Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1708: At the touch

Chapter 1708

Seeing that the situation is not right, the monk Zhizhi wants to use the Dafa of blood to go away and leave!

The blood puppet Dafa, cultivated to the level of supernatural power, burns half of the blood, and the speed of bursting out is also extremely amazing!

A burst of blood left.


The storytelling old man pointed forward, and the Emperor's Hall came down, carrying an immense grandeur, suppressing the monks towards Zhiwen!

The monk Zhiwen practiced the Book of Blood Alchemy, and must not let him escape!

At this point, the storytelling old man had realized that the Book of Alchemy was reborn, and even many emperors were caught in it. There must be an unimaginable secret behind this!

The storyteller wanted to ask the monks to find out the secret behind it.


However, the storytelling old man still despised the speed of the **** Dafa.

The blood passed by, and before the imperial seal of the people came, they fled to the sky, and soon disappeared into the sight of everyone.

Su Zimo stood still, motionless.

It's not that he doesn't want to chase, but he knows that even if he leaves, he can never catch up.

It is important that Su Zimo knows a little bit.

Zhiwen Monk can't live!

Ahead, there is another person waiting for him!

"Zhiwen comprehends the five superb supernatural powers, and this time letting him escape, he will become a poster child!"

The storytelling old man looked worried and murmured.

"Senior, don't worry, he can't escape."

Su Zimo said lightly.


In the distant sky, beyond the edge that the emperors' consciousness could not detect, there was a violent wave of strength, and the blood was soaring!

Immediately afterwards, a bloodline's power quickly died down, and the fluctuations there gradually subsided.

"this is……"

"That's where Zhiwen flees. Is Zhiwen intercepted?"

The emperors stared at each other, showing suspicion.

Too far away, the emperors could not perceive what happened in the distance, but they vaguely guessed that the Zhiwen Monk had fallen!

"Even if Zhiwen has just fought a battle and his combat power has diminished sharply, but after all, he is a five-god supernatural power who tempers the flesh and soul. Who can kill him?"

"It's not clear. In the battlefield of ancient times, there may be no hidden strong man."

The storytelling old man groaned a little, and suddenly heard and heard from Su Zimo, asking, "Zi Mo, who intercepted Zhiwen, but the emperor who said" Sun and Moon "?"

Su Zimo nodded.

There was a flash of light in the eyes of the storyteller, and he asked again, "This man is a monk from 40,000 years ago?"

"it's him."

Su Zimo was a little silent and did not hide it.

Lin Xuanji can guess, and the storyteller old man can naturally guess as his teacher.

"I didn't expect him to die for 40,000 years!"

"It's not unfair to lose him."

Although Tianji was killed by Yan Beichen, he fought twice and lost to Daming Monk. The last time, he lost his life!

For a time, the storytelling old man seemed to fall into memories, remembering many past events, and looked with emotion.

"Whether this man returns in this life, is he an enemy or a friend?"

The storyteller asked again.

Although he guessed the identity of Daming Monk, he didn't know much about Daming Monk in this life.

"do not know."

Su Zimo shook his head slightly.

Although the monk saved him, there is some connection between him and the monk. For this reason, the monk is different from him.

The return of Daming Monk is no longer Daming Monk 40,000 years ago!

Forty thousand years ago, the monk, who was compassionate and compassionate, would never kill innocent people.

But the great monks of this life were stained with endless blood!

He even set up the Taichu Ancient Temple for the purpose of practicing "Breaking Blood Demon Gong", and led many monks to come and kill it!

If the Daming Monk 40,000 years ago knew the situation of World War I, he would do his best to stop it.

However, in this life, the monk took advantage of the situation and counted the heavens in it, refining the many blood vessels of the heaven and earth valley and promoting cultivation.

Su Zimo was not sure whether the monk was an enemy or a friend.

"Don't worry about him."

Su Zimo groaned a little, and said, "The biggest crisis at present is still from the five major fiends."

The storyteller also nodded.

"Wu Huang, you order, how to fight this battle!"

The emperor of the King of Palaces asked loudly.

Su Zimo Shen said: "No accident, this battle will break out in the Northern Territory. At that time, as long as you can resist the emperors of the major demons, as for the five fierce emperors, I and the Dragon, Dai, The barbaric emperor will fight against it. "

The emperors looked at each other with a light sigh of relief.

If let them fight against the fierce emperor emperor, it is mostly fierce.

But if it is against the previous demon emperors, it can be a battle!

Later, Su Zimo discussed with the storytelling elders and the human race emperors how the monks and disciples of the major gates could resist the army of the five fierce clan.

In the middle of a gloomy cemetery in Zhongzhou.

In an ancient coffin under the ground, it was dark and cold, and no fingers were seen.


In this ancient coffin, two blood flashes suddenly!

That seems to be a person's eyes!

"It's a bit interesting. The cards I left in Terran have all been cleared up by you."

An eerie voice, suddenly remembered, echoing in the ancient coffin, creepy!

"I'll take a look. How do you break this game now!"

"Well, I'm looking forward to it ..."

A spooky laughter sounded, accompanied by a harsh creak.

It seems like someone is sticking out sharp nails and constantly scraping the coffin lid!


After three days.


The Tianyan, Bloodvine, Raksha, Jinwu, and Wu, including the Protoss, gathered together. The six clans are divided into different camps, with the chiefs of each tribe and densely packed.

Among the six fierce tribes, a unique battle posed.

Protoss came first.

After the race, the origin of the protoss is no longer a secret. This time, the five major fiends join forces to let the protoss act as pioneers!

After the fall of the Emperor God, although the Protoss had emperors, they were absolutely invincible to the Emperor Jinwu and Emperor Wuming, and they had no choice but to compromise.

What's more, for the Protoss, the wildness and chaos will do more harm than good to them!

Behind the Protoss are the Jinwu, Tianyan, and Bloodvine.

These three fierce siege siege a circular camp, protecting the weakest witch tribe in the middle.

Many Rakshasa are floating in the air.

This formation can maximize the combat power of the six fierce clan!

Outside of the six fierce tribes, it is even more spectacular. It is a vast and endless billions of monsters from the eight demon realms, all over the mountains, roaring in the sky, shaking the world!

The emperors of the eight demon domains have all surrendered to the six fierce tribes!

Under the orders of the major demon emperors, the beasts and relics in the major demon domains also came out of the mountain to form an army of various demon domains, gathered in Zhongzhou, and surrounded the six fierce tribes.

The battle is about to start!

(End of this chapter)

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