Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1703: Three heads and six arms

Chapter 1703: Three Heads, Six Arms

"Isn't this dead?"

The Eastern Gun King's eyes flickered fiercely, his body flickered, and he came under Su Zimo's body, dancing with his hands to the spear!

An outrageous supernatural power burst out, and between them, the black pistol seemed to have disappeared.

In its place is a dark dragon full of body!

"Shenglong is broken!"

The Eastern Gun Emperor sighed, spurring the Yuanshen, and a peerless supernatural power belonging to gunfire broke out!

This dragon went out of the air, hovering up, carrying an unrivalled momentum, and slammed into Su Zimo severely!


This time, I bumped into Qing Lianzhen firmly!

Su Zimo flew out of the air from afar, a flare of blood burst out of his body, and a oozing sound came from his internal bones!

This time, I don't know how many bones were broken!

Qing Lian really was almost torn apart!

Not only that, the dragon was still surrounded by Su Zimo, constantly biting the flesh of Qinglian's real body!

Blood stained sky!

Since Su Zimo became emperor, Qinglian Zhenshen has not suffered such trauma.

At this moment, I saw the Emperor Ximen Mirror, the Emperor of Heavenly God, and the Emperor of Disha the Fu once again shot, and another supernatural power broke out!

"Death cut!"

The three emperors urged Yuanshen, his hands circling around him.

Between the palms of the three emperors, the power of supernatural powers continued to rotate, forming a huge death wheel with jagged edges, as dark as ink, galloping in the direction of Su Zimo!

This is a peerless supernatural power combined with many great supernatural powers such as Great Rip, Great Cutting, etc. The killing power is extremely terrifying!

Three roulettes are coming, filled with a heartfelt breath of death, and it is coming soon!

Before Su Zimo escaped from the pursuit of Shenlong, these three dark roulette wheels have already come down!

Su Zimo dragged his severely wounded body, urged Yuanshen, and broke out a lot of maneuvers, barely avoiding a dark roulette, but he couldn't avoid the other two.

He raised his arms to resist.


Blood is surging!

The dark roulette wheel fell on Su Zimo's two arms, seemingly stationary, but rotating at high speed.

Almost instantly, Su Zimo's two arms were cut and written, blood and blood spewed out, splashing everywhere, extremely tragic!

Su Zimo's face was pale, his teeth clenched, and he didn't say a word, madly urged the Yuanshen to run the endless magical power, and wanted to grow both arms out again.

But at the wound of this broken arm, there is a strong breath of death, decay and silence, and endless life, forming a counterbalance, and devouring each other!

The three emperors of Tianxiong taught the emperor to realize four superb supernatural powers or three superb supernatural powers.

The wounds caused by death cutting can't heal even after being endless!

Of course, if Su Zimo quietly heals his injuries and uses Qinglian's true recovery ability, these injuries will soon be healed.

But now, in this fierce battlefield, the four emperors are murderous and will never give Su Zimo a respite!

The four emperors have realized that in the face of realizing the endless Qinglian true body, they must continue to explode, making Qinglian true body unable to heal themselves, and eventually consume it!

"The Emperor Wu ..."

Seeing this scene, the eyes of many emperors such as Piaoxue Valley passed deep worries.

In their opinion, if this continues, the barbarity will surely die!

"Let's just watch like that?"

The Overlord Hall and the Emperor clenched their fists, and their eyes were full of anger.

The monk Zhiwen said: "This battle is the choice of Wu Huang himself. If you help, even if Wu Huang wins, it will be difficult to convince the public."

"Not to mention, even if you step forward, it won't affect anything."

The emperor of the Overlord Palace only realized two superb supernatural powers.

The darkened roulette on the battlefield only needs to be divided out, which is enough to wreck the emperor!

The storytelling old man frowned, looking dignified.

Just now, he almost could not bear it, joined the battlefield, and rescued Su Zimo.

As the guardian of the imperial palace, he could never watch Su Zimo besieged!

But he remembered what Su Zimo had said to him before the war.

The storyteller looked at Su Zimo's eyes.

Although severely hit and life was hanging, these eyes are still calm and abnormal, with bright lights shining!

The storyteller took a deep breath, endured, and continued to watch the war, ready to shoot at any time.

On the battlefield.

Peerless magical powers of the four emperors caused great damage to Qinglian's true body!

Qing Lian really lost her arms, and in the past ten breaths, she failed to grow back!

Not only that, the wounds on the arms have begun to rot, with a foul odor.

Su Zimo relied on many supernatural powers to evade back and forth under the siege of the four emperors.

But in fact, Su Zimo at this time has fallen into a wonderful state, and his mind is completely immersed in the insight of a peerless supernatural power!

His dodge action is more like an instinct drive.


The misty wings behind Su Zimo were torn by the dark roulette and collapsed.

Su Zimo's body speed suddenly slowed down.


The emperor Tianxiong was very bright in front of his eyes, pointed forward, and the black roulette passed by Su Zimo's neck!


Blood is springing up!

Su Zimo's head was cut by this dark roulette and fell from the air into the dust!

The head was chopped down, and this Qinglian real body was completely destroyed!

But this dilapidated Qinglian true body is still suspended in the air.

Su Zimo's Yuan Shen, sitting on the lotus platform of nature, has left one step ahead of time, suspended above Qing Lian's neck.

"Well, Wu Huang is over!"

"Yeah, two or three peerless supernatural powers are missing, and even the Qinghua Qinglian can't make up, the gap is too big."

"Qing Lian's body is abolished, and there is only one Yuan Shen left, which is not a fear."

Many emperors shook their heads, showing regret.

"Without physical protection, I see you are not dead!"

The Eastern Gun Emperor sneered, dancing the spear in his hand, and stabbed at it in the direction of the black-haired goddess on the forged lotus stage!


The dark-haired Yuanshen on the lotus stage suddenly opened his eyes.

In the eyes of the Yuanshen, there were two radiances!

Immediately afterwards, in the dilapidated Qinglian real body, an extremely powerful magical power suddenly burst out, swashing blood veins, bones and wounds frantically!


The dark lance of the Eastern Gun Emperor is about to stab the black-haired Yuanshen, and Qing Lian's neck suddenly grows a skull to protect the black-haired Yuanshen!

The dark pike speared on this skull, but it did not pierce it, but bounced back, and a sound of Jin Ge fighting came out!

Immediately afterwards, Qinglian's real arms grew back!

In a blink of an eye, Qinglian's true body was already restored!

This is not over yet!

On the other side of this skull, another skull grows!

Suddenly, there are two more arms in Qinglian's upper body!

"this is……"

Many kings widened their eyes.

When the third skull and the third pair of arms grew, the emperors changed color and exclaimed: "Peerless magical powers, three heads and six arms!"

I might have written a Nezha ...

(End of this chapter)

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