Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1714: Xun Peng Xiaoyao (second more)

1714 (details)

On the other battlefield, although there were only seven emperors fighting, there was no one around to dare to approach!

Dragon Phoenix Real Body, God, Night Spirit, two taboos, against the top five Emperors of the Underworld!

Yeling is facing the Emperor Tianyan and the Emperor Jinwu.

The Emperor Jinwu has four peerless supernatural powers that train the blood of the physical body, after transforming into the body, and killing with the night spirit in close proximity, they do not fall at all!

Yeling's speed is fast, Jin Wu's fire emperor is not slow!

After all, Yeling just realized a superb supernatural power. Both sides have the same realm, but the level is too much.

If it's just fighting alone, it's not clear who wins.

Nowadays, the two top emperors, Jinwu Fire Emperor and Thousand Eye Emperor, join forces to firmly prevail and completely suppress the night spirit!

What's more important is that there is also the Witch King who is out of the battlefield and may shoot at any time.

If the Underworld Emperor shoots, it must be a thunder strike!

Ye Ling still has half of his energy and puts it on the Witch King.

As a result, Ye Ling resisted even more difficultly in the face of the offensive of the Emperor Jinwu and Emperor Qianyan.

However, Ye Ling, who bears the blood of the gods and is a near-instinct killing method, also left many wounds on the emperor Jinwu's fire and the thousand-eyed king!

However, these injuries are nothing to both parties.

On the other hand, the situation of Long Phoenix's true body is not optimistic.

Dragon Phoenix Real Body just realizes a peerless supernatural power. Even if it has a six-fold increase in power, it is no better than the Blood Emperor and the Wuying Emperor.

Of course, Dragon Phoenix has its own strength!

Emperor Wuying is a Raksha clan, although his speed is fast, but Dragon Phoenix really has wings of Dragon Phoenix and Dapeng Golden Wing, and the speed is not slow!

The two sides fought fast in the air, turning them into two glorious races, chasing each other and killing each other.

I can only see a lot of glory, runes, energy, and collision in mid-air!

The void trembled, cracks appeared!

The blood is constantly falling!

The blood emperor transformed into the body, thousands of blood vines growing barbed came out, densely packed, like a group of giant pythons, bloodthirsty, wanting to entangle the real body of Dragon and Phoenix.

But Dragon Phoenix's talents are supernatural, and the flame of Dragon Phoenix is ​​terrifying, burning everything.

These blood vines tangled up, but in just a few breaths, they were burned to ashes by the flames of Dragon and Phoenix!


The Blood Emperor mocked and sneered, "Dragon Phoenix, I'd like to see, how long can your flame burn!"

The blood vine was burned, but a large amount of dirty blood spewed out of the blood vine and spilled on the body of Dragon Phoenix!

Each time the blood is spilled, the flame of Dragon and Phoenix will weaken by one point!

Moreover, these blood vines seem to be endless. At this moment, hundreds of dragon flames have been burned, but blood vines are still being reborn!

"Do you think that only you know how to keep going?"

The blood emperor smiled proudly.

Dragon Phoenix looked dignified.

If it is consumed in this way, when the flames of the Dragon and Phoenix are extinguished, or the power is exhausted enough to burn the Blood Vine, his body speed will also be limited.

At that time, he could not stop the offensive of Wuying Huang at all!

And all this, there is almost no solution!

Dragon Phoenix Zhenshen's explosive power is amazing and there are many ways to kill, but he can't afford the blood emperor who understands the four superb magical powers and controls the endless blood emperor!

What's more important is that from beginning to end, the Witch Witch hasn't really exploded the killing tricks, but just seeks out opportunities in the periphery and constantly tries.

Once the Witch King Emperor takes the shot, Dragon Phoenix Realm and Night Spirit will be in danger!

Even according to the original plan, Qinglian Zhenshen and Dragon Phoenix Zhenshen and Yeling joined forces, there is not much chance of winning!


North border.

Millions of people fight against each other!

On this battlefield, although there is no emperor, the scene is even more horrible. The bones are everywhere on the border, and the blood is bleeding!

With every collision, countless corpses are left on the ground!

Terrans, Dragons, Barbarians, Dais, and Kunluns are guarding the northern defense line, but there are too many strong men in the six fierce and eight demon realms!

The human race and the dragon race started to retreat.

Even among the human race, there are Mingzheng, Ji Fairy, and even some junior demons, such as Bei Mingxue, etc., can not resist the offensive of the six major fierce races.

Long Cang, a five-clawed dragon, was besieged by the six fierce powerhouses.

Just now, he was almost beheaded by the protoss, and died dead!

The six fierce clans teamed up to maximize their advantages.

With strong physical blood, the Protoss rushed forward to fight the Kunlun, Barbarian and Dragon races.

In the air, the Jinwu and Raksha clans joined forces to constrain the Kunlun and Dragon energies.

The Blood Vine tribe is rooted on the border of the Northern Territory, and has transformed into numerous blood Vine, almost forming a vast sea of ​​blood!

Huge blood vines swept across the battlefield, and countless lives will fall!

The Tianyan tribe and the Wu tribe joined hands to stand in the distance, and constantly release pupils and spells on the human side, causing huge lethality!

The physical body of the barbarians, although dominating the nine fierce tribes, is invincible.

But the weakness of the barbarians is also very obvious, that is the Yuanshen!

Many methods of the Wu tribe are aimed at the killing of primitive gods.

If the two are in close combat, the Witch tribe naturally has no chance.

However, the Barbarians want to break through the numerous obstacles and rush to the front of the Witch race, it is impossible!

In this way, the Wu tribe can unscrupulously release the Yuan Shen Secret and the Yuan Mystery.

Since the war, the barbarians have suffered heavy losses, and the witches' spells have come, and the barbarians have almost no chance of being spared!

"It won't work like this, it won't last!"

With Lin Xuanji's loose temper, he was also anxious at this time.

Bei Mingxue was holding a sword on the battlefield and had just beheaded a protoss ancestor. He suddenly stepped back and turned to look at a boy in black next to him, suddenly saying, "Master, you can shoot!"

Bei Mingxue's younger brother is happy, and taboo Xun Peng!

With the help of Taikoo Shenquan, Xiaoyao has already recovered from his injuries.

At the beginning of the war, Xiaoyao was hidden in the crowd, followed by Bei Mingxue, like an ordinary human race, and never revealed his identity.

At that time, many fierce emperors were present, and once Xiaoyao showed his blood, I was afraid that he would be strangled for the first time!

Therefore, Xiaoyao always followed the form of human race, followed Bei Beixue, and fought in the battlefield without revealing his blood and identity.

Now that the emperors have left, the drastic power fluctuations from the Valley of Dragon Skeletons prove that the Battle of the Kings has erupted!

Here, no emperor can threaten pastime!

"it is good!"

Hearing Bei Mingxue's words, Xiaoyao didn't hesitate, and exploded directly, causing the sky to shout!


A terrifying sea tide broke out!

I saw the sky over the border of the Northern Territory, Xiaoyao leaped forward, rushed towards the camp of the six fierce clan, and there was a sound of roar and blood in his body.

"court death!"

Seeing Xiaoyao rushing over, there was a fierce tribe who greeted him immediately!

The ancestors of the Protoss, Jinwu, Tianyan, and even the Wu tribe all shot!

In a short time, at least dozens of attacks raged, hitting the pastime in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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