Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1723: Sensation

Chapter 1723: Perceived Supernatural Powers

In the boundless blood sea.

Dragon Phoenix really fell into it, barely resisting the offensive of Wuying Huang, and couldn't escape at all!

But the longer you stay in the sea of ​​blood, the deeper the influence of Dragon Phoenix in the sea of ​​blood will be!

At first, the flame of Dragon and Phoenix was still burning on his body.

But now, the flames of Dragon and Phoenix have all gone out!

The Blood Emperor, while refining the blood on the battlefield, urged the boundless blood sea, resulting in the strength of the blood sea becoming stronger and stronger.

The filthy and evil power in the sea of ​​blood not only extinguished the flames of the Dragon and Phoenix, but also began to infect the Dragon Phoenix Linjia and penetrate the Dragon Phoenix through the Linjia!

The blood of Dragon Phoenix's true body is getting weaker and weaker!

In the melee assassination, he can't even stop Wu Yinghuang's offensive, and more and more wounds on his body!

What's more serious is that the ghosts and ghosts of the Underworld Witch always adhere to his body, constantly biting and eating his flesh and blood!

Long Huang Zhen Shen was plunged into the boundless blood, and it was already the limit to cope with the King of Shadows. He could not get rid of the ghosts and ghosts at all.

You know, the Five Ghosts and Demons devour not only the flesh and blood, but also Shouyuan!

At this moment of effort, unknowingly, Dragon Phoenix has lost 100,000 years of life!

Even if Dragon Phoenix is ​​taboo, with a longevity of hundreds of thousands of years, it can't stop the speed of such exhaustion!

But he was powerless to stop.

All of his hole cards have been exhausted and the current defeat is set.

Not far away, Yeling burned Shouyuan, but he still couldn't escape the pursuit of King Wuhuo and Qianyanhuang.

Under the attack of these two top emperors, Ye Ling's injuries became more and more serious, Qi and blood began to decline, and his physical performance was not as smart as the original.

It is only a matter of time before Ye Lingshen falls.

Qinglian's real situation was even miserable.

Besieged by nine fierce emperors, losing three heads and six arms, Qinglian's true body was almost shattered and could fall at any time!

Are you going to lose?

If he loses this battle, it will not be himself.

Old storytellers will die.

Kings of the Dragon, Wa, and Barbarians will die.

Terran emperors will die.

On the border of the Northern Territory, all the practitioners who have battled with the Eight Demon Realms and the six fierce tribes will be unable to escape their fate!

The people of the wild continent will either perish or be enslaved!

He can't afford to lose!

This battle cannot be lost!

Even if the master of martial arts successfully exits the customs and returns from cultivation, he will regret it when he sees the demise of the terrestrial continent!

At that time, all his deceased had fallen.

Without Yao Xue, little fat man, Lin Xuanji, Ji Fairy, Mingzhen, even if the remaining martial arts deity is still alive, what's the point!

Click! Click!

The five ghosts and evil spirits constantly bite the flesh and blood of Longhuang Zhenshen, swallowing with a big mouth, excited, and faint green light in his eyes.

Long Huangzhen's blood was dripping bitterly, which was terrible.

He was numb to the pain.

Feeling the process of Shou Yuan's exhaustion on his body, Long Huang Zhen flashed in his mind and suddenly fell into a wonderful state!

If you can realize a peerless supernatural power, you can break the situation!

As long as there is enough time, Dragon Phoenix has many great magical powers, and it is possible to cultivate to the level of peerless magical powers.

Over the years, Longhuang Zhenshen has also tried to cultivate too many great magical powers.

Among them, in addition to the six teeth, the most cultivated is years like a sword!

Long Huangzhen is returning to the realm, and she has already cultivated 'barrenness'.

The nature of desolation is the power of time.

In addition, in the stone statue cemetery where he preached, he was passed down by the ancestral half-ancestors, which was also a strength of time.

Although Long Huangzhen has been in contact with the strength of the age very early and for a long time, the strength of the age is too mysterious and the most difficult to figure out.

The years go by, everywhere.

The cycle of life and death is time.

Spring is coming and autumn is coming.

The rising sun is the years.

The vicissitudes of life are also years.

Years are like knives.

Years are everywhere, but they are difficult to capture.

Although Longhuang Zhenshen knows ‘desolation’ and can condense the time sword, for thousands of years, he has not been able to take the time sword any further and cultivate to a level of superb power.

The most important reason is that he didn't really feel the power of time!

He has not practiced for thousands of years.

For the taboo dragon and phoenix who has hundreds of thousands of years, for thousands of years, he is like a child, where do he know what is the passage of time and what is the vicissitudes of the sea.

But now, in this fierce battle, the ghost of the ghost of the ghost of the Witch Witch, but let the dragon and Phoenix really feel the deep cruelty of the passing years!

Just before he lost 100,000 years of life.

At this moment, the five ghosts and evil spirits ate blood and flesh, and he lost 100,000 years of life!

The 200,000-year-old birthday has passed away!

This feeling and experience has never been before.

In the heart of Longhuang Zhenshen, a wonderful feeling rose, and she fell into epiphany.

At this instant, he had a new understanding and perception of the power of years.

For thousands of years, all the confusions encountered in the years seem to have the answer.

In the boundless blood sea.

Dragon Phoenix's eyes closed.

Facing the close-killing of the King of Shadowless, he completely relied on spirituality and instinct to fight!

At the same time, the body of Long Huang Zhen Shen gradually filled with a mysterious wave of power, extremely subtle and getting stronger!

"Dare to close your eyes!"

The Emperor Wu Ying felt greatly provoked and insulted, and the offensive became increasingly fierce.

However, the power of Long Phoenix's true body also seems to be getting stronger and stronger, and all his attacks can be resolved!

"what happened?"

The Blood Emperor suddenly frowned, and found an abnormality.

It seems that the power of filth in the sea of ​​blood cannot penetrate the physical blood of Dragon Phoenix's real body, and it seems to have encountered a great resistance!


The Underworld Emperor seemed to feel something, and his appearance changed.

In his perception, although the ghosts and ghosts are still gnawing at the flesh and blood that bite and bite the dragon and the phoenix, the phoenix of the dragon and the phoenix is ​​no longer reduced!

At this moment, the Underworld Emperor felt a subtle wave of power!

"this is……"

Suddenly the Witch King opened his eyes suddenly, discolored suddenly, exclaimed: "Peerless power!"


The blood emperor asked subconsciously.

"Hurry up! Hit him and interrupt him!"

The Witch Witch screamed, pointed at Long Phoenix, and said loudly, "He is realizing the supernatural power! He can't let him continue to perceive it!"

There is another word, the Underworld Witch did not have time to say.

Peerless supernatural powers are also strong and weak.

Weak peerless supernatural powers, like a scorpion in their sleeves, hiding the sky and crossing the sea, do not have such a powerful killing power, and they are not a threat to them.

The powerful peerless supernatural powers are like the ancient Chinese emperor's killing tactics. When the bridge on the other side is released, he can directly obliterate the emperor!

The Witch Wong felt this supernatural breath in Dragon Phoenix, which made him feel a palpitation!

He didn't know what Dragon Phoenix was really understanding.

But he knew that this superb supernatural power is definitely not weaker than the word killer, a horrible supernatural power like the bridge on the other side!

(End of this chapter)

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