushed to the magical list with the monk Kongkong.

At the same time, everywhere in the ancient battlefields, the emperor broke through the barriers and galloped towards the magical power list.

With the speed of the emperor's body, it didn't take long before he reached the magical list.

The barren Wu is standing under the magical power list, standing quietly, waiting for the emperors of the human race.

About ten emperors had heard the news of Su Zimo, and within an hour, they had already been on the supernatural power list.

Most of the emperor did nothing.

"Wu Huang, tell me, what is going on?"

The King of Overlord Palace couldn't help but ask, "Why did the five fierce clan suddenly start a war? In the middle, what happened?"

"Sure, everyone."

Su Zimo said in a deep voice: "Wait for the rest of the emperors, and the emperors will gather, and I will tell you this."

The storytelling old man has invited other kings.

It didn't take long for the Purple Emperor to arrive, expressionless, and looked at Su Zimo coldly, without saying a word.

He was invited by an old storyteller!

Since hundreds of years ago, the Emperor Zidian was once pitted by a monk from Daming and went back to retreat to practice. It wasn't until the old storyteller found him that he came here.

After a while, the Emperor of the Seven Killing Sect came.

In that year, the Emperor Zidian, the Emperor Han, and the Emperor went to hunt down the Ming monk, the Emperor Han died, and the Emperor was seriously injured and escaped. His injuries had just recovered.

After the purple electricity emperor and the emperor killed the emperor began to arrive one after another.

Although these emperors were reluctant in their hearts, the storytelling old men visited in person, and they were not good enough to refuse, so they left.

In less than half a day, the twenty-four emperors came to count, almost all from the super gates!

Like the mixed Yuanzong, after the fall of Emperor Yu, there is also a Extreme Emperor!

The details of the super gates are revealed at this moment!

Even the three great families of the Southern Region have the emperor arrived!

Eastern Gun King.

Simon King.

Nangong Dinghuang.

The Beiming family has just been revived because of the ancient God Spring. There is no Mahayana ancestor in this world, let alone the emperor.

Su Zimo glanced at the crowd.

The emperor of the human race, of course, is not the only one.

At least he knows that the Sword Emperor Yankee is not in the ancient battlefield!

After the storyteller came to Su Zimo, the **** of knowledge conveyed: "Almost all the emperors in the ancient battlefield have come. However, there is a person who I can't figure out his place."

The storyteller paused for a while and said, "He is the top of the magical powers who are tied to you. He who has the title" Sun and Moon "is also emperor."

"Don't worry about him."

Su Zimo shook his head slightly.

Just then, Su Zimo's mind suddenly sounded a voice.

"Brother Su, listen well."

Daming monk's voice!

Su Zimo remained calm and calm.

Just listening to the monk continued, "Five of the twenty-four emperors in front of you have practiced the Blood Alchemy. If you want to join forces with the three fierce clans, these five emperors must be killed! "

"These five people are the Emperor of the East, the Emperor of the West, the Emperor of the Temple of Heaven, the Emperor of the Temple of Heaven, and the Emperor of the Disha, and the Prajong Temple asked the monk!"

"I know."

Although Su Zimo looked as usual, his heart was shocked!

There are far more emperors practicing the Book of Alchemy, than he imagined!

The influence of the Book of Alchemy is too great!

Even in that year, he almost sank completely and fell into an endless abyss!

If these five emperors practiced the Blood Scriptures, they must be killed!

Imagine the calamities that occurred among the three fierce clan. If these five people were to stay in the middle of the tribal emperor and suddenly broke out, it would cause unimaginable losses!


The Emperor Zidian glanced around and couldn't help but say, "You have just been crowned. The shelf is too big. You must call the emperors of the clan to come over, what do you want to do!"

"Let me first say, I am not interested in the battle between fierce tribes."


The Eastern Gun Emperor also stood up and said in a deep voice: "If the fierce tribe kills, let them kill enough, it is better to lose both!"

"Desolation, I don't understand why the human race is weak in this world, why should we get involved in this battle!"

Ximen Jinghuang also said coldly: "In my opinion, this matter has nothing to do with people, we are the most sensible way to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight! You have so much arrogance in the dragon family, will it be so nervous!"

(End of this chapter)

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