Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1716: There is no end to this hate (four more)

Chapter 1716: This Hate Never Ends (Fourth)

"court death!"

These dozens of fierce clan also shot one after another, urging the qi and blood primordial gods, the imperial magic weapon, and slammed into the sorrowful sword of Shu Luo Yan Beichen.


The sound of Jin Ge's fighting sounded, it was harsh, and Mars was splashing.

At least half of the magic weapon was cut off one by one by Lizhan!

The other magic weapon, through the defense of the Li Heng Dao, killed Yan Beichen in the past!

Yan Beichen was expressionless, and seemed to be unable to feel the threat of these magic weapons. The sword light turned, and the Li Heng Dao carried a tumult of magic, and fell down towards a Rakshasa emperor.


The Raksha Emperor directly broke into a peerless supernatural power, moved instantly, disappeared from the place, and appeared in another void.

But this Rakshasa emperor has just appeared, and Li Li Mo Dao has already taken off!

It's as if the sword of Hate is coming and killing in an instant!


The Rakshasa emperor was too late to release the second peerless supernatural power, and was beheaded by Li Li Mo Dao on the spot. The Yuanshen failed to escape!

You know, since the war, except for Ye Ling, who has just begun to kill a Protoss emperor, the two Emperors have fallen.

Unexpectedly, Yan Beichen had just arrived, and two swords would kill a Razak emperor who comprehends three superb magical powers and beheaded him on the spot!

The horror of Shura can be seen!

Of course, Yan Beichen beheaded the Raksha Emperor, and was hit by many magic weapons. A burst of blood mist broke out and his body was almost broken.

But Yan Beichen's face still showed no fluctuations, and she seemed to feel no pain.

In his eyes, there is endless hatred!

Along with this hate, Yan Beichen's magical energy in his body became more and more intense, more and more, and a steady stream of surges came out, repairing the wound on his body!

In his palm, Li Li Mo Dao is also arguing and trembling, extremely excited!

"It's Li hate!"

The face of a witch royal changed greatly, and he said intently, "This man has inherited the legacy of Ligemon!"

Yan Beichen is very famous in the field of cultivation.

But among the nine fierce tribes, there is almost no reputation.

What's more, the fierce royals were present.

In the hearts of the fierce emperor emperors, they can pay attention to them, and there is only one arrogant in the human race. Even if they have heard Yan Beichen's name, they have not taken it seriously.

However, the four words Lili Demon Emperor have changed the color of many fierce emperors!

In the ancient books of the fierce clan, it is clearly recorded that in the battle of ancient times, although the emperor of the ancient people had the strongest combat power and invincibility, it was not him who killed the most fierce clan.

It's Li Henghuang!

According to ancient books, the Lichen Demon Emperor created a peerless supernatural power, which will put herself in a state of divorce. The deeper the hatred, the stronger the power, the almost endlessness, and the pain and fatigue.

At that time, if the Demon Emperor had fallen into a state of distress and was unable to extricate himself, and eventually suffered painful suicide, I don't know how many fierce people would be killed or injured.

Now Yan Beichen is clearly in this mood of hatred!

The man in front of him is simply the second Lige Demon Emperor!

These fierce clans do not know. Although Yan Beichen is in front of him, although his combat power is still inferior to the peak of the Demon Emperor at the peak, he inherits the inheritance of the two great gates, and his future achievements may still be above the Demon Emperor!

For thousands of years, Yan Beichen has never entered the ancient battlefield.

But he is still emperor.

The magical powers he perceived are all in the hatred sword!

Now, he has realized two peerless supernatural powers, plunged into the mood of aversion to hatred, and his combat power continues to rise. He can even cut off the murderous emperor who understands three peerless supernatural powers!

Su Zimo was in the middle of the war, and saw Yan Beichen's innocence, and finally let go of her thoughts.

He didn't meet Yan Beichen after the Wanzu Conference.

Unexpectedly, when Yan Beichen returned, he was already emperor, and his combat power was so terrible!

"kill him!"

A Tianyan tribe screamed loudly, and the eye at the eyebrow opened, and a peerless magical power erupted directly!

These fierce clan have already felt the horror of Yan Beichen and did not want to give Yan Beichen too many opportunities.

At the same time, other fierce emperors also shot, and did not dare to keep their hands. Peerless magical powers broke out in front of Yan Beichen.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the storytelling old man, Long Ran, and others quickly stepped forward and shot with all their strength.

Yan Beichen held the knife in both hands, as if he could not see the many supernatural powers erupting in front of him, and the whole person fell into a kind of great sadness and pain!

There were blue veins appearing on his neck, and his facial features became somewhat distorted.

Under such a strong hatred, most of the emperors present were affected!

Some fierce royal emperors who only understand a peerless supernatural power can't even control their own mood.

Yan Beichen was sad.

These fierce emperors followed with sorrow.

Yan Beichen was resentful.

The hearts of these fierce emperors followed with resentment!

The sentiments of some fierce emperors even began to be affected by Yan Beichen!

Yan Beichen's body was constantly surging with magical energy, but also filled with an extremely powerful magical power!

"Every day goes by sometimes."

Yan Beichen seemed to have forgotten where he was, and murmured, there were thoughts, sadness, pain, and hatred in his eyes ...

He looked at the void in front of him, holding the Lizard in both hands, and slowly chopped it down, whispering in his mouth:

"This hate is endless."

After these two sentences, Yan Beichen's palm seemed to have disappeared!

Immediately afterwards, a steady stream of dark magic energy condensed into an endless blade of light, constantly shuttled on the battlefield.

boom! boom! boom!

These knife lights collided with many peerless magical powers that came over, and a burst of loud noise broke out, which was appalling!

Hate is like a knife, endless!

A peerless supernatural power of a protoss emperor was chopped by a knife.

Immediately afterwards, Mian Daoguang fell down like endless hatred!

But between a few breaths, the Protoss Emperor was drowned by the endless sword light and chopped into a mist of blood!

Not only did every drop of blood's vitality be chopped off, its Yuanshen also died on the spot, and his death passed away!

The physical body of the protoss is so powerful that it can even shake the magic weapon.

But it was chopped into a mist of blood by this endless knife light that agglomerated with hate!

Faced with the actions of many fierce emperors, Yan Beichen burst into a peerless supernatural power, spurred the power of killing to the extreme, and cut one person!

Yan Beichen's shot, almost with his own strength, blocked the slump of the storytelling old man, Long Ran and other emperors, and stabilized the battle!

"Unexpectedly, in the human race, in addition to Wu Wu, there are such people and evil spirits!"

"If the deserted martial art is comparable to the emperor of ancient times, this person is almost the Lihe Demon Emperor of that year!"

Many fierce emperors were secretly shocked.

Fortunately, they started this war in time. If it takes longer, wait for the barbarity, Shura grows up again, and realize that there are more superb magical powers, and the consequences can not be imagined!

(End of this chapter)

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