Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1715: Shura arrives (three)

Chapter 1715 Arrival Of Shura


A dark, deep sea surfaced, and Xiaoyao's seemingly thin body had disappeared.

In its place is a giant, thousands of miles long, covering the sky, exuding a terrifying breath on its body, looking like a giant cock!

"Is this ... a grandfather?"

"But how could the strength in the uncle's ancestor be so powerful, even I felt a palpitation, as if a great disaster was coming!"

Many fierce ancestors frowned, staring at Xiaoyao with a look of uncertainty.

The shape of this giant salamander is larger than that of other ancestors, and it seems that there are some differences.

However, this giant was too big, and many powerful men looked up. In a short period of time, they could not see the whole picture, and they could not see any famous people for a while.


This giant **** opened its mouth and burst into a terrible suction!

In those dozens of attacks, there are magical magical powers, mystic spells, and a variety of spells, and some of the spells are still torn apart by this huge suction!

The rest of the magical powers were swallowed up by this bottomless giant mouth!


The faces of many powerful men changed drastically, taking a breath of air.

The moment when this behemoth came down, the sea water was permeated and coercive, and there was an instant stagnation on the battlefield across the northern border.


The giant cock's tail drew down fiercely, and a large shadow shrouded, as if the sky was falling, many strong men changed color, and quickly pulled back.


There was a loud noise!

The tail of the giant cormorant fell to the ground, smashing countless fierce powerhouses into a ball of **** mud, no bones!

After the Giant Tail's tail was lifted, a large blank area emerged from the camp of the six major fiends.

The strong men who had stood there and wanted to be stunned with them were all shot dead and destroyed!

"what happened?"

"This giant is obviously just the ancestral home, why is the power so terrifying!"

"Don't ..."

When many fierce strong men speculated, I saw that the figure of the giant suddenly became a little fuzzy, and then this behemoth disappeared directly in front of everyone!


Immediately afterwards, a sharp, long chirp sounded!

Many fierce strong men looked up and saw that above the sky, there was a Dapeng bird flying all over the body with golden wings flying through the clouds. Its wings are like the clouds of the sky, covering the wild and shining!

Only some of the Raksha and Jinwu ethnic groups fled from the tail of the giant salamander to the sky in the midst of the speed of their physical skills.

But just hit this golden-winged Dapeng head-on!

This golden-winged Dapeng shook his wings and turned into a dazzling golden light, passing by among the strong among the Rakshas and Jinwus!

puff! puff!

The bodies of these strong men were chopped into two by Golden-winged Dapeng, and the blood stained the sky!

Some three-legged Jinwu is held down by the golden-winged Dapeng's claws, like a little chicken in his palm, with no resistance!

Although the speed of the Raksha race is fast, it is far worse than the Golden-winged Dapeng, and they cannot escape at all!

The golden-winged Dapeng galloped in mid-air, and the sharp claws flashed. The head of a strong Rakshasa celebrity must be pierced, and the Yuanshen dies!


"It's taboo Kun Peng!"

Until then, many fierce clan powers did not react, and a roar of bursts broke out in the crowd.

From time to time, Xiaoyao turns into a giant maggot, sometimes into a Dapeng. On the battlefield, a fierce offensive erupts, and the taboo combat power is fully exerted!

After Xiao Yao's injuries were healed a few days ago, he has already entered Mahayana territory.

Although it is the early period of Mahayana, it can easily kill the middle-aged Mahayana or even the ancestors of the late Mahayana!

Only the fierce ancestors at the peak of Mahayana can join hands to fight against Xiaoyao.

The taboo Kun Peng came, let the situation on the northern frontier battlefield instantly reverse!

The morale of the Terrans, Dragons, Dais, Barbarians, and Kunluns was so strong that they began to counterattack.

Lin Xuanji rushed for a while, retreated from the forefront, found a few pills of swallows and swallowed in his stomach, taking a breather.

Lin Xuanji looked at the direction of the Valley of Dragon Skeletons, but his heart was not relaxed.

The situation in the Northern Territory, taboo Xun Peng guarded, has begun to prevail.

But what really determines the direction of this war is the Battle of the Kings in the Valley of Dragon Skeletons!

If Su Zimo and others fail, even if the battlefield on the northern border is defeated, it will not help.


Valley of Dragon Skeletons.

The battle of the king is getting fiercer!

Many emperors are already scarred, and in such a fierce battle, there is no extra mana to repair.

Dragon Phoenix really was here, although the five fierce emperors of the Jinwu Fire Emperor always prevailed, suppressing him and Yeling.

But the two taboos, with their strong physical blood, can persist.

Qing Lian's real side, alone fighting the nine fierce royal emperors who comprehend the three superb supernatural powers, can rely on three heads and six arms to form a stalemate.

After such a long war, Su Zimo still had no chance to completely kill an emperor.

Qing Lian really understands two peerless supernatural powers. If she fights alone, she can easily kill the siege of the emperor.

But the nine fierce emperors joined forces, and Su Zimo could barely protect himself.

During this period, he used the imperial seal several times to break the bodies of several emperors to pieces.

But he will soon be stopped by other emperors, and can only watch as the emperor's gods fled to birth, shed blood and reborn, reunited to form the flesh and killed again.

Of course, with the ever-lasting Qinglian true body, the power in the body is almost endless. Even if the nine fierce royals join forces, it will be difficult to kill them.

Whether it is Long Phoenix Real Body or Qinglian Real Body, they can still be undefeated.

But over the Terran Emperors and Long Ran, the situation has become precarious!

The Dragon, Wa, and Barbarians suffered heavy losses due to the previous calamity, and the number of royals was scarce. Facing the siege of dozens of royals by the six fierce tribe, they could not hold up anymore!

At this point in the war, there are already one Emperor and two Emperor Emperors!

The rest of the emperor, such as Long Ran and others, were also bruised.

The remaining emperors of the three races are already less than ten!

Even if the storytelling old man is helping here, he has already begun to fail, and it will collapse completely!

At this moment, a heartbreaking breath came down. Except for the top emperors such as the Underworld Emperor, everyone else felt a depression in their hearts!

Not far away, a pale-haired man walked slowly, expressionless, dragging a long dark knife in his hand, the tip of the knife slipped in the void, and the void cracked silently!

The white-haired man's eyes were dull, there was no emotional fluctuation, and a lot of negative emotions were exuded on his body!

The moment before, the white-haired man was still far away.

But in a blink of an eye, this person was already in the middle of the battlefield!


The white-haired man shot, the magic knife broke, and a sky of hatred came down, even covering a dozen fierce royals!

Shura arrived!

Updates at night

(End of this chapter)

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