Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1709: Outbreak of war

Chapter 1709 Outbreak

The emperors of the eight demon domains have all arrived in Zhongzhou, with a total of seventeen.

The emperor of the protoss came to the four deities, and was also juxtaposed with the imperial elder.

The Protoss has been removed from the fierce tribe. Although its combat power is strong, its position is not much different from the eight major demons.

The emperor of the five fierce tribes stood in the middle.

Underworld Wong and Jinwu Fire Emperor are listed!

Beside these two emperors, there are three emperors who are juxtaposed with them.

Thousand Eyes Emperor of the Tianyan Clan.

The new blood emperor of the blood rat family.

No Shadow Emperor of Rakshasa!

Among the fierce clan, status is severe.

The Underworld Emperor and Jinwu Fire Emperor comprehend the four superb supernatural powers. They are the top emperors, and they can be side by side with each other, and they must be similar!

The three people without the shadow emperor are the emperors who have risen among the three fierce clan in recent years, and they have also realized the four superb magical powers!

Behind the five emperors, the remaining emperors of the five fierce clan also surpassed fifty!

Over the years, the accumulation of the major fierce tribes has been too great!

Compared with the war in ancient times, this kind of battle is not hesitant.

This will be a world-wide war that swept the entire continent!

The five emperors of the Golden Wuhu Emperor stood in the air, looking at the hundreds of millions of troops gathered in Zhongzhou, looking a little excited.

Not surprisingly, after this battle, the Dragon, Wa, and Barbarians will be removed from the Tianhuang continent.

And their five fierce tribes will regain control of the sky and become the hegemon of this world!

"Qi Wu Wu Ying."

At this moment, an ancestor of the Raksha clan came forward and knelt down directly, and Shen said, "The barbarians are empty, and it is reported that the barbarians have all moved to the valley of dragon bones in the North!"

"I see, go on."

Emperor Wuying nodded slightly, looking at Jin Wuhuohuang and others, Shen said: "Let's go, enter the Northern Territory!"

The Witch Witch, holding a white bone stick, stood still and didn't know what she was thinking.

"Witch, what's the matter?"

Jin Wuhuo asked suddenly.

The Witch Witch was a little silent and said: "Such a sudden change in the three fierce tribes of the Dragon, Barbarian, and Wa nationalities suddenly occurred, which is a little weird."

"Do you doubt it is a trap?"

Jinwu Huohuang laughed abruptly, and said, "Relax, I have got the exact news, Chenlong Huang has fallen!"

"The Emperor Chenlong is dead, the rest are not afraid!"

The Blood Emperor also said: "Yes, among the Dragon, Dai and Barbarians, the major emperors have suffered heavy losses, and the Barbarians and the Barbarians have fallen in succession!"

Ming Wu Huang Dao: "Let's come all the way, the major mountain gates of the human race are almost empty. It seems that the human race is ready to join forces with the dragon race."


The Emperor Jinwu laughed loudly: "It's nothing more than a group of ants! If the Emperor of the Nation has come down, the human race would have been destroyed thousands of years ago!"

"In this life, the human race has just given up a barbaric war."

"But why did the Hailong Emperor and others suddenly betray the Dragons and Dais?"

The Witch Witch thought of another thing, squinting slightly, still a little puzzled.

Hades: "Also, these emperors did not come to us. Where did they go?"


Emperor Qianyan smiled and said, "You think a little too much. In any case, this opportunity is once in a lifetime, and the Dragon, Dai and Barbarians are the weakest time!"

"At this time, if we don't start this war, wait for the two real bodies of the barbarous to grow up, and where are our five fierce tribes?"


Emperor Wuying said: "If you do n’t say someone else, you are the descendant of the taboo god, and you will never let us go! Do n’t forget, the beastly parents can be regarded as indirect death in the hands of our ancestors!

"This little beast, I don't know what level of cultivation."

The Witch King asked.

"rest assured."

Jin Wuhuo said: "He has just become emperor at most, and it is not a big threat to us! If you give him some time and wait for him to reach its peak, hey! All five of us will become his blood food!"


The Witch King no longer hesitated, temporarily suppressing many confusions in his heart, and Shen said: "Go to the Northern Territory and destroy the Dragon Clan!"

There is one more word, the Witch King did not say.

Even if there were any other changes, the Witches prepared a killing trick!

Once this killing trick was launched, let alone the Dragon, Wa, and Barbarians, even the Tianyan and Jinwu families around him would be destroyed!

At that time, the Tianhuang continent is most likely to be the hegemonic situation of the witches!


The army was launched, and there was no need for the Witch King to wait for command.

Hades and others, just need to communicate the order to the ears of the chiefs, and the chiefs will dominate the army and head towards the northern region!

Hundreds of millions of monsters roamed the mountains and mountains, the smoke was rolling, the dust was everywhere, wherever they went, no grass was born!

A battle that swept the entire famine finally broke out!

Ten days later.

The monsters in the forefront finally set foot in the North!

The first to rush into the Northern Territory was the Crazy Lion Ridge, one of the eight demon domains.

Crazy Lion Ridge originally belongs to the Northern Territory, and is most familiar with the Northern Territory. When they set foot in the Northern Territory again, many demons became extremely excited.


At this moment, swords of light came across.

A lot of magical instruments and magical instruments descended on the sky, and countless spells were woven into a net of heaven and earth, covering the many demons that rushed in!

"My monk, cut monsters and remove demons, right now!"

The Lord of Piaoxue Valley descended in the air, holding a long sword, murderous, and pointed at the opposite group of demon. Behind him, many practitioners of Piaoxue Valley shot.

At the same time, at the junction of Beiyu and Zhongzhou, the practitioners of Liuli Palace, Jianzong, Overlord Palace, the major immortal gates, Buddhist gates, and magic gates came one after another!

In addition to the super super gates, the main gates of the sky famine, the family, and even some of the monks in the small gates are gathered here under the convening of the Emperor Wu!

These days, it is enough for the major super monks to gather monks to face this battle!

Without temptation, the masters of the super super gates directly led the army of self-cultivation against the demon!

This is a battle between human life and death!


There are five fierce clans behind the group of monsters, which are even more unaware of the evil spirits, and they will kill the spiritual practitioners in front of them!

Looking down from the sky, two huge forces collided fiercely at the junction of the Northern Territory and Zhongzhou.

It was like two huge torrents collided, and a loud noise broke out!

The moment the two torrents collided, there was countless blood permeating and splashing around!

But all of a sudden, the heavens and the earth were red with a thick layer of blood, and the air was filled with blood, terrible!


A golden light fell from the sky, fell heavily in the monster beasts, pierced the ground, and the surrounding earth was shattered!

Immediately afterwards, a tall figure came down, bare his breasts, and roared!

(End of this chapter)

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