Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1713: Battle of the Kings (one more)

1713 (details)

No one can save the Hades.

Except himself!

"A false curse!"

The Witch Witch had too much time to think, madly motivated the Yuan Shen, chanted a spell, and a peerless supernatural power broke out directly!

Generally speaking, in the battle of the emperors of this scale, the major emperors will not easily use peerless magical powers.

As a result, the Peerless Supernatural Power consumes the Yuan Shen greatly.

Secondly, once the Peerless Supernatural Power erupts, it will be difficult to release the Peerless Supernatural Power in the following period.

This also means that the Emperor has one less hole card!

Although the Underworld Emperor is the top fierce clan emperor, the combat power is equivalent to the human emperor who comprehends the six peerless supernatural powers, but in fact, he only comprehends the four admirable powers.

And this time, Hades had no choice.

If he does not sacrifice this peerless supernatural power, he will surely die!

There is a weird and powerful power permeating the Wraith King's weak body.

Under the gazes of the emperors, the figure of the Nether Witch King suddenly became a bit empty, as if hiding in another space, looming!


Ye Ling's claws passed through the body of the Hades, but they seemed to pass through a layer of air, unable to exert any force, and no blood flowed out.


The Underworld Emperor comprehends four peerless supernatural powers. Although his physical blood is weak, his Yuan Shen is too strong!

The moment Yeling shot his hand, he already noticed the change, so he could burst out a false curse and fight against it.

Yeling missed his shot, and his body was mostly exposed from the cracks in the void. The long tail behind him flung over, like a gloom in the night!

The night spirit's long tail, sharp and sharp, pierced directly into the void in which the Witch King hid!


The shape of the Underworld Witch has become nothing and disappears, but the void begins to pour out blood!

Nether Witch King was hit by the night spirit!

But unfortunately, it failed to stab the Underworld King!

At this moment, the golden flame of the King Wuhuo has also come down.

At the same time, the Emperor of the Thousand Eyes, the Emperor of the Shadowless, and the Emperor of the Blood also shot. Yeling could only give up the pursuit of the Underworld Emperor, and his body flickered like a ghost, passing by a Protoss Emperor.

The Protoss Emperor responded extremely quickly, hitting directly on Yeling.

But Ye Ling was full of purple-golden scales, and his defense was amazing. Ignoring the shot of the Protoss Emperor, he bite down!



The Protoss emperor hit Yeling, but his head was bitten by Yeling, and the Yuanshen failed to escape, and was swallowed by Yeling!

The talents and powers that Yeling felt are all ways to strengthen the body and strengthen the way of killing, similar to the three-headed, six-armed, six-toothed idol.

There will be no major killings manifested, all supernatural powers to enhance their own combat power!

Yeling failed to attack the Witch Witch in one shot, but other emperors still couldn't stop Yeling's killing!

boom! boom!

Ye Ling's body speed is extremely fast. After killing a Protoss Emperor, he quickly leaves the battlefield.

The offensive of Jinwu Fire Emperor and all others failed!

Ye Ling came to the side of Dragon Phoenix and stood side by side, looking at the many emperors on the opposite side, looking cold.

At the same time, the figure of the Underworld Witch gradually manifested from the void.

The Witch King was pale and cold, and there was a shocking blood hole in his chest!

Although the blood was stopped by the Witch Witch's curse, the speed of wound healing was extremely slow.

Whether it is the claws of the oracle, or the tail, there are subtle purple gold flames burning on it, and the lethality is amazing. The Hades can keep this flesh, which is already pretty good.

If you change to another emperor and are penetrated by Ye Lingdong's body, I am afraid that between a few breaths, it will turn into an ashes!

The battle of the emperors has not really broken yet, the Witch Witch has been injured, and a Protoss emperor has fallen!

Many emperors on the six fierce tribes looked at Ye Ling with a hint of fear and fear.

On their side, if there are no top five emperors of the Nether Witch King, I am afraid that these dozens of emperors may not be able to block the killing of the deities!

"Little beast, dare you hurt me!"

The Witch King's face was gloomy, and the eyes were shining with dim green light, strange and gloomy.

"Kill me!"

The Witch King waved the bone stick in his hand and whispered.

The Battle of the Kings broke out!


Long Huang Zhenshen did not hesitate to directly imitate the form of the body, without reservation, and killed the past towards the Emperor of the Blood and the Shadowless Emperor of the Raksha clan.

At the same time, Yeling also rushed up to fight against the Emperor Qianyan and the Emperor Jinwu!

The Witch Witch stood in the distance, taking control of the overall situation, commanding the six fierce royal emperors, and Shen said: "Go and siege the dragon, Dai and barbarian emperors!"

"You demon emperors of the eight demon realms, go against the human king! As for these two taboos, give them to us, you don't have to worry about them!"

boom! boom! boom!

The emperors of both sides shot in succession, and the collision of magic weapon and blood caused a loud noise!

Su Zimo sacrifice a superb magical power, with three heads and six arms, holding the Emperor's Seal in one hand, and holding the good fortune lotus in one hand.

In the rest of the palms, they also grasped the magic weapon or sword or sword obtained from the ancient battlefield Yuhuang and others, spinning their bodies, dancing six arms, and rushing into the opposite crowd!

boom! boom!

puff! puff!

The several magical weapons that came over were smashed by Su Zimo holding the Emperor's Seal and the Lotus Lantai.

The several emperors in the front, also Su Zimo's offensive, were torn apart and blood spewed!

However, this is not alone.

In this scuffle, even if some of the emperor's bodies were broken by Su Zimo, Yuanshen could escape in time.

The remaining emperors would swarm up and not give Su Zimo the chance to hunt.

Qing Lian really realized the two peerless supernatural powers. Among the fierce tribe, he realized that the two peerless supernatural powers couldn't stop his footsteps.

Su Zimo sacrifice three heads and six arms, rushing straight and fighting in all directions, even the formation of more than 50 fierce royals, rushed to pieces!

Among the six fierce clans, there are nine emperors who have comprehended three peerless supernatural powers, and came towards Su Zimo.

Only those who understand the three supernatural masters can fight Su Zimo!

Nine fierce emperors shot, and even outbreak of supernatural powers, only then stopped Su Zimo's footsteps and surrounded them!

The remaining fierce emperor rushed to Long Ran and others.

The emperors such as Long Ran, Xiao Xi Huang, Yue Man Huang also roared loudly, transfigured themselves, and rushed up.

It was almost the moment when the two sides collided, that was blood splattered and flesh flying!

Long Ran bite a Rakshasa emperor in two, and has not killed the Rakshasa emperor's Primordial Town.

A three-legged Jinwu dived down, and on his body, a piece of flesh with dragon scales was torn off!

Emperor Yueman smashed the flesh of a Tianyan emperor with one punch, and a blood vine with countless barbs was entangled to restrict his figure.

There is even a Witch King who launches a Yuanshen attack on him!

Emperor Yueman was pale, and was almost directly cursed and killed by a mystery!

(End of this chapter)

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