Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1705: Zhiwen (Happy New Year's Day)

Chapter 1705 Wisdom (Happy New Year's Day)

The Emperor Tiandi and the Emperor Disha Fu stared at each other, hesitated a little, and in their eyes, a blood glow appeared, and there was a decision.

The two decided to fight again!

If we can kill Huangwu Town here, the blood of Huangwu will have an unimaginable increase in their combat power!

"Blood offering!"

The two emperors urged the secret method and spoke at the same time, a voice of cold and evil was revealed in the voice.

Although many of the emperors present have long been hiding in the distance to watch the battle, when these two words fell, the blood in the emperors' bodies became a little tempted, uncontrolled, and left the body!

Some emperors even sacrifice peerless magical powers, but still cannot stop the restlessness of blood in their bodies.

The emperors are shocked!

This is how they would stand in the distance, unthinkable, at the very center of the battlefield and facing the Emperor Wu of this secret method!

But what surprised all the emperors was that Su Zimo only frowned slightly, his body didn't even stop at all, and it had no effect!

In a blink of an eye, Su Zimo has come to the two emperors!

Not to mention the onlookers, even the Emperor Tiandi and the Emperor Disha Fu changed their looks.

how can that be!

Once the secret method in the "Blood Alchemy" is released, even the supernatural powers will be difficult to resist.

Even if Su Zimo is Qinglian's true body, and his blood is strong, he will not be affected at all!

What the Emperor Tianfu taught the Emperor Fu was that the Emperor Yu had released this secret method to Su Zimo and Daming Monk.

However, at that time, Su Zimo and Daming Monk had no influence.

On the contrary, Emperor Yu was hit hard by the blood sacrifice of Daming Monk!

"The Way of the Demon!"

Su Zimo snorted coldly and said, "Destroy me!"

Su Zimo raised his arm, holding the good fortune lotus in his palm, flashing the bright and splendid brilliance, suppressing toward the Emperor Fujiao!

And his other arm, hitting the Tianxiong Xiong Emperor.

As soon as I shot, I had to suppress the two kings!


Emperor Disha had no time to dodge, and in a hurry, he quickly gathered the blood shield of the Nether, resisting in front of him.


The fortune-making Qinglian smashed into this nether blood shield, the lotus bloomed, the blue light diffused, piercing the nether blood shield!

Su Zimo's eyes suddenly became as dark as ink, exuding a dark and cold atmosphere, a dark beam of light burst out, and landed on the face of the Emperor Fuxia!

Youying pupil!

This pupil technique has not been cultivated to the level of supernatural power.

Although Fu Huang's face could not be penetrated, a layer of ice crystals was condensed on his face, and his blood was frozen!

In the emperor's knowledge of the sea, the temperature plummeted.

His primordial gods were covered with frost and bitter!

Fuhuang's consciousness had a momentary stagnation.

Just in the blink of an eye, Fortune Liantai broke the blood shield of the Nether and slammed into the face of Fuhuang fiercely!


Fu Huang's face can block the power of Youying's pupils, but she can't stop the good fortune lotus platform, which is torn apart by this one!

The emperor of Fuhuang failed to escape and was killed on the spot!

Disha Pope, fall!

The Emperor of the Heavenly Gods was also affected by the power of Youying's pupil.

Today, Su Zimo, with three heads and six arms, is the dark beam of the pupils of Youying, which will burst into as many as six!

However, in the sea of ​​consciousness of the Emperor of Heaven, many stars emerged, resisting the power of Youying's pupils, and keeping awake.

Before Su Zimo's killing trick came, the **** of the gods who had taught the emperor had fled the flesh in advance!


Su Zimo's four fists fell down in turns, almost regardless of the front and back, and the physical body of Tianxiong Xionghuang was smashed to pieces, flesh and blood flying!

The eight-pin forged Qinglian real body who comprehends the two peerless supernatural powers is enough to suppress the human emperor who comprehends the four peerless supernatural powers!

"Blood Rebirth!"

The Yuan God who was taught by the emperor fled, and quickly urged the supernatural power to reunite the flesh.

However, Su Zimo followed suit, dancing with six arms, and killed again!

Huh! Huh! Huh!

At the same time, Su Zimo urged Yuan Shen, and his body was still galloping. The magic weapons that had fallen everywhere had turned into streamers and fell into his palm.

Suddenly, Su Zimo's six palms were holding a magic weapon, suppressing them in turn towards the Tianxiong Emperor!

boom! boom! boom!

A deafening roar sounded.

The emperors looked secretly, their hearts shaking.

There is absolutely no skill at all. It is absolute strength, six arms, and bombardment in turns. Even if the Emperor of Heaven ’s God is strong, he cannot resist it!

After two consecutive crackdowns, the starlight sword in the hands of the Emperor Tianxiong was smashed by Su Zimo!

Su Zimo's body continued to rotate, and his six arms were dancing magic weapon, continued to suppress and fell down, there was no pause at all!

The tone of Tianxiong taught the emperor was unable to breathe, and was killed by Su Zimo's life!

With three heads and six arms, if it is aimed at an emperor, that fierce and unreasonable offensive, who can resist?

Even the emperors watching the battle felt a choking!

"Three heads and six arms, is indeed the legendary power of the Emperor of the Ancients, it is really terrifying!"

"A Wu Emperor is already so powerful. Imagine that this is equivalent to three Wu Emperors firing at the same time.

"Understanding the two superb supernatural powers already has such a combat power. If we can understand three or four, wouldn't we be on par with the emperor emperor?"

"I estimate that the future achievements of Emperor Wu may be above the emperor of ancient times!"

After the war, the emperors no longer had any doubts about Su Zimo's **** of the people.

After Su Zimo Zhen killed the Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor, the killing in his eyes did not disappear. Six eyes turned and fell on the body of an emperor at the same time!

"Zhi asked, come out and die!"

Su Zimo said coldly.

The emperors present all had nine things in their hearts.

Seeing Su Zimo's look, you know there must be something strange here!

Many emperors retreated, and distanced themselves from Zhiwen.

The monk Kongyun frowned slightly. He didn't want to abandon Zhiwen and asked the monk to leave. He asked with a fist: "I don't know why the emperor wants to kill Zhiwen?"

"Because he doesn't kill me, I will kill him!"

The monk's voice suddenly became extremely eerie, sounding in the ears of the monk in the air.

"Be careful!"

Immediately after, a warning came from the storyteller.

The monk of Kongyun was shocked. He didn't have much time to think about it. He was extremely decisive. He discarded the flesh directly, and the Primordial came out of the shell and fled away!


Asking the palm of the monk, he shattered the head of the monk in the cloud, and the Yuanshen, who could transport the monk by air, would kill the spot on the spot!

"You can't escape!"

The inquisitive monk's expression became extremely embarrassing. His eyes were blood-red, and he suddenly opened his mouth, protruding his scarlet tongue, spreading several feet, and rolled towards the cloud **** monk's Yuanshen, and it came instantly!

In these years, every New Year's Day, the old knife is a code word New Year's Eve ... Recall, a little warm

(End of this chapter)

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