Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1707: Qinglian is immortal.

Chapter 1707: Qing Lian is immortal, and the age is long!

In some of the ancient books that have been circulated, four scenes of emptyness have been recorded.

In the battle of antiquity, the Emperor Buddha released all four empties. Under the eyes of all, the fierce emperor turned into nothingness and disappeared completely from this world!

It's like being wiped away by an invisible force!

What magic weapon, what flesh and blood, all the gods have become nothing!

The Buddhist monk's supernatural power has not been practiced by any Buddhist monk since ancient times.

Unexpectedly, in this life, Zhiwen Monk has cultivated four big empty!

Even more frightening is that the ancient Buddha emperor only realized three supernatural powers.

The Zhiwen monk realized that the five superb supernatural powers were released in an empty way, and the power that erupted was even more terrifying than the ancient Buddha Emperor shot that year!

Su Zimo dancing with six arms, watching as he rushed to the front of the monk Zhiwen, but suddenly stopped in the air.

It's like being held in place by an invisible force!

Then, under the gaze of countless gazes, the magic weapon in Su Zimo's hand dissipated one by one and turned into powder.

Then, even these powders disappeared and became completely empty!

Except for the goddess of lotus, which is still intact, all the other magic weapons disappeared, like the dust falling on the mirror surface, and was wiped away.

Soon, Su Zimo's six arms also began to crack.

The legs, skull, and body were all turned into sky powder, and soon disappeared!


The emperors took a sip of cold air, only to feel cold all over the body.

The Emperor Qinglian's true body is so powerful that she can even shake her magical powers.

But even so, it was wiped out by the four big empty places!


At this moment, an emperor whispered and said suddenly, "No, the Emperor Wu is not dead yet, and the goddess of lotus is still there!"

The emperors looked intently.

I saw the floating lotus terrace in midair, although the light was dim, but it was still intact. In the center of lotus terrace, there was a black hair primitive god, which was Su Zimo!


The monk Zhichi sneered slightly, spurring the power of the primordial spirit, and continued to bless the powers of the four major cities. He whispered, "Earthwater, wind and fire have become nothing, I see how long you can persist!"


In the middle of the good fortune lotus stage, Su Zimo's Yuan Shen opened his eyes and slowly said, "Even if this world is destroyed, I will not die!"

"Even if the local wind and wind turned into nothingness, the fortune-making Qinglian still exists forever!"

The words didn't fall, and the good fortune lotus platform began to spin up. Seventy-two lotus holes spewed out a ray of light. Under this lotus platform, a turquoise lotus stem grew, and lotus leaves covered the sky!

Just in a blink of an eye, a good-fortune green lotus re-grown out, soared to the sky, gently swayed, ripples, and a blue halo was exuded.

The storyteller Changshu breathed a sigh of relief, nodded secretly.

"It's not dead!"

"The natural green lotus is indeed the treasure of heaven and earth. It seems that the natural green lotus comes from the immortal world. It is absolutely true. The lower world cannot breed such a powerful treasure!"

"I heard that when the heavens and the earth were not open, there was a green lotus born of chaos. The four majors are all empty, but they are only due to chaos. How can they harm the created green lotus?"

The emperors talked, their eyes were shining with brilliance, they were very excited.

For them, being able to see this kind of confrontational battle is also of great benefit to their practice.

"Zhi asked, you lost!"

Su Zimo has re-emerged, and has come to the front of the Zhiwen Monk. He is so imposing that he screams, holds up the good fortune lotus, and smashes down towards the Zhiwen Monk!

"Ghost Blood Shield!"

The monk Zhiwen did not dare to use physical force to directly condense the third superb supernatural power.

A huge blood shield condensed in front of Zhiwen Monk, shimmering, exuding an extreme evil breath.


The good fortune lotus platform smashed on this blood shield, failed to break the shield for the first time, but the good fortune lotus platform fell into scarlet blood!

This **** water contains a powerful filthy power, a magic weapon for bad people.

If it was replaced with other magic weapon, soaked in this blood water, it would have become waste copper and iron.

The good fortune lotus is permeated with rays of light, preventing the surrounding blood and water from contaminating it, forming a confrontational stalemate!

"Wu Huang!"

Zhiwen smiled slightly and said, "You just realize the two superb magical powers, and you are just as powerful as me. If you want to kill me, you are too naive!"


Su Zimo also sneered, and said, "If you have only this means, I will send you on the road now!"

The words did not fall, Su Zimo's palm was patted on the storage bag, and from there he took out a black seal, with sharp edges and corners, exuding a terrifying atmosphere!

This dark seal has just been sacrificed, and the void in the ancient battlefield shivered a little!

Royal Seal!

Condensed the luck of the wild, the mountains and rivers, the real heavy weapon, suppress everything!

Prior to this, even in the face of the siege of the four emperors, Su Zimo did not sacrifice the emperor's seal, simply because he wanted to understand three heads and six arms.

Now that this peerless supernatural power has been realized, he has no reservations.

"Break me!"

Su Zimo sighed, raised the Emperor's Seal, and slammed it down towards the blood shield in front of him!

Wisdom monk's pupil contracted sharply.

Under the pressure of the imperial seal, he felt the breath of death!


There was a thought in the mind of the monk.


A loud noise!

Ghost Blood Shield was smashed directly by the imperial seal, blood and blood splashed!

Although this **** water is evil, it can't contaminate the first half of the created lotus and the emperor's seal!

Su Zimo supported the creation lotus lotus in his left hand, holding the Emperor's Seal in his right hand, and smashing his head and covering his face toward Zhiwen Monk!

The blood shield was broken, and Zhiwen asked the monk to quickly sacrifice his own destiny, a magical magic pestle.

Zhiwen Monk danced to demons the King Kong pestle, resisting the past toward the Emperor Seal!


Su Zimo was drinking.


Cracks appeared on the King Kong pestle, which was broken by the imperial seal!

In fact, no matter how strong the imperial seal of the people is, you can't shatter the five magical swords that have been smashed by the superb magical powers.

But this magic weapon is a magic weapon.

The Zhiwen monk has been completely enchanted, and cannot really exert the true power of this magic weapon.

Zhiwen Monk finally changed color!

The demons have broken, and while he is in shape, he retreats, bites the tip of his tongue, spit out a blood, and condenses a huge blood face in the air, swallowing towards Su Zimo!

This is the fourth supernatural power!

But at the moment when this peerless supernatural power just condensed out, Zhiwen asked the monk to tremble and frown, what seemed to be the problem, this **** face had a tendency to collapse!

Such an opportunity, Su Zimo would not let go.

He stepped forward, picked up the imperial seal, and shattered this **** face directly!

Zhiwen asked the monk's eyes flickered, his expression was horrified, and he shouted, "Blood 遁 Dafa!"

(End of this chapter)

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