Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1704: Even the Emperor

Chapter 1704: Even the Emperor Cut

In the blink of an eye, at the very center of the battlefield, Su Zimo grew three heads and six arms, and the breath of the whole person kept rising!

Three heads and six arms are the superb magical powers of the ancient emperors.

It is with this peerless supernatural power that the Emperor of Ancient Times can use his own power to suppress many of the fierce top emperors and dominate the ancient times!

The power of supernatural powers poured into the body, constantly baptizing and tempering the physical blood of Su Zimo, even the Yuanshen.

Qinglian Zhenshen became more powerful!

Su Zimo's body was blooming with blue rays, like a **** coming!

The strength of the three heads and six arms has not yet fully manifested, and Qinglian's true body has produced an amazing transformation!

Prior to this, whether it was the starlight long sword of the Emperor Tianyan, or the dark gun of the Eastern Gun Emperor, they could pierce Qinglian's true body.

Now, after two baptisms of tempering and baptism, the innate magic of the four emperors can no longer hurt Qinglian's true body!

Su Zimo stood in place, waving six arms, or fists, or palms, or fingers, or claws, bare hands and fists will stab the magic weapon that came over, resist as many as possible!


The magic weapon of the four emperors was popped up, but Qinglian's true body was unscathed!

The faces of the four princes of the Emperor Tian changed greatly!

They can clearly feel that the power in Su Zimo's body has not stopped, and is still rising rapidly.

Waiting for this peerless supernatural power, quenching Qinglian's true body, Su Zimo's power will reach what level, even they do not know.

The only certainty is that they are by no means Su Zimo's opponents!

"Break me!"

Su Zimo held the good fortune lotus platform and smashed it down towards the pitch-black roulette that circled around him!

boom! boom! boom!

Three consecutive loud noises, these three peerless supernatural powers, were held by Su Zimo holding the forged lotus platform, and the power of blood broke out, and they were smashed into nothingness!

Su Zimo's body was full of blood and blood. Behind him, a turquoise green lotus emerged with huge lotus leaves covering the sky.

It seems that under this heaven and earth, it is under the control of this created Qinglian!


Su Zimo gave a loud scream, and a peerless superpower with three heads and six arms erupted, fighting four emperors.

One of the arms, holding up the forged Lotus Terrace, fell down towards the Emperor Jingmen!

The Ximen Mirror Emperor quickly held up the bronze ancient mirror and resisted towards the Fortune Lotus Terrace.


A loud noise!

The bronze ancient mirror is perfect, but the arms of Ximen Jinghuang are all broken!

The power of great terror, rushing into his body along the bronze ancient mirror.

I saw a burst of blood mist on his flesh. Instantly, countless flesh burst, Ximen Jinghuang became a blood man!

If it weren't for the bronze ancient mirror to resist, Su Zimo's look would be enough to beat him into powder!

No blood can be reborn!

You know, it is the fierce tribe that comprehends two peerless supernatural powers, and the combat power is equivalent to the human tribe to understand the four peerless supernatural powers.

The Bapin forged green lotus is more powerful and terrible than the fierce tribe!

After all, there is only one strain of Qinglian, even Su Zimo himself doesn't know how powerful the two Qinglian real bodies can be.

Today's battle, just let him prove it!

In one blow, Ximen Jinghuang was hit hard. Su Zimo didn't hesitate, his body flickered, and he stepped forward again, giving Ximen Jinghuang no breathing space at all.

I saw that Su Zimo's other arm was turning round, his fist swelled with blood, as if a big seal had condensed, and he was suppressed towards Ximen Jinghuang!

"Ghost Blood Shield!"

In the Emperor Ximen's body, there was a breath of blood of extreme evil. Between his hands waving, a sparkling blood shield was condensed!

"The Blood Scriptures!"

The storyteller saw his eyes narrowed and murmured.

The emperors also realized that what happened to the Emperor Ximen Mirror at this time was the magical power in the Book of Blood Refining!


Su Zimo's look remained unchanged, the big seal transformed by his fist continued to suppress, collided with the ghostly blood shield, and a loud noise broke out!

Immediately after, the Ghost Blood Shield shattered!

Peerless supernatural power, can't stop Su Zimo with three heads and six arms!


Immediately afterwards, under the impact of this huge force, the physical body of Ximen Jinghuang was shattered, and a Yuanshen escaped, while condensing flesh and blood, galloping away.


Su Zimo suddenly opened his mouth, and the mystery of Thunder Sound Kill broke out, and came down.

With a thunderous kill, the power is scary enough.

Three heads, three mouths, and this range mystery broke out at the same time.

Resonance between the three heads, the power of thunder killing has increased more than three times!

I saw that the flesh and blood around the Emperor Ximen Jingyuan had just condensed in half and collapsed on the spot.

The Yuanshen stood still in the air, and cracks had emerged from it. The breath of life had diminished sharply and he could not live!

Ximen Jinghuang, was struck by Lei Yin!

At the same time that Su Zimo shot and killed Ximen Jinghuang, the other three emperors also shot at the same time and burst into a crazy offensive towards Su Zimo.

However, Su Zimo had three heads and six arms. Even if two arms took turns to suppress Ximen Jinghuang, four arms were still vacated to resist the other three emperors.

With three heads and six arms, the change brought about is not just an increase in strength.

That is a transformation on the battle level!

In the state of three heads and six arms, Su Zimo's eye view of the six roads will not be attacked by anyone!

The Oriental Gun King danced with a spear in his hand and rushed up.

Su Zimo raised his arm and clenched it into a fist, and the fist gun in his hand collapsed into a fist!

Blood was dripping from the palms of the Eastern Gun King.

The Emperor Tiandi and Emperor Disha were also repelled by Su Zimo's fists.

At this moment, Lei Yinsha came, and Ximen Jinghuang fell.

The Oriental Gun King only realized three superb supernatural powers. This thunder kill also caused him a great impact!

On his flesh, blood even appeared, almost shattered!

There was a hint of blankness in his eyes.

In my mind, a brief gap appeared.

Such a flaw, although fleeting, is enough for Su Zimo!

I saw Su Zimo's body flicker, came to the East Gun King, stretched out his fingers, and gently touched the East Gun King's forehead.


A blood hole emerged, and blood came out.

The eyes of the Eastern Gun Emperor suddenly became congested, but in an instant, they faded.

In his knowledge of the sea, the Yuan Shen has been shattered by Su Zimo!

The Eastern Gun King's head crooked and fell from the air.

The emperors were stunned.

No one had expected that the original wildfire was already a mortal situation, but the situation reversed, and three heads and six arms were realized, and an overwhelming power broke out, killing two emperors in succession!

On the battlefield, Su Zimo was so imposing that his eyes were like a torch. He stared at the notable Emperor Tian Di and Emperor Di Sha Fu not far away, and the meteor walked over!

"You two, let's meet!"

Soon 2019, how many book friends are looking at eternal New Year ...

(End of this chapter)

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