Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1706: All four are empty

Chapter 1706

This scarlet tongue is extremely fast. In such a short period of time, the monk of Kongyun has no time to reunite the flesh, and instantly falls into a dangerous situation!



A scroll descended from the sky and quickly unfolded. On the scroll, some scarlet writing was written, but it was much bleak.

This scroll directly encircles the empty cloud monk, with the handwritten side facing outward.

The tongue of Zhiwen Monk hit directly on this scroll, instead of penetrating the seemingly thin paper, it caused a burst of smoke!

Stab it!

This scarlet tongue, as if burned by some force, directly retracted.

Zhiwen Monk groaned and frowned slightly.

"The Emperor's Decree!"

Among the emperors, someone recognized the origin of this scroll.

However, it was Su Zimo who shot in time, sacrificed the emperor's decree, and rescued the monk Kong Yun.

Hundreds of years ago, this man emperor's decree once killed the emperor.

Over the years, the "killing tactics" power left by the emperor's emperor in the law of the emperor has almost dispersed, and it cannot threaten the emperor at all.

But even so, this person's imperial edict still has the breath and power of the ancient emperor, and it is not easy to be penetrated!


Under the protection of the emperor's law, the monk Kongyun quickly reshaped the flesh and reappeared. Looking at Zhiwen asking the monk, his eyes were questioned, angry, and confused ...

"Zhi asked, why are you!"

The monk Kongyun still couldn't believe it, Zhiwen asked the monk to kill him!

Just now, if Su Zimo had rescued him, he would be dead at this time!

"No reason."

Zhiwen Monk looked cold, and a strange blood glow appeared in his eyes!

"You also practiced that magic?"

Kongyun Monk seemed to feel something, and frowned.

The monk Zhiwen smiled, and ignored the monk Kongyun, the blood in his eyes turned and fell on Su Zimo's body, and said, "Wu Huang, let me try your means!"

"Comet strikes the moon!"

Zhiwen asked the monk to take out the sword tactics, put his fingers together, sip softly, and chopped in the direction of Su Zimo!

The endless sword intentions are condensed on the sword fingers of Zhiwen Monk, dark and deep, killing intentions!

Kendo's peerless superpowers!

At present, there are two types of kendo peerless supernatural powers known on the continent, one is the comet striking the moon, and the other is Bai Hongguanri.

When the comet struck the moon, the emperors were shocked!

Not because of this peerless supernatural power, but because of the erupting power of Zhiwen Monk!

The power of this peerless supernatural power is even higher than the talented Emperor Tiandi and the Emperor Disha Fu, and they have to upgrade to another level!

You know, both Xionghuang and Fuhuang understand the four superb supernatural powers.

The strength gathered by the Zhiwen Monk is stronger than the two emperors, and there is only one possibility.

Five Peerless Supernatural Powers!

No one had expected that this wise monk hidden among the emperors had already cultivated five peerless supernatural powers, even stronger than the Xuanhuang!

In ancient times, the emperors stood side by side, and there was only one cultivating five superb supernatural powers, which was the Lige Demon Emperor.

On the battlefield, the thrilling Kendo magical power comes down!

A black mang burst into the air, the speed is very fast, and it is coming!

At Su Zimo's speed, he couldn't escape.

At this moment, this Kendo supernatural power even shielded his spiritual sense!

It's too fast!

Su Zimo Yan gave out all his blood and jumped up!


This black mang directly pierced Qinglian's real chest!

The fierce killing sword gas poured into Qinglian's real body, cutting and tearing every inch of flesh and blood, destroying vitality crazy!

However, the real body of Qinglian who has realized the two superb supernatural powers is not as it is now.

The comet struck the moon, and it is the limit to pass through the true body of Qinglian, the peak of the eight products. It is impossible to completely destroy the true body of Qinglian!

Qing Lian's body was full of anger and blood.

Endlessly running, vitality is endless, surging and surging, like a tide, whistling and surging in the body.

The sharp sword, just after devouring the vitality of an inch of blood, more vigorous vitality came!

Two extreme forces, with Qinglian as the battlefield, devoured each other.

Although the blood hole in Qinglian's chest did not heal immediately, she no longer bleeds, and healed little by little!

"Creating Qinglian is perfect!"

When the monk saw this scene, he sighed and said, "If you wait for this Qinglian true body, you will realize three ways, four superb supernatural powers, or even five, six, and the world, who else can resist!"

"If you wait for this Qinglian true body to cultivate to the realm of Jiupin, you may drop your head if it is taboo!"

The inquisitive monk looked mad, his eyes lightened, and a burst of greed appeared.

This look is strange.

Normally, the stronger Su Zimo, the stronger Qing Lian's true body, the greater the threat to Zhiwen Monks.

On the contrary, Zhiwen Monk is more agitated than Su Zimo!

Suddenly, Su Zimo's heart suddenly rose into an illusion.

At this point, the person he was facing seemed to be no longer an intelligent monk.

"You also come to pick me up!"

Su Zimo ignored the insane wisdom and asked the monk to step forward.

The six arms danced, each holding a magic weapon, or a sword or sword or lotus platform, in the mid-air, wielding a residual image, suppressing the monk towards Zhiwen!

The two supernatural powers he realized were not direct killing superpowers.

Although the three heads and six arms are terrible, what is improved is their own strength, without revealing any magical powers and suppressing the opponent.

Even so, the power erupted by Bapin Fortune Qinglian is powerful enough to even shake some magical tools!

Once he was approached by Su Zimo, his six arms were suppressed in turn. Zhiwen Monk did not even have the opportunity to procure magical powers.

At that time, Zhiwen Monk had only one ending and was killed by life!

That's the end of the Emperor Tianxiong.

With endless energy and three heads and six arms, almost no one has consumed Su Zimo!

The moment Su Zimo came to the front, the body of Zhiwen Monk suddenly retreated, the blood in his eyes disappeared, and the whole person became solemn and compassionate.

The monk Zhizhi pointed at Su Zimo and vomited the Sanskrit voice: "The four majors are all empty!"

Hearing these four words, all the emperors and storytellers present were moving!

The four are all empty, but among the many supernatural powers of the Buddhist priests, an extremely powerful supernatural power with amazing lethality!

In the ancient times, the emperor of the Buddha could repress some fierce emperors by comprehending the three superb supernatural powers.

In addition to the merits of creating Qinglian, it is because the ancient Buddha emperor has realized this superb magical power!

The so-called Big Four are ground, water, wind and fire.

This is the foundation of everything in the Buddhist scriptures.

The four majors are all empty, that is, everything becomes nothingness and goes to silence!

(End of this chapter)

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