Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1712: Yeling shot

Chapter 1712: Night Spirit Shoots

Valley of Dragon Skeletons.

The emperors of the human race have gathered here, the storytelling old man, the old dragon of the mysterious palace has come here!

The emperors of the Dragon, Wa, and Barbarians have also appeared.

This is the first time that the Terran team has joined forces with the fierce race since the time of Archean.

However, no matter the emperors of the human race, or the emperors of the dragon, barbarian, or dai, they all looked very dignified and looked at the direction of Zhongzhou.

They are not worried about the battle of thousands of peoples at the border between Beiyu and Zhongzhou.

Even if the six fierce clan join forces with the eight demon realms, they can fight one of them!

What's more, on the other side of the northern border, they also have a killer badge.

The emperors are really worried about the battle of the emperors!

If this battle is lost, even if the northern border is won, they will be destroyed!

The battle of the emperor is more fierce.

The only variable is the Emperor Wu.

The eyes of the emperors fell subconsciously on Su Zimo.

Su Zimo's expression was calm, without showing the slightest fear and worry, which gave the emperors a little more confidence.

But in fact, Su Zimo's heart was also uncertain.

These days, he is always trying to contact the Martial Lord.

However, it is still fruitless.

The martial art deity seems to have disappeared from the wilderness, leaving no trace!

The martial art deity encountered a bottleneck. If he couldn't get a sense of it, even if he was out early, he would not be able to control the battle of the emperor.

Battle of the Kings, disparity!

On their side, there are only five Emperors of the Dragon Clan, including the Dragon Phoenix and Dragon Burn, who have just broken through.

The two emperors of the barbarians were seriously injured and could not participate in the battle. Only two were left if they had combat power.

The Qiang people have a rich heritage, but after a catastrophe, the emperor fell to as many as seven.

Today, there are only six emperors.

The emperors of the Dragon, Barbarian, and Dai nationality are only 13 together!

Because of the existence of the supernatural forbidden area of ​​the Kunlun tribe, they left Kunlun Market a thousand years ago and entered the Mahayana territory one after another.

It's only been a thousand years, and there hasn't been a Kunlun emperor.

The Battle of the Kings, the Kunlun tribe cannot help!

At this moment, a few powerful figures emerged not far from the front, such as the flying Rakshasa, the **** vines, and the three-legged Jinwu like the scorching sun ...

The six fierce emperors come together!

The five headed by them are the Underworld Emperor, Jinwu Fire Emperor, Thousand Eye Emperor, Blood Emperor and Wuying Emperor!

Around these fierce emperors, there are a total of seventeen demon emperors!

Seeing this scene, the faces of the storytelling old man, Long Ran, Yue Manhuang, Xiaohuang Huang and others have become extremely ugly!

The gap is too big!

There are five top emperors on the six hordes.

The contrast between the other emperors is also very different.

Although there are more than 20 emperors of the human race, there will be nothing left to the demon emperors in the eight major demon domains.

But there are more than fifty honored kings from the six fierce tribes together!

And the emperor of the three fierce tribes on Su Zimo's side has only thirteen.

Su Zimo's original plan was for his two true bodies and Yeling to join forces to try to fight against five top emperors such as the Underworld Witch and the Opposite King.

But now he has to change plans!

If you let the dragon and other emperors face the emperors of the six fierce tribes, the power gap will be too great and there will be no chance of victory at all.

I'm afraid that Dragon Phoenix hasn't separated the victory and defeat, and Long Ran has been completely defeated!

Su Zimo said in a deep voice: "I join hands with you to meet the other emperors of the six fierce clans."

When Su Zimo made this choice, it meant that Dragon Phoenix Zhenshen would join hands with Yeling to fight against the top five kings of Hades!

At this moment of time, the Hades and other people have come outside the valley of dragon skeletons and stood in the air, looking at Su Zimo and others.

Many emperors confronted and oppressed!

The sea of ​​bones outside the Valley of Dragon Skeletons quietly turned into a dust of ruins!


The Emperor Jinwu suddenly laughed and said, "Desolate military, you haven't seen it for thousands of years. Your change is not small, both of you have been emperor."

"If you don't see it for thousands of years, you haven't grown much."

Su Zimo said lightly.

Sudden Witch King said suddenly: "Desolate, don't hold your ground. You know in your heart that this battle, you have no chance at all."

"Listen, as long as you are willing to take an oath and submit to us, I can be the master and spare you not to die! I can even keep your clan and heritage!"

The words of the Witch Witch seemed to have a strange magic power, and the sound came slowly, and many emperors heard it, and they were a little moved.


Su Zimo burst out laughing.

In this laughter, there is a powerful method of sound field, like the Buddhist chants of Buddhism, sacred and vast, and it explodes in the ears of everyone!

Many emperors were shocked and came to their senses.

Just now, they were almost confused by the voice of Hades!

Fortunately, the Emperor Wuxi warned the police with Brahma in time and shocked her, so that they did not sink into it.

At this point, the emperors' faces became a little ugly, and they were afraid for a while.

Wu tribe, specializing in Yuan Shen.

The Underworld Emperor is deeply versed in this way, and with just one voice, it can affect the mood of many emperors present, which shows that the means are terrible!

The two sides confronted each other, and it seemed that a war broke out.

But in fact, Hades has already done it!

Just as the Underworld Emperor was running secret methods that affected the mood of many monks, a gap was suddenly opened above the Underworld Emperor's head!

A dark claw suddenly protruded out, flashing a dim light, and grasped it fiercely according to the heavenly spirit cover of the Witch King!

This time there is no warning!

There were many emperors present, but none of them noticed that someone had been lurking in the void, and suddenly a fatal blow broke out!

The timing of this shot was also perfect.

It was when the Witch Witch King shot against the Terran Kings that his mind was most relaxed!

The claws are extremely stingy, and the exposed bones are like pouring molten steel, full of metal texture, and seem to penetrate everything!

What's more terrible is that the breath on this claw makes the fierce clan present feel a shock.

"It's a taboo god!"

Jinwu Fire Emperor reacted for the first time and exclaimed.

Only the taboo blood can make them feel this kind of palpitations!

The Jinwu fire emperor didn't have much time to think about it, and quickly transformed into the shape of the body. A fiery golden flame was sprayed towards this crack and burned away.

It's just that no matter how fast the Jinwu Fire Emperor reacted, it was too late.

Ye Ling's shot this time was obviously a blow. He didn't choose the other emperor of the Jinwu Fire Emperor, but instead attacked the Hades.

Although the underworld emperor is the top emperor, his physical blood is the weakest among the five top emperors!

With the enemies of many powerful enemies, Yeling couldn't deal with it for too long, and there was only one chance to shoot!

If he could kill the town of Hades, the pressure on him and Dragon Phoenix would be greatly reduced!

(End of this chapter)

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